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Help with a Federal Agency

If you live in the First Congressional District of Texas and have a federal-related question or concern with which you need assistance, please contact one of my district offices. Please be ready to provide any relevant information about your situation. Although I am unable to overturn the decisions of a federal agency, I can often intervene on a person's behalf to answer questions, find solutions, or help cut through the red tape. 

The Federal Privacy Act requires that a completed Privacy Release Form be submitted in order for me to pursue a federal inquiry on a person’s behalf. Viewing and printing this PDF form will require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Does Your Case Fall Under Federal Jurisdiction?

Before you contact my office for assistance with a case, you should determine if your problem is on the federal level. My office has the authority and jurisdiction to assist with isues regarding federal agencies, which are organizations of the federal government that are either part of the Executive Branch  or Independent Agencies and Government Corporations.

How Can My Office Help?

My staff may be able to act as a liaison with federal agencies to obtain information regarding the status of  your applications or claims. They can also assist by providing information about the process for applying for a government benefit or service. A Congressional office, however, cannot file the claim and does not have the authority to instruct a federal agency to approve or deny an application. If you are already working with a federal agency to solve a problem but are experiencing difficulty with that agency, I may be able to help with that as well. While I can't ask the agency to do anything that they are unable to do under law or regulations, I can intervene to make sure that your rights are respected and errors in procedure are corrected. 

What Does Not Fall Under My Office's Jurisdiction?

Problems with Texas State Agencies do not fall  under my jurisdiction. Please contact your local State Senator or State Representative for assistance. You may also contact Governor Rick Perry's office. Also, the Constitutional separation of powers between the three branches of government prevent judicial matters from falling under my authority as a U.S. Representative. Examples of these issues are:
       • Child Custody 
       • Divorce 
       • Criminal Trials or Imprisonment

Moving Forward to Open a Case with My Office

In order to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act, we cannot begin the process of assisting with your case until we receive your completed privacy authorization form. This form is attached at the bottom of this page. Please fax or mail it to my district office in Tyler. You may also need to provide my staff with any paperwork you have regarding your case. This might include letters from the agency, medical forms, or other forms and documents relating to your problem. The following is a list with website links of some of the federal agencies and issues that I can help with: 

       • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 
       • Department of Defense
       • FCC - Federal Communications Commission 
       • Housing and Urban Development
       • Internal Revenue Service 
       • Department of Labor 
       • Medicare
       • Social Security Administration 
       • Department of State
       • Department of Veteran Affairs

Privacy Form ( 03/13/09 11:42 AM PST )