Filling up America's Energy Tank (Ada Evening News, June 22, 2008)

Senate GOP Introduce Common Sense Energy Plan

Inhofe Leading the Push for Legislative Fix to the Highway Funding Shortfall

Inhofe Applauds Supreme Court's Ruling Overturning DC Gun Ban

Inhofe Praises Enhanced GI Benefits


Inhofe Statement on Housing Bill

Inhofe Honored as "Hero of the Taxpayer"

Inhofe Addresses Political Crisis in Zimbabwe

Inhofe Awarded "Guardian of Worker Freedom"

Inhofe Declared a "Friend of the Shareholder"

Inhofe Honored for Seniors Advocacy

In the News...Drill bits: Distortions keep U.S. Energy on Shelf (Oklahoman Editorial)

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Filling up America's Energy Tank (Ada Evening News, June 22, 2008)

Good news from Washington: My GOP colleagues and I defeated massive climate tax legislation that would have raised the cost of gas at the pump and cost of energy in our homes. The bill was so bureaucratic and costly that nearly 30% of Democratic Senators rebelled against their leadership and opposed the Boxer Climate Tax Bill.

Many different economic studies examined the Climate Tax Bill and all have come to the same conclusion: Americans would undoubtedly pay more at the pump - much more than the already record high national average of over $4.00 per gallon. You would think that, instead of considering legislation that would raise the cost of gas at the pump, Congress would have spent its time doing everything in its power to bring down the price at the pump.

As we've witnessed over the past few years, the demand for oil is unresponsive to increases in price. Only when the price of oil hit $130 per barrel and gasoline prices reached a record of nearly $4.00 per gallon this past month did U.S. demand for fuel drop slightly. This demonstrates that as the price of oil increases, businesses and individuals have very little ability to reduce their demand for fuel. Yet the entire premise of the Boxer Climate Tax Bill relied on the economic assumption that as energy prices increase, Americans would be forced to use less gas or find costly alternatives.

But many of my Senate colleagues seem to be oblivious to the fact that in rural America, people must drive. There is no mass transit in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. It's too far to commute by bicycle from Tishomingo to Ardmore. Telecommuting doesn't work when it's time to feed the livestock. Many of my constituents must drive a pick-up truck out of necessity - you can't haul hay in a Toyota Prius or Ford Smart.

According to the Energy Information Agency, the average American consumes 500 gallons of gasoline every year and the average vehicle is driven more than 12,000 miles per year. At $4.00 a gallon, people are spending $2000 a year on gas - and those are hard-earned, after-tax dollars. Even so, these national averages don't tell the whole story. The gasoline price increases resulting from the Boxer Climate Tax Bill would have had a more harmful impact in the nation's rural areas, like Oklahoma, where people must drive more than in heavily populated states.

Just a few days after the embarrassing defeat of the climate bill, the Democrats were at it again. As the price of gas at the pump continued to climb, Democrats were proposing yet another energy tax as part of their "solution" to our energy challenges. The Democrats' "no" energy bill would increase taxes by $17 billion for America's oil and gas producers and increase government bureaucracy. Their bill does nothing to increase access to America's energy and nothing to increase refinery capacity. Rather, they are attempting to ignore the basic concepts of supply and demand.

As America faces mounting energy challenges, now is not the time for politics as usual -- now is the time for common sense solutions.

That's why I recently joined in cosponsoring legislation that will increase access to domestic supplies, expand the nation's refinery capacity, and promote market-based alternatives for our energy future. Importantly, the bill includes key provisions of my legislation designed to improve the permitting process for the expansion of existing and construction of new refineries.

With gas prices in Oklahoman nearing $4.00 a gallon, now is the time to take advantage of our domestic resources and relieve Oklahomans and other Americans from avoidable economic pains.

Senate GOP Introduce Common Sense Energy Plan

Senator Inhofe joined with several of his Senate Republican colleagues to introduce the' "Gas Price Reduction Act of 2008."

"The Senate Republicans have proposed a common sense energy plan to bring real relief to the American people," Senator Inhofe said. "With recent polls showing overwhelming support for offshore drilling, I am hopeful that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle will join us in this effort. Unfortunately, Democrats and environmental activists have pursued a strategy to shift the focus from the real issue of increasing domestic supply to issues that won't bring down the price of gas - nationalizing refineries, suing OPEC, price gouging, global warming and windfall profits taxes. The 'Gas Price Reduction Act of 2008' will help restore sanity to our national energy policy."


A recent Rasmussen Poll shows that 67% of Americans support offshore drilling, while only 18% oppose. Democrats are blocking development of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), of which 85 percent is currently off limits. The Department of the Interior estimates that the OCS contains 19 billion barrels of undiscovered recoverable oil. That equals 35 years of imports from Saudi Arabia. According to the government's own Energy Information Administration (EIA) data, the U.S. imported over 543 million barrels of oil from Saudi Arabia in 2007. Using these 2007 figures, the potential of OCS American-based resources equals 35 years of imports from Saudi Arabia.

Democrats are blocking development of oil shales. Although commercial scale development is more than a decade away, Rand Corporation estimates up to 1.1 trillion recoverable barrels of oil exist in the oil shales. Once again, using EIA data, that equals more than 2000 years' worth of imports from Saudi Arabia. Despite its enormous potential, Democrats put a moratorium on the final regulations for development of this domestic resource.

Inhofe Leading the Push for Legislative Fix to the Highway Funding Shortfall

Senator Inhofe joined Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chairman of the EPW Committee, this week in authoring a June 20th bi-partisan letter signed by 65 other Senators urging Congress to come up with a quick resolution to the Highway Trust Fund shortfall. The letter was sent to the Finance Committee and Senate Leadership. Senator Inhofe took the opportunity to address the issue during today's EPW Committee hearing focused on the future federal role for surface transportation.
"These cuts are dire," Senator Inhofe said. "In my state of Oklahoma, this would translate into a cut in federal funding of over $172 million. This would result in a loss of over 6,000 jobs in Oklahoma, and 485,000 nationally. It is absolutely critical that we fix this looming shortfall. Our infrastructure needs are far too great to risk such a large cut. It is essential that we solve this problem as soon as possible. I fully support the Finance Committee's proposal to address the problem by returning money taken from the Highway Trust Fund."


In the years following passage of the multi-year transportation bill, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, also known as SAFETEA-LU, high gas prices and a weaker economy have had a strong negative impact on gas tax receipts. As a result there will not be sufficient resources in the Highway Trust Fund to fund the program at the SAFETEA-LU guaranteed level in 2009. Without a fix, the highway program would have to be cut by about $14 billion, or 34%, in order to prevent running out of money.

Dear Senators Reid, McConnell, Baucus, and Grassley,

One of the lesser recognized effects of the recent economic downturn and rising energy prices has been a slowdown in projected revenues into the federal Highway Trust Fund. As a result, states are now facing the possibility of a $14 billion, or 34 percent, cut in federal highway funding in FY 2009. We believe there are a variety of ways to avert the pending crisis and urge you to work with us to resolve this as soon as possible.

The federal highway program provides almost 45 percent of the annual capital investment in U.S. highway and bridge improvements. A reduction in highway investment of the magnitude currently projected would have far-ranging consequences. According to newly released data from the Federal Highway Administration, the pending revenue shortfall in FY 2009, if left unaddressed, would cost over 485,000 American jobs. Furthermore, ongoing efforts to reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and enhance long-term economic productivity would be severely disrupted by a large cut in highway investment.

We urge you to support fixing this looming crisis this fiscal year.

Thank you for your ongoing leadership and we look forward to working with you to preserve critical investment in our nation's highway infrastructure.

Inhofe Applauds Supreme Court's Ruling Overturning DC Gun Ban

On Thursday, Senator Inhofe applauded the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the DC Gun Ban law. The decision was 5-4.

"Today's Supreme Court decision is a landmark victory for the protection of the Second Amendment and those of us who continue to stand up and strongly support gun rights." Senator Inhofe said. "The Supreme Court is exactly right when it states 'The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditional lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.'

"Our nation's Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment because they believed a well-armed populace was the ultimate check on the power of the federal government. I took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and will continue to staunchly oppose any attempt to tamper with our nation's Constitution or undermine our Second Amendment rights."

On February 8, 2008, Senator Inhofe joined Vice President Dick Cheney, 54 members of the United States Senate, and 250 members of the House of Representatives, in filing an amicus brief which argued in favor of a personal right to possess firearms inherent in the Second Amendment.

Inhofe Praises Enhanced GI Benefits

On Thursday night, Senator Inhofe praised the passage of an important portion of military construction, emergency storm damage, and essential modernization of G.I. Bill benefits providing authorizations and funding for our nation's veterans and their families. This portion of the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2008 (H.R. 2642) passed today Thursday with overwhelming bipartisan support (92-6).

The legislation modernizes the outdated Montgomery GI Bill, providing $62.8 billion over eleven years, and applying to anyone who served the required period of active duty since September 11, 2001. Importantly, this legislation expands GI Bill benefits to include a transferability provision Senator Inhofe worked to include, allowing troops to transfer GI benefits to spouses and children and providing a significant retention incentive to these troops.

"Our veterans have done so much for our country and deserve the utmost support. These selfless men and women will now have an even greater opportunity to further pursue an education. These enhanced benefits are twenty years in the making and maintain our commitment to our servicemen in and out of uniform," Senator Inhofe said.

"Everywhere I go, from the bases in Oklahoma to the streets of Baghdad, National Guardsman, Reservists, and Active duty Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen talk about transferability of benefits. The ability to transfer their GI Bill benefit to their spouses and children is the number one issue they express to me and I am pleased that it was included in this bill. Military spouses and children share in the significant sacrifice and commitment of our troops and this legislation will afford them the opportunity to also share in those benefits."

The bill also appropriates funding for Military and Veteran's Affairs construction, including $9 million for a child development center at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and appropriates $7 million of emergency appropriations to address maintenance and repair for Corps of Engineers dams and critical infrastructure throughout Oklahoma damaged from severe weather.

While he is pleased this legislation is finally on its way to becoming law, Senator Inhofe expressed disappointment that partisan politics have delayed this vital legislation for so long. The Senate previously passed the portion of the Supplemental Appropriations Act providing necessary funding for the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan, which the House of Representatives previously failed to fund.

" 'Just in time funding' is no way to support our troops in harm's way," Inhofe stated. "This delay has caused the Department of Defense (DoD) to reprogram funding from military departments in order to continue funding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Specifically, the DoD has been forced to raid Navy & Air Force personnel accounts to pay for these wars, causing uncertainty and inefficiency in financial activities across the department, which will surely cost us dividends in the future.

"As we continue to fight terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan, grow the Army and Marine Corps, execute BRAC, and strive to care for our Wounded Warriors and their families, this funding for our troops and veterans is of the utmost importance," Senator Inhofe concluded. "I look forward to when this important legislation becomes law."



Senator Inhofe also expressed disappointment on Thursday with the unwillingness of Senate Democrats to work across the aisle and craft good legislation to prevent cuts in Medicare payments to physicians and ensure that Medicare beneficiaries continue to receive covered medical care. The legislation (H.R. 6331), which the Democrats finally put forward for a vote, is substantially similar to legislation (S. 3101) that Senate Democrats failed to get consensus to consider two weeks ago. President Bush has threatened vetoes on both versions of the Democratic bills. The motion to invoke cloture on the bill failed on Thursday night by a vote of 58-40.

"Oklahoma's doctors and Medicare beneficiaries deserve better from Congress," Senator Inhofe said. "With just days to go until the July 1st deadline, it makes absolutely no sense for the Democratic majority to bring forth legislation that was doomed from the beginning. Not only did the bill not gain enough support in the Senate, but the President had also promised to veto the bill. While many in Washington seem more interested in election year politics, it is simply irresponsible to delay action on this important issue because of political squabbling. In the end, it's the American people who will pay the price.

"Despite knowing that their bill was doomed from the start, Democrats still refused to allow consideration of a Republican alternative. Both bills provide the same update to physicians, a 0.5 percent increase for this year and a 1.1 percent increase for 2009. Yet the Republican bill goes even further to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries continue to have access to quality care. The bill addresses critical Medicare reimbursement rates, preserves Medicare Advantage coverage, continues and expands rural health programs, and maintains oxygen benefits, among other critical provisions ensuring Medicare beneficiaries continue to receive the benefits and care they need.

"There is absolutely no excuse for not coming together to reach a compromise on this important bill. The differences between the bills could have been quickly resolved. Unfortunately, it appears for Democrats that election year politics trumps good public policy."

Inhofe Statement on Housing Bill

On Wednesday, Senator Inhofe expressed disappointment in the Senate's vote to pass the mortgage financing portion of the Housing Bill (H.R. 3221). The Senate voted in favor of the motion by 79-16. The Senate may consider final portions of the bill at a later date, or when Congress returns from the July 4th recess.

"Oklahoma families facing troubled economic times expect responsible action by the federal government," Senator Inhofe said. "Unfortunately, the Senate passed bill does much more for big financial lenders than for Oklahoma families. This bill bails out irresponsible banks by letting them dump their worst borrowers, up to $300 billion worth, on the Federal Housing Administration. It is our hardworking taxpayers that will assume the ultimate risk of default of troubled loans, rather than lenders who made the bad loans. As the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported, over one-third of the mortgages refinanced under this bill will default because the incentive is for companies like Countrywide to dump their worst mortgage inventory onto FHA, which is already experiencing problems from troubled mortgages in its portfolio.

"There were simply too many big questions left unanswered about how big lenders stood to benefit from this bill. Given the recent news reports about Countrywide, I joined several of my colleagues in requesting more time to get those answers. It was recently reported that Countrywide, the largest and most active mortgage company in the US, stands to enjoy $2.5 billion in benefits under this bill. The Wall Street Journal recently estimated that that figure could rise to as much as $25 billion. This is a big bill that will help big companies, and I simply could not support this legislation until we had those answers.

"This bill also bails out borrowers to a maximum of a $550,000 mortgage, allowing them to refinance into government insured loans borrowers. Someone with a $550,000 mortgage will spend annually around $1,000 more on his or her house alone than an average American makes in an entire year. Those individuals should not be eligible to refinance their troubled mortgage onto the backs of ordinary taxpayers. While this legislation certainly would seem more attractive for states like California, Florida and New York, who will receive the greatest benefits from this bill, I am looking out for Oklahoma and want to make sure that Oklahoma taxpayers aren't picking up the tab for other states.

"Equally concerning to me in this bill is the creation of a permanent affordable housing trust fund, which will be funded off budget, not subject to review and appropriations, and will exist as a slush fund in perpetuity to funnel money to liberal housing advocates.

"These facts about this legislation, which supposedly exists to bring relief to the housing market, should concern each and every American taxpayer who will ultimately bear the consequences. I am disappointed that the Senate did not give due-diligence to such an important issue, and craft legislation that will bring real relief, rather than additional problems, to the housing industry."

Inhofe Honored as "Hero of the Taxpayer"

On Thursday, Senator Inhofe received Americans for Tax Reform's (ATR) "Hero of the Taxpayer Award" for his continued efforts to protect and support the taxpayers of Oklahoma and the nation. The taxpayer advocacy organization presents the awards to members of Congress who vote with taxpayers on 85 percent or more of the issues tracked by ATR as important for economic growth.

"I wish to thank Americans for Tax Reform for this award," Senator Inhofe said. "No other group in America needs more support and representation than the American taxpayer, and Americans for Tax Reform continues to provide an invaluable service. I look forward to continuing to work for lower taxes, a strong economy, and keeping the federal budget out of the family budget."

"Commitment and dedication to taxpayer's interests has been imperative in the fight against excessive taxation in the 1st session of the 110th Congress," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform and prominent D.C.-based activist. "These Congressional Ratings allow taxpayers to see, when it comes to their hard-earned money, exactly who the heroes and the 'villains' are in Congress. It is clear that James Inhofe has proven to be a hero."

"Many promises are made prior to coming to Washington, especially that of lower taxes," Norquist said. "However, these promises are not always upheld. Constituents deserve to know who has kept their pledge and worked for taxpayer's interests, and are not beholden to special interests. Americans for Tax Reform applauds Senator James Inhofe's commitment to taxpayers nationwide."

To see a list of members' ratings, visit


Inhofe Addresses Political Crisis in Zimbabwe

Senator Inhofe, a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a staunch supporter of Africa, spoke on the Senate floor on Thursday about the current political crisis taking place in Zimbabwe. It has faced and continues to face difficult challenges and untold sufferings, caused primarily by an authoritarian and corrupt leader, President Robert Mugabe.

On March 29, 2008, Zimbabwe held presidential elections along with parliamentary and local elections. Incumbent President Mugabe ran for the ZANU-PF party and Morgan Tsvangirai for the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party. Intimidation of voters and violence against the opposition party and supporters of the opposition tainted the election process. Though Tsvangirai won the election by receiving more votes than the incumbent, he did not receive 50% of the votes and a run-off was scheduled for June 27, 2008. This week, Morgan Tsvangirai pulled out of the race and refused to take part in what he calls "a sham of an election process." He said he couldn't ask Zimbabweans to vote "when that vote could cost them their lives." Tsvangirai has taken refuge in the Embassy of the Netherlands.

"As I have traveled across the continent of Africa, I have seen both hope and dismay," Senator Inhofe said. "I have been blessed to develop many relationships with African leaders, many of who care deeply for their people rather than their own ambitions. While Mugabe leads Zimbabwe away from reaching its full potential, there are other leaders on the continent that have chosen a vision of democracy, freedom and progress for their countries. While not perfect, each of them is making improvements and taking strides to improve democratic practices and exercise free political will. It is time for Mugabe to allow his people to decide the next phase and direction of their country. I call on African leaders, many of whom are my friends and brothers, and leaders all over the world to do what they can to help the people of Zimbabwe."

Senate Floor Speech by U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe

As Prepared for Delivery

Mr President, I rise today to call to attention to a place that has been lost in the sea of many other conflicts and crises plaguing our world. Zimbabwe, a country slightly bigger than the state of Montana, sits in the southeastern portion of Africa. It has faced and continues to face difficult challenges and untold sufferings, caused primarily by an authoritarian and corrupt leader, Robert Mugabe.

After fighting a long battle of civil war, Zimbabwe gained independence in 1980 from the white Rhodesians. Independence came with a sense of hope and optimism that Zimbabwe could be a country of political and economic promise and stability in Africa. In the beginning, the new government was able to provide free education and access to health care across the country.

The honeymoon quickly ended with the realization that the newly elected President, Mugabe, had fought the war to gain power and control rather than provide freedom and democracy for its people. In the 1990s, the country continued to weaken under the self-centered leadership of Mugabe. As the book of Proverbs tells us, "Where there is no vision, the people perish..." (Proverbs 29:18) Robert Mugabe failed to provide a vision for his country, focusing solely upon himself and his ability to remain in power.

The people of Zimbabwe have suffered dramatically as a consequence. In a country that once showed evidence of steady economic growth, it is now been named "the world's fastest shrinking economy;" In 2007, inflation rose above 8,000%; unemployment is estimated at 80%; and 80% of the population lives on less than $2.00 a day. Foreign Policy magazine ranks Zimbabwe 4th on the scale of failed states - countries that are vulnerable to violent internal conflict and social dysfunction.

Throughout almost 30 years of Mugabe's rule, he has worked to tighten his reign over the nation by intimidation, violence, and oppression. In 2002, the government initiated a farmland redistribution program which resulted in 400,000 farmers losing their homes and livelihoods. The program resulted in scandal and embarrassment to Mugabe when investigations revealed that more than 300 farms were intended for his senior officials and ministers, rather than for resettlement.

In 2005, Mugabe initiated one of the most inexcusable incidents of his Presidency. "Operation Murambatsvina" or Operation "clean out the filth" was a demolition project the government claimed was designed to rid the capitol city of crime. It resulted in an estimated 700,000 Zimbabweans losing their homes. 20% of the population has been reported as affected by the demolitions. Many believe that this was a political move aimed to squash any potential protests or uprisings against the regime and displace the opposition party base.

Not only has Mugabe's actions displayed his blatant disregard for the wellbeing of his people, but he has also expressed this in his own words. In August of 2006, after a violent crackdown on a peaceful protest by a Zimbabwean union, Mugabe said, "Some people are now crying foul that they were assaulted, yes you get a beating…when the police say move, move, if you don't move, you invite the police to use force." Prior to the incident, Mugabe warned that his security forces "will pull the trigger" against the protestors.

Although drought has been a factor in Zimbabwe's food shortages, many believe that the farm land redistributions and Operation "clean out the filth" contributed drastically to the poverty afflicting the Zimbabweans. The government has accused food aid agencies of using food to turn Zimbabweans away from the Mugabe's ruling party and, in turn, continues to maintain tight control of food distributions.

The totalitarian regime has not surprisingly placed significant emphasis on their military and security forces. In 2006, the government reportedly spent more than $20 million (USD) to purchase new cars for police, military, and intelligence officers. In a dying economy, it is stunning that Zimbabwe is able to buy high priced military articles to include their recent purchase of fighter jets from China that cost $240 million (USD)

As you know, Mr. President, China has an increasing influence on the continent of Africa but their relationship and long time support of Mugabe's ZANU-PF party is concerning. China is currently Zimbabwe's largest investor and second largest trade partner. As most western countries, including the US, enforce an arms embargo against the country, China continues to sell defense articles to the regime. Most recently, South Africa refused to let a Chinese cargo ship unload because it was carrying more than 70 tons of small arms destined for Zimbabwe.

China has also played a significant role in diplomacy with Zimbabwe. China was Mugabe's key supporter through the international outrage in response to Operation "clean out the filth." China worked to quiet UN condemnation of the incident and is now expected to veto any proposed action by the Security Council to punish Mugabe's administration. China's persistent support and supply to Mugabe's regime demonstrates their indifference to the violence, oppression, and potential civil war looming in the country.

On March 29, 2008, Zimbabwe held presidential elections along with parliamentary and local elections. Incumbent President Mugabe ran for the ZANU-PF party and Morgan Tsvangirai, for the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party. The election process was tainted by intimidation of voters and violence against the opposition party and supporters of the opposition; political rallies were banned; the opposition party's secretary general was jailed, denied bail, tried with treason, and may face the death penalty. There are also reports that the regime is restricting access to food in opposition areas, threatening already hungry people to either vote for Mugabe or starve.

The results of the race were finally released in May which indicated that MDC opposition leader Tsvangirai won the election receiving more votes than the incumbent. The MDC party also won the majority in the Parliament. Because Tsvangirai failed to earn 50% of the votes needed, officials called for a run-off between Tsvangirai and Mugabe, this runoff is scheduled for this Friday, June 27th

Sadly this week, Morgan Tsvangirai pulled out of the race and refused to take part in what he calls "a sham of an election process." He said he cannot ask Zimbabweans to vote "when that vote could cost them their lives." Tsvangirai has taken refuge in the Embassy of the Netherlands. Mugabe has clearly stolen the election and the outlook for true reform for democracy for the people of Zimbabwe looks bleak.

As I have traveled across the continent of Africa, with 97 visits to African nations, I have seen both hope and dismay. I have been blessed to develop many relationships with African leaders, many of whom care deeply for their people rather than their own ambitions.

While Mugabe leads Zimbabwe away from reaching its full potential, there are other leaders on the continent that have chosen a vision of democracy, freedom and progress for their countries. While not perfect, each of them is making improvements and taking strides to improve democratic practices and exercise free political will.

It is time for Mugabe to allow his people to decide the next phase and direction of their country. I call on African leaders, many of whom are my friends and brothers, and leaders all over the world to do what they can to help the people of Zimbabwe.

Inhofe Awarded "Guardian of Worker Freedom"

Senator Inhofe was awarded the 2007 "Guardian of Worker Freedom" award by the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF) on Thursday for his strong support of employee freedom and worker's rights. The free-market, worker rights organization presents the award to members of the U.S. Senate who vote in favor of worker's rights, and free and open labor markets on a majority of the national policy issues tracked by AWF.

"I am proud to be counted among the strongest supporters of worker's rights and free and open labor markets," Senator Inhofe said. "Our nation's workers are the backbone of this economy, and deserve strong support from the halls of Congress."

126 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 30 U.S. Senators were presented with the "Guardian of Worker Freedom" award for their courageous votes on behalf of American workers.

"By voting in favor of workers rights and freedoms, and against the corrupt agenda of Big Labor and an ever-expanding regulatory regime, these Senators deserve to be honored for siding with the rank-and-file American worker," said AWF Executive Director Brian M. Johnson.

"Sen. Inhofe clearly knows the difference between being pro-worker freedom or a union-puppet," continued Johnson. "When it comes to keeping American workers and our economy competitive, Sen. Inhofe is a tremendous advocate for a twenty-first century workforce."

For more information, please visit

Inhofe Declared a "Friend of the Shareholder"

This week, Senator Inhofe was named a "Friend of the Shareholder' by the American Shareholders Association for his work in support of America's shareholder majority.

"I am proud to support America's shareholder majority," Senator Inhofe said. "Especially at a time of an economic downtrend, Americans who have worked long and hard for their savings deserve the peace of mind of knowing their investments will be protected."

"Senator Inhofe has shown a determined, principled, and consistent resolve in protecting America's shareholder majority," said ASA Executive Director Ryan Ellis. "In vote after vote, Senator Inhofe helped prevent economic growth-stifling legislation that would directly affect the 401(k) and IRA nest eggs of every saving American.

"America's shareholder majority expects its elected officials to vote for policies that will grow, not shrink, their nest eggs," continued Ellis. "Senator Inhofe is a friend to every American earning a paycheck and putting money away for their retirement, for a home, or to start a small business."

Inhofe Honored for Seniors Advocacy

Senator Inhofe also received the "Guardian of Seniors' Rights" award this week for his continued support of seniors' rights during the 110th Congress by the 60 Plus Association, a non-partisan seniors advocacy group focusing on free enterprise, limited government and less taxes.

"I thank the 60 Plus Association for this award and for their dedication to free enterprise and limited government," Senator Inhofe said. "It is truly an honor to receive this award from an organization that supports the rights of seniors. I will continue to work to protect the interests of Oklahoma seniors."

In the News...Drill bits: Distortions keep U.S. Energy on Shelf (Oklahoman Editorial)

The Oklahoman Editorial

Drill bits: Distortions keep U.S. energy on shelf

June 27, 2008

SEN. Barbara Boxer is one of Washington's most skilled close-in fighters, a tough scrapper unsurpassed in her zeal for bare-knuckled political brawl. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Tulsa, knows this better than most, having served opposite Boxer on the Senate's environment committee for years.

As that panel's chairwoman, Boxer has led the push for global warming legislation as well as attacks on efforts to boost American sources of oil.

She was fighting again this week, saying U.S. oil companies that favor new exploration in Alaska and off America's coasts already sit on 68 million acres of federal oil leases - suggesting big oil is trying to leverage new leases and greater profits. "I say they should use it or lose it," said Boxer, D-Calif.People who know oil know that Boxer and others don't know what they're talking about - or worse, that they're distorting facts to win a debate.
Writing for The Wall Street Journal, Red Cavaney of the American Petroleum Institute recently explained that offshore leases, especially, are a crapshoot. Until exploration occurs, a company can't know whether a lease will produce, Cavaney wrote. Many don't.If there isn't enough oil to justify drilling costs, a company will move to more promising leases. "

All during this active exploration and evaluation phase, however, the lease is listed as 'nonproducing.' ... Because a lease is not producing, critics cite it as 'idle' when, in reality, it is typically being actively explored and developed."

Boxer probably knows better, but Washington is accustomed to debates that blur facts to win an argument. This one's too important for grandstanding.

As Cavaney noted, Congress has kept American energy sources locked up too long. If these sources had been developed years ago, "America would not be in the energy bind it finds itself in today," he wrote. True that.