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[thumbnail]Thursday, July 30, 2009
Leader Hoyer on Health Care Compromise on Bloomberg

I think the Bill that is being marked up now will go under the votes of the Majority of the members of committee. We then have two other Bills that have to be put together with this one. The Blue Dogs had a different perspective, and that is the legislative process. We have brought this to get there hopefully and we will move forward... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Talking Numbers Behind Health Care Reform on MSNBC

I think the American public has been watching a part of the debate both in the Senate and the House and they see a lot of different opinions. But I think they understand and that poll reflects it that they want a health care reform bill. 94% of them you say are concerned that we won't get the job done. I want to assure them we're going to get the job done. And as you said, a little earlier, we made significant progress last night. The Energy and Commerce Committee is back at the table marking up their bill... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Monday, July 27, 2009
Leader Hoyer on Reforming Health Care on CNN

...the current system is not sustainable. The current system does not include all Americans, and the current system is too expensive and it's not sustainable over the long term. So, we've got to bring the cost curve down, lot of discussion about that. We've got to make sure every American has access to affordable quality health care. We've got to make sure the pre-existing conditions don't preclude people from getting insurance that they need. And we've got to make sure small business can afford insurance. Those are the objectives. (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, July 22, 2009
House Floor Speech on Pay-As-You-Go Budget Rules

I said the other night he was my friend, but friends have disagreements, and on this, on fiscal policy, we have had a significant disagreement. I have heard a lot of speakers on this floor talk about how this Bill doesn't get us to where we want to get. I have heard a lot of people talk about how we have four exceptions in this Bill. Most of the people have talked about the four exceptions in this Bill, have repeatedly talked over the last four, five years as to how this was current baseline spending and certainly we didn't have to pay for current baseline spending, i.e. continuing taxes in place... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Building Support for Statutory Pay-go on House Floor

I want to say to Ed Lorenzen who worked with Charlie Stenholm on this proposition for over a decade, thank you for the work you have done. I want to say to my Blue Dog friends, thank you for your leadership. And I want to say to my progressive friends who understand the ramifications of spending deficits that adversely affect the most lnerable in our country, vote against this m.t.r., vote for this statutory pay-go, let us get back on the road to fiscal responsibility... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Overcoming Health Care Reform Hurdles on Fox News

What people will continue to do is continue to work on this because a failure for the American people is not an option. We know that we need health care reform. As a matter of fact, as you know the issue in the last Presidential campaign is very much centered on health care reform. Senator McCain, Senator Obama, all of the Presidential candidates. It is no doubt that this was a huge issue for the American people, they wanted to accomplish the objective of bringing the costs down for families, businesses, and individuals. So many Americans are getting health care but not paying, others are having to pay the bill for them... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Defining the Health Reform Bill Deadline on CNBC

We want to get it through the House by the time we leave for the August break. But that just means the House Bill. That does not mean getting it done. Obviously the Senate has to pass a Bill, we have to go to Congress. The Senate and the House have to agree on one version, and then we have to pass it again through both Houses. The conference sends it to the President. So October is really the target date in terms of a signature by the President. So getting it done would be they're getting it done initially in the House or getting it done finally... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Friday, July 17, 2009
Discussing Congress' Health-Care Proposals on MSNBC

Let me say that I think the headlines today and the CBO's observations certainly are critically important for us to look at. One of the main objectives of this legislation is to bring health care costs down. Not only for individuals and families, which I think it will do, but also for governments. The President has said the present cost curve is not sustainable. We have to bring it down... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Thursday, July 16, 2009
Talks on Health Reform Bill Progress on Fox News

I worked closely with them. They're all for health care reform, as was John McCain and Barack Obama. This was during the course of the campaign last year. The issue they have is a specific in terms of ways of doing that, and they are discussing that. They will have the votes for some changes in the Bill. I am not sure. The Bills could be marked up over the next four days or five days and we will see, but certain and that the Blue Dogs want to vote for health. They need to make sure that everyone in America has access to affordable health care... (transcript)

[thumbnail]Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Reaction to Senate Panel Passing Health Reform Bill on MSNBC

I think we need to remember this. Some people say gee, this is being popped up in a short period of time. During the last year, 2008, John McCain, Hillary Clinton and President Obama all talked about health reform being a major objective of their administrations should they be elect President . So every one of the major candidates said this is where we ought to go. It wasn't that they agreed on every facet of every bill, but they said we must have health care reform... (transcript)

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