NewsGator - Enterprise Social Computing via Social Sites on SharePoint, RSS and Widgets
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business value through social computing
Enterprise RSS through Social Computing
Enterprise RSS through Social Computing Empower employees, customers, & partners to collaborate, communicate, and innovate. Use NewsGator Social Sites™ & Microsoft SharePoint to create a behind-the-firewall social computing platform.
Enterprise RSS through Social Computing
Social Networks and Communities
Social Networks and Communities Reduce information overload, increase portal usage, & improve knowledge. Use NewsGator Social Sites™ to deliver employees secure Enterprise RSS feeds via the web, mobile, email, & desktop.
Social Media Widgets
Social Media WidgetsBuild, distribute, and track viral widgets to monetize your website, increase your web traffic, and extend your brand and content to new online locations.
FREE WEBINAR: Delivering ‘Facebook for the Enterprise’ with SharePoint
Free RSS Reader: NetNewsWire for the iPhone
Free Enterprise Social Computing Whitepaper: Download Now
Free RSS Readers – obtain custom, relevant, and timely news and information delivered where you want it.

Social Collaboration – Denver Art Museum

“While out of the box, SharePoint is pretty good, NewsGator Social Sites just makes it awesome. We're finding that Social Sites is the critical glue in making it easy for our users to find information, share ideas, and collaborate with their peers. At the end of the day, Social Sites is wildly improving the ways we communicate across all parts of the organization.”

Bruce Wyman
Director of Technology
Denver Art Museum

Social Computing for Business – Universal McCann

“We considered a variety of social computing solutions, including consumer-based social networking products, but they fell short on business-specific features, internal systems integration, and security capabilities. Microsoft and NewsGator offered us an enterprise-class social computing solution that delivers the social networking features we need today while providing us with a platform that can easily evolve as our needs grow and change. In addition, their solution integrates seamlessly with our technology infrastructure and security protocols, helping to lower our support costs.”

Jason Harrison
Worldwide Chief Information Officer
Universal McCann

View the video. Download the case study.

Sharepoint RSS – CME

“Social Sites was the ideal solution to enhance SharePoint's capabilities and to drive SharePoint adoption. With the combined Social Sites and SharePoint solution we have increased intranet usage and helped employees realize an average time savings of 30 minutes per day.”

Joe Toth
Assistant Vice President - Information Technology
CME Federal Credit Union

Download the case study.

Social Networking for Business – Universal McCann

“The fast-changing media environment in which Universal McCann works demands that our employees have a finger on the pulse of what's going on, not just in their respective markets and account groups, but globally across the industry. In order to deliver our clients the 'Next Thing Now' we must share and learn from our collective knowledge and experience. We found NewsGator and Microsoft's social networking tools to be the ideal way to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing across geographic and division boundaries - leading to improved productivity and increased innovation.”

Quentin George
Worldwide Officer for Digital Strategy & Market Innovation
Universal McCann

View the video. Download the case study.

Case Study #5

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