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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

Geoff's Legislative Initiatives

Above: An official redline copy of S. 896, the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009, as signed by President Barack Obama.  Congressman Davis' bill to reauthorize the McKinney-Vento homeless assistance grant programs, the HEARTH Act, was included in this law. To learn more about the HEARTH Act, click here.

I am dedicated to supporting common-sense initiatives that will help families, veterans, and communities both in the Commonwealth and across the nation. 

This page will provide you with details on many of the bipartisan projects I am working on with my colleagues in Congress. 

Learn about Congressman Davis' fight to end homelessness.

Brent Spence Bridge
Congressman Davis has been working hard to obtain federal funding to refurbish the existing Brent Spence Bridge and build a parallel new bridge for the past three years.

Food Inventory Legislation
Congressman Davis' legislation is designed to fight hunger and ensure sufficient tax incentives to prevent nourishing food from being wasted.

Congressman Davis is a proponent of coal-to-liquids technology as a way to produce affordable energy and create jobs in the Commonwealth.

Citizen Soldier Equality Act
Read about Congressman Davis' fight to correct an inequity that exists between active and reserve service members in regard to disability retirement pay.

Iran Naval Diplomacy Resolution
Congressman Davis teamed with Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) to introduce a bipartisan resolution that calls for the negotiation of a naval communication protocol agreement between the United States military and its Iranian counterpart.

Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act
Congressman Davis' first piece of legislation, crafted to protect our servicemembers and their families from certain insurance and investment products that are deceptively expensive and have virtually disappeared from the civilian market.

National Security Interagency Reform
As co-chair of the House National Security Interagency Reform Working Group, furthering national security oganizational reform is one of Geoff's highest priorities as a Member of Congress.

Hardship Duty Pay
Continuing his strong support for America's veterans and service members, Congressman Davis fought successfully to increase Hardship Duty Pay for men and women who serve multiple tours in combat zones.

Appalachian Regional Commission
Congressman Davis has helped add two Fourth District Counties to the Appalachian Regional Commission.

Kentucky Projects
Learn about the federal funding that Congressman Davis is seeking and has secured for areas in and around Kentucky's Fourth District.