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Where the public can view, and discuss, the important issues of the day

» Hoyer Calls Funding For Election Reform in President's 2004 Budget "Inadequate", February 03, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD), the lead Democratic House sponsor of the landmark Federal election reform bill (the "Help America Vote Act") that was signed into law by President Bush last October, released the following statement regarding funding in the President's Fiscal Year 2004 Budget to implement those reforms...
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» Hoyer on the President's 2004 Budget and Federal Employees, February 03, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding the fiscal year 2004 Budget released by the Bush Administration today and its affect on federal employees...
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» Hoyer on the President's 2004 Budget: "The Fiscal Frankenstein Returns with a Vengeance", February 03, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding the Fiscal Year 2004 Budget released by the Bush Administration today...
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» President Proposes 2004 Budget that Puts Country Back in Red, February 03, 2003
Statements by Democratic Whip Hoyer (D-MD), and Rep. John Spratt (D-SC)
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» Spratt Says President's Budget Most Fiscally Damaging in U.S. History, February 03, 2003
U.S. Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) issued the following statement today on the President's Fiscal Year 2004 Budget
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» Statement of Congressman Hoyer on the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2003, January 29, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) made the following statement on the House Floor today regarding the Motion to go to Conference on the fiscal year 2003 Omnibus Appropriations Bill...
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» House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer: President Must Pro-Actively Tackle Domestic Priorities, January 28, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) issued the following statement today in anticipation of the President's State of the Union Address...
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» Hoyer and Davis Lead Region in Introducing Bipartisan Pay Parity Resolution, January 28, 2003
Two congressional leaders on federal employee issues, House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Government Reform Chairman Tom Davis (R-VA), joined forces today to introduce a bipartisan Sense of the Congress Resolution which calls for parity in pay adjustments between military and civilian employees...
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» President Bush Squanders an Historic Opportunity: It's Deja "Voodoo Economics" All Over Again, January 28, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement tonight after President Bush's State of the Union address...
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» Hoyer: Administration Plan on Rx Drugs Would Undermine Medicare, January 24, 2003
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement today in response to news reports that the Administration is planning to propose a plan that would force Medicare beneficiaries to join private health plans to obtain prescription drug coverage...
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» Center On Budget And Policy Priorities, On President Bush's Announcement Regarding TANF Reauthorization, January 14, 2003
"The President's proposal freezes funding for basic assistance, welfare-to-work programs, and child care for the next five years, with no adjustment for inflation, while imposing expensive new mandates on states...
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» Hoyer: Democrats Welcome Debate on Fairness, Impact of Competing Economic Plans, January 10, 2003
WASHINGTON - House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer released the following statement today in response to Vice President Cheney's speech in defense of the Bush Administration's economic plan and today's report that the economy lost 101,000 jobs in December ...
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» Hoyer Praises DGA Economic Stimulus Plan, January 09, 2003
WASHINGTON - House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer released the following statement today regarding the Democratic Governors' Association's Economic Stimulus plan ...
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» In a New G.O.P. Era, DeLay Drives Agenda for Congress, January 04, 2003
Republicans returning on Tuesday to take over Congress have been bestowed with a precious political opportunity — the second chance.
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» Democratic Whip-Elect Steny Hoyer on an Economic Stimulus Plan, January 03, 2003
Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD), the incoming House Democratic Whip, released the following statement today regarding an economic stimulus plan...
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» Democratic Whip-Elect Steny Hoyer Urges Immediate Action to Extend Unemployment Insurance Benefits, December 20, 2002
WASHINGTON – Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD), the incoming House Democratic Whip, released the following statement today at a press conference attended by Senior House Democrats who called for the immediate extension of unemployment insurance benefits (Congressman Hoyer, who was attending a funeral in his Congressional District, was unable to attend the press conference) ...
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» Democratic Whip-Elect Steny Hoyer: "President’s Call for Extending Unemployment Benefits Better Late Than Never", December 16, 2002
Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD), the incoming House Democratic Whip, released the following statement today regarding President Bush’s call on Saturday for Congress to extend unemployment insurance benefits for jobless Americans as soon as it convenes in January...
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» Democratic Whip-Elect Hoyer: Democrats will Present Strong Economic Vision, December 10, 2002
Democratic Whip-Elect Steny Hoyer (MD-5) released the following statement today on the second day of the House Democratic economic forum during a press availability with other members of the House Democratic Leadership
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» Democratic Whip-Elect Hoyer on House Democratic Economic Forum, December 09, 2002
Democratic Whip-Elect Steny Hoyer (MD-5) released the following statement on the House Democratic economic forum taking place today during a press availability with other members of the House Democratic Leadership...
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» Statement of Democratic Whip-Elect Steny Hoyer on President's New Economic Team, December 09, 2002
House Democratic Whip-Elect Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement today regarding press reports that President Bush intends to nominate John W. Snow to be Treasury Secretary and to appoint Stephen Friedman as the top White House economic advisor...
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» Congressman Hoyer Delivers Democratic Response to the President's Radio Address, November 16, 2002
Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD), who became Maryland's highest ranking Member of Congress ever when he was unanimously elected to be the next House Democratic Whip on Thursday, will deliver the Democratic response to the President's weekly national radio address on Saturday. The following is the text of Congressman Hoyer's remarks, as delivered ...
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» Political debate delays unemployment benefits, November 16, 2002
About 780,000 jobless Americans will lose their unemployment benefits at midnight, and a prolonged dispute between Republicans and Democrats could keep them and thousands more workers cut off from further aid for weeks...
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» Hoyer Pledges to Unify Party as Whip; Vote Makes Md. Democrat the State's Highest-Ranking Congressman, November 15, 2002
House Democrats unanimously elected Rep. Steny H. Hoyer to the number two post of minority whip yesterday, making him the leadership's most visible centrist and Maryland's highest-ranking member of Congress ever...
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» Statement on Election as Democratic Whip, November 14, 2002
Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement today upon election by unanimous acclamation as the new House Democratic Whip ...
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» Region's Representatives Seek to Keep Equal Pay Principle for Military, Civil Service, January 17, 2002
Eight members of the Washington area House delegation plan to send President Bush a letter today urging him to "embrace the principle of pay parity" and provide equal pay raises for civil service and military personnel in his fiscal 2007 budget plan.
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