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Office of Population Genomics


Mia Diggs
Program Assistant
E-mail: diggsm@mail.nih.gov

Lin Gyi, B.A.
Scientific Program Analyst
E-mail: gyil@mail.nih.gov

Lucia Hindorff, Ph.D., M.P.H.
E-mail: hindorffl@mail.nih.gov

Heather Junkins, M.S.
Scientific Program Analyst
E-mail: junkinsh@mail.nih.gov

Rongling Li, M.D., Ph.D., MPH
E-mail: lir2@mail.nih.gov

Teri Manolio, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Office of Population Genomics
Senior Advisor to the Director, NHGRI, for Population Genomics
Professor of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
E-mail: manolio@nih.gov

Lisa J. McNeil, B.S.
Scientific Program Analyst
E-mail: mcneilli@mail.nih.gov

Erin Ramos, Ph.D., M.P.H.
E-mail: ramoser@mail.nih.gov

Jeff Struewing, M.D., M.S.
E-mail: jeff.struewing@nih.gov


Office of Population Genomics
Office of the Director
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institutes of Health
Building 31, Room 4B09
31 Center Drive, MSC 2152
Bethesda, MD 20892-2152
Phone: (301) 402-2915
Fax: (301) 402-0837

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Last Updated: August 12, 2009