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House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the "Stimulus" Bill
RSC Chairman Tom Price and Rep. Gohmert leave from an RSC meeting to a joint press conference with the Senate to oppose the massive spending "stimulus" bill that will do little to stimulate the economy

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the "Stimulus" Bill
Gohmert is joined by Senators and Representatives who oppose the massive spending "stimulus" bill that will have to be paid for by future generations and do little to stimulate our economy now

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the "Stimulus" Bill

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the "Stimulus" Bill
Rep. Gohmert listens as RSC Chairman Tom Price speaks against the stimulus' bloated spending that will have to be paid for by future generations

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the "Stimulus" Bill
Speaking: Senator John Thune (SD)

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the "Stimulus" Bill

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the

House and Senate Join in Press Conference to Oppose the "Stimulus" Bill