Inhofe Statement on Stimulus Compromise

Inhofe Joins Republicans in Presenting "No Stimulus" Petition

Inhofe Leading Fight for More Responsible Infrastructure Money in Stimulus Bill

Inhofe Amendment to Boost Defense Spending In Stimulus Bill

WATCH: Inhofe Youtube from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Inhofe Introduces Legislation Preventing GITMO Prisoner Transfer to U.S.

Okla. Senators Inhofe and Coburn Vote No on Holder Confirmation

Senator Inhofe Seeking Hope for Orphaned Children

In the News..Newson6 Features Inhofe YouTube, Website

In the News...State Republicans rail against stimulus package

In the News...Inhofe hopes to stop Gitmo closing

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Inhofe Statement on Stimulus Compromise

Senator Inhofe issued the following statement Friday night after the announcement of a compromise on the Senate stimulus bill.

"While I appreciate the efforts of my colleagues to bring down the price tag of this bill, the fact is we still face a trillion dollar spending bill. Making it worse, the bill is 93% spending and only 7% stimulation. Over the past few days I have fought to include more in the way of real stimulus through higher percentage of infrastructure and defense spending, while working to cut much of the typical government waste often found in a bill of this size. Yet Democrats have blocked these efforts.

"The good news tonight is that the American people are catching on to the fact that this is the largest spending bill in history and are becoming more and more vocal in their opposition. My offices in Oklahoma and Washington DC have been flooded with emails, phone calls and faxes overwhelmingly opposed to this trillion dollar legislation. They can rest assured that my vote remains an unwavering ‘no.'" 

Inhofe Joins Republicans in Presenting "No Stimulus" Petition

Earlier on Friday, Senator Inhofe joined Republican Senators in a press conference to present over 68,000 petitions from Americans urging Congress not to pass the stimulus that will drastically increase federal debt and spending.


To Watch Video, click on the picture above


“We know what stimulus is and this is not stimulus,” Senator Inhofe said.  “This bill is 93% spending and only 7% stimulation. We can do better than this.”


The text of the petition stated:  “Congress should not enact an expensive spending bill under the pretense of stimulus or recovery. We cannot spend our way to prosperity, and such an expansion of the federal government will put a crushing burden on taxpayers in the long-term.”


Link to AFP’s No Stimulus Website:


Americans For Prosperity’s Letter to U.S. Senators on the Stimulus:


AFP Key Vote Letter on the Stimulus and Our Petition


Thursday, February 5th 2009


February 5, 2009


Dear Senator:


On behalf of the members of Americans for Prosperity, I am writing to urge you to vote against the so-called American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Congress should not enact an expensive spending bill under the pretense of stimulus or recovery. No matter which amendments pass, the fundamental approach of dramatically increasing federal debt and spending is a mistake. We therefore urge you to vote NO and will rate a vote against the so-called stimulus as a Key Vote for Prosperity in our Congressional ratings.


As I write this letter, more than 42,000 Americans have signed a petition on our web site,, and thousands more will likely sign it before you read this letter. They represent a growing majority of the American public who agree with the petition text:


“Congress should not enact an expensive spending bill under the pretense of stimulus or recovery. We cannot spend our way to prosperity, and such an expansion of the federal government will put a crushing burden on taxpayers in the long-term.”


Central planning and bigger government cannot solve our problems. Excessive borrowing to fund consumption was a major cause of our current economic crisis. The first rule of holes is to stop digging, and more than $1 trillion of additional borrow-and-spend big government will only throw more good money after bad. Instead of trying to pick winners and losers from Washington, Congress should cut spending, strip down burdensome regulations and allow individuals and free enterprise to flourish.


We therefore urge you to vote no on the stimulus, regardless of which amendments pass and regardless of any individual provisions that may look attractive.




Tim Phillips


Americans for Prosperity


Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is the nation’s premier grassroots organization committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and scope of government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. AFP educates and engages citizens in support of restraining state and federal government growth, and returning government to its constitutional limits. For more information, visit

Inhofe Leading Fight for More Responsible Infrastructure Money in Stimulus Bill

Senator Inhofe, Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee worked to dramatically increase the percentage of infrastructure spending in the stimulus bill.  

“I am proud to help lead the effort in the Senate along with a bipartisan group of Senators to introduce amendments to responsibly increase infrastructure investment in the stimulus bill,” Senator Inhofe said. “Through my leadership position on the EPW Committee and as the primary author of SAFETEA I know firsthand the link between infrastructure spending, job creation, and a robust economy. 

“I believe it is our duty in this stimulus bill to create as many jobs as quickly as possible.  It’s not just the funding that is important, but how quickly we are able to stimulate the economy with the money in these programs.” 

Senator Inhofe fully supports increases in funding for infrastructure as long as they don’t add to to the cost of this already bloated bill.    “We can’t just add to the size of the bill and deficit without giving priority to programs that stimulate the economy.  If we are going to call this package a stimulus bill, then we need to direct resources to programs that have demonstrated ability to create jobs immediately, and all other programs must be seriously considered,” Senator Inhofe said. “Any additional funding to the stimulus needs to be offset, including infrastructure.” 


The Boxer-Bond-Inhofe amendment increases highway investment by $5.5 billion. The amendment will eliminate this cumbersome new discretionary program, and merge the $5.5 billion with the $27 billion that goes out to all states as soon as the bill is enacted. This amendment provides every state additional funding.  

The Inhofe-Boxer amendment takes funds not obligated within a year, up to $50 billion, from programs in the stimulus that are not spending and redirect them to infrastructure project that are ready to have a contract awarded within 120 days of receiving this money.   

Inhofe Amendment to Boost Defense Spending In Stimulus Bill

Senator Inhofe also attempted to boost the percent of defense spending in the stimulus bill this week. The amendment was defeated on a proceedural motion. Senator Inhofe's Floor remarks as prepared for delivery:

Investing in our nation's defense provides thousands of sustainable American jobs and provides for our nation's security.  Major defense procurement programs are all manufactured in the US with our aerospace industry alone employing more than 655,000 workers spread across over most of the US.

At the end of last month, conservative economist Martin Feldstein wrote in the Post about the "$800 Billion Mistake" referring to this stimulus bill.  In that article, he pointed out the value of infrastructure spending on domestic military bases. 

In fact, it is clear that infrastructure investment, along with defense spending and tax cuts, has a greater stimulative impact on the economy than anything else the government can do. 

That is what I am trying to do with this amendment.  My amendment increases defense procurement spending by $5,300,000,000 to manufacture or acquire vehicles, equipment, ammunition, and materials required to reconstitute military units.   

It appropriates, with a full offset within the bill, $5,232,000,000 for procurement for the Department of Defense to reconstitute military units to an acceptable level of readiness.

This funding will go to procurement of aircraft, tracked and non-tracked combat vehicles, missiles, weapons, ammunition, communications equipment, maintenance equipment, naval coastal warfare boats, salvage equipment, riverine equipment, expeditionary material handling equipment, and other expeditionary items.

It doesn't increase the cost of the bill by identifying proposals in this bill which highlight a part of the frivolous spending.  These offsets include:

-$20 million for fish passage barrier removal,

-$20 million for trail improvements,

-$25 million for habitat restoration,

-$34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce,

-$600 million for the federal government to buy cars - specifically hybrid and battery cars,

-$13 million to research volunteer activities,

-$650 million in coupons for digital TV (DTV) transition,

-$70 million for a support computer for climate change research,

-$1 billion for Census,

-$850 million for Amtrak, and

-$2 billion reduction from $6 billion to use "green technology" to revamp federal office buildings.

This is a common sense amendment with real stimulative impact.

WATCH: Inhofe Youtube from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

On Monday, Senator Inhofe posted a YouTube video filmed during his visit on Monday to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. As a Senior Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Inhofe led a fact-finding mission in response to President Obama's executive order to close the prison. Senators Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and David Vitter (R-La.), joined Senator Inhofe on the trip. Senator Inhofe stands firmly opposed to the closing of the detainee camp which holds 245 enemy combatants from the war on terror. The closing of the camp could result in the transfer of the detainees to US soil which would increase the threat to national security as well as further complicate the legal process through which these prisoners are being tried, and the potential release of individuals who pose a real and credible threat to the United States and its citizens. 

To Watch the YouTube Video, click here or on the picture above


 Senator Inhofe: "Several claims have been tossed around over the past few years in regards to the operations at GITMO, but with President Obama's intention to close down the facility, the United States could be faced with some very grave national security threats. President Obama's Executive Order failed to take into consideration the implications of closing GITMO - what happens to current detainees at GITMO, what does the military do with detainees held in other military prisons around the world, how does the military handle terrorists captured in the future, and what judicial process is going to be used. The trip was designed to help bring these and other issues to the forefront.

"Before we rush to close GTMO, I ask President Obama and my colleagues who have never visited GTMO to make time and visit GTMO. They owe it to themselves and the American public to see and understand what is going on there, how detainees are being held, and the legal process that has been put in place to ensure detainees receive a fair and impartial trial."

What we know:

-As the U.S. engages in the War on Terror, the capture of terrorists is inevitable and they must be held somewhere.

-The detainee complex at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is the only complex in the world that can safely and humanely hold individuals that pose a high security risk to the US. It is a secure location away from population centers, provides maximum security required to prevent escape, provides multiple levels of confinement opportunities based on compliance of the detainee, and provides medical care not available a majority of the population of the world.   

-On 22 Jan, President Obama ordered the closing of the Guantanamo Bay prison within a year, closed CIA facilities, and ordered that all interrogations of suspected terrorists will have to abide by the Army field manual, removing the Bush administration's approval of "enhanced" interrogation techniques, which some believed to be torture.  

-President Obama's Executive Order could cause delays in the trials of: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, "mastermind" of the 9/11 attacks; Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek Bin ‘Attash, trainer of 9/11 operatives and senior al Qaeda figure connected to the USS Cole bombing and 1998 bombings of US Embassies in East Africa; and Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, the primary financial and logistical supporters of the 9/11 operatives.

-If GTMO is no longer a prison, some US domestic or overseas prison will have to house these detainees while they await a hearing and trial. Moving these prisoners to the US would increase the risk to national security and complicate the judicial process through which these prisoners are tried.

-The other alternative is the release of these terrorists. If the US released all detainees currently being held at GTMO, it would threaten not only our national security, but the security of all our allies and our coalition partners around the world.

-Joint Task Force (JTF) GTMO holds approx 245 terrorists from over 30 countries. They are provided better care than the care provided prisoners in US prisons, including health care which provides all medical/dental services and a health care provider to a detainee ratio of 1:2 (one health care professional for every two detainees.)

-Water boarding has never occurred at GTMO. GTMO is operated by the DoD and only interrogation techniques approved by the Secretary of Defense has been used.

-Current treatment and oversight exceed any maximum-security prison in the world.  This did not happen overnight and was a deliberate process put in place by DoD and the commanders and personnel at GTMO.  One particular program called DIMS (Detainee Incident Management System) tracks all actions and activities for each detainee - meals eaten, recreation time, medical appointments, chaplain visits, interrogations as well as disciplinary actions. 

-US Soldiers in the battlefield are putting their lives at risk trying to secure evidence that can one day be used in a court of law to try and convict enemy combatants captured on the battlefield, often in the middle of a firefight.

-GTMO is the single greatest repository of human intelligence in the war on terror.  This intelligence has prevented terrorist attacks and saved lives in the past and continues to do so today.  New intelligence is being collected from detainees at GTMO is being used to fight terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the globe.

-The Expeditionary Legal Complex (ELC) located at GTMO is the only one of its kind in the world. It provides a secure location to secure and try detainees charged by the US government, full access to sensitive and classified information, full access to defense lawyers and prosecution, and full media access by the press.

Inhofe Introduces Legislation Preventing GITMO Prisoner Transfer to U.S.

On Tuesday, after returning from Gitmo, Senator Inhofe introduced legislation (S.370) to prevent the detainees at Guantanamo from being relocated anywhere on American soil. Senator Inhofe led a Congressional Delegation to Guantanamo Bay on Monday to see firsthand the state of the prison operations and get the facts out about its critical role in keeping U.S. national security. He has also introduced an amendment to the Stimulus Bill (H.R.1) to block any funding to be used on the transfer of the detainees to U.S. prisons or for the building or enhancing of any facility for the purpose of housing any such detainee. 

“President Obama’s decision to shut down Guantanamo Bay could have a devastating impact on our national security and is simply unacceptable. I am working hand in hand with the Oklahoma delegation and through my position on the Senate Armed Services Committee, to prevent these terrorists from coming to my state or any state on American soil. My constituents in Oklahoma deserve to feel safe, and we will not feel safe with some of the most dangerous terrorists in the world - men who would kill thousands for an extremist ideology - on our soil. I was there yesterday, and saw firsthand the need to keep this facility running.  

“I believe it is important for the American people to know the real value of this installation and its contribution to the security of the United States. The military detention facilities at GTMO meet the highest international standards and have a fundamental part in protecting the lives of Americans from terrorism. It provides a secure location to secure and try detainees charged by the US government, full access to sensitive and classified information, full access to defense lawyers and prosecution, and full media access by the press. 

“Furthermore, GTMO is the single greatest repository of human intelligence in the war on terror.  This intelligence has prevented terrorist attacks and saved lives in the past and continues to do so today.   

“The U.S. Senate spoke in 2007 passing a resolution 94-3 stating, ‘detainees housed at Guantanamo should not be released into American society, nor should they be transferred stateside into facilities in American communities and neighborhoods.’  Today, I am introducing legislation to prohibit moving these terrorists into the United States.”       


Mr. President, on Monday, February 2, I led a Congressional Delegation Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  In light of the recent announcements by President Obama to close the detainee facility at some point, I believe it is important for the American people to know the real value of this installation and its contribution to the security of the United States.   

Since the United States began its Global War on Terrorism, terrorists have been captured by the United States and their allies and detained in facilities at Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility (GTMO), Cuba.  The US has detained almost 800 Al-Qaeda and Taliban combatants at GTMO.  Since 2002, more than 525 detainees have been tried and departed GTMO for other countries, and today there are approximately 245 detainees at GTMO.   

The military detention facilities at GTMO meet the highest international standards and haves a fundamental part in protecting the lives of Americans from terrorism. The Expeditionary Legal Complex (ELC) located at GTMO is the only one of its kind in the world. It provides a secure location to secure and try detainees charged by the US government, full access to sensitive and classified information, full access to defense lawyers and prosecution, and full media access by the press.  The detainees are being treated humanely. There are on average two lawyers for every detainee that has been charged or had charges preferred against them at GITMO.  There are 127 doctors, nurses and medical technicians dedicated to caring for and maintaining the health of each detainee – a ratio of 1:2 (one health care professional for every two detainees).  Current treatment and oversight exceed any maximum-security prison in the world. 

The detainee complex at GTMO is the only complex in the world that can safely and humanely hold these individuals.  Individuals who pose a high security risk to the US. It is a secure location away from population centers, provides maximum security required to prevent escape, provides multiple levels of confinement opportunities based on compliance of the detainee, and provides medical care not available a majority of the population of the world.  

Furthermore, GTMO is the single greatest repository of human intelligence in the war on terror.  This intelligence has prevented terrorist attacks and saved lives in the past and continues to do so today.  New intelligence is being collected from detainees at GTMO is being used to fight terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the globe.  This intelligence information obtained from questioning detainees includes a variety of issues of value to US security including the organizational structure of al-Qaida and other terrorist groups; the extent of terrorist presence in Europe, the United States, and the Middle East; al-Qaida’s pursuit of weapons of mass destruction; the methods of recruitment and locations of recruitment centers; terrorist skill sets, including general and specialized operative training; and how legitimate financial activities are used to hide terrorist operations.  

Mr. President, the U.S. Senate spoke in 2007 passing a resolution 94-3 stating, “detainees housed at Guantanamo should not be released into American society, nor should they be transferred stateside into facilities in American communities and neighborhoods.”  The United States is still in a global war on terror, engaged in armed conflict with terrorist organizations, and will, in all probability, continue to capture terrorists who will be detained in a facility.  If the detention facility at GTMO is closed, some United States domestic or overseas prison will have to house these detainees while they await disposition. Today, I am introducing legislation to prohibit moving these terrorists into the United States.        

Related Links: 

WATCH: Inhofe Youtube from Guantanamo Bay, CubaLink to Tulsa World Article

Link to Oklahoma’s News Channel 8

Watch: Tulsa’s News on 6

Inhofe-Roberts-Burr-Vitter- to Visit GITMO on Monday



Okla. Senators Inhofe and Coburn Vote No on Holder Confirmation

Senator Inhofe and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) on Monday voted against Eric Holder’s confirmation as U.S. Attorney General. Holder was confirmed by a vote of 75 to 21.
Sen. Inhofe: “Like most Oklahomans, I have always felt strongly that the rights conferred upon us by the Second Amendment guarantee an individual freedom that no government regulation can take away.  During my time serving the State of Oklahoma, I have fought to protect this right. Unfortunately, President Obama has chosen an Attorney General who opposes our Second Amendment freedom. Eric Holder joined in the effort to maintain the nation’s strictest gun ownership laws, arguing that the Second Amendment does not protect individual firearm possession, but rather relegates gun ownership to organized militias.  Although the U.S. Supreme Court has now spoken loud and clear, I do not believe the decision has changed Holder’s underlying beliefs, and I believe his leadership as the chief lawyer of the United States will be a detriment to the gun ownership rights of American citizens.

“Holder’s judgment and record on pardons and clemency during the Clinton Administration are also unsettling.  He chose to circumvent the standard process by which all pardons are granted, and worked to award a pardon to Marc Rich, a political supporter, tax evader, and fugitive.  Equally egregious, while Holder was Deputy Attorney General, the Clinton Administration granted clemency to 16 members of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, the terrorist organization FALN.  Holder also supports closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, which could mean moving detainees to the mainland United States, and believes that U.S. interrogation techniques should be published for the world to see.  In voting against Eric Holder’s confirmation, I am putting the values of Oklahomans first. Be assured that during his time as U.S. Attorney General, I will hold Eric Holder accountable.”

Dr. Coburn: “I have high praise for Eric Holder as an individual and as a lawyer, yet I believe certain aspects of his record disqualify him from serving as our next Attorney General.   His error in judgment for providing clemency to FALN terrorists, his refusal to define the Second Amendment as an individual right and his unsatisfactory responses on the First Amendment issue of the Fairness Doctrine are unacceptable.  After questioning and reviewing Mr. Holder’s record, I do not believe he is the right choice to defend our Constitution and enforce the laws of this nation.”


Inhofe Speaks Out Against Eric Holder’s Nomination as Attorney General 


Senator Inhofe Seeking Hope for Orphaned Children

On Wednesday, Senator Inhofe took time to draw attention to the millions of orphans in the world and the life-changing benefits of adoption. It is estimated that there are over 143 million orphans in the world today, and millions of them are growing up on the streets or in institutions that lack the resources to give them the love and care that every child deserves.  


Sen. Inhofe Hosts Adoption Reception

Senator Inhofe joined with Senators Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Sam Brownback (R-KS), and Mark Pryor (D-AK) to host the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Reception to bring faith, government, and corporate leaders together to build new partnerships on behalf of orphaned children and adoptive families.

Sen. Inhofe knows personally the blessings of adoption. He is proud to have an adopted granddaughter from Ethiopia. In the 110th Congress, he cosponsored legislation to support the goals of the National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting awareness of adoption and children awaiting families and every year participates in the Angels in Adoption’s project to recognize adoptive families. Sen. Inhofe has also pushed to make the Adoption Tax Credit permanent to make it easier for adoptive families to cover the costs.

“I believe that God has a special plan for every child. It is such a blessing for so many American families to be able to adopt a child and bring them into their caring and loving homes. Whether they come from America or another country, here they have the same chance at happiness as other American children. I want to work to make it easier for American families to adopt, and easier for orphaned children to be adopted. I look forward to working with Senator Landrieu and the other members of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption to make this happen,” said Sen. Inhofe.

In the News..Newson6 Features Inhofe YouTube, Website

NewsOn6: Politics As Usual On YouTube
Posted: Feb 3, 2009
By Margaret Stokes & Chris Howell

Click here to watch: Newson6 Features Inhofe YouTube, Website

Watch: Inhofe’s YouTube Message to Tulsa Viewers   

 TULSA, OK-- You no longer have to turn to C-SPAN to get to know your legislature, now you can get to know many of them on YouTube.

In fact Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe stars in one of the most watched videos on the YouTube Senate Hub. He recently posted a video from Cuba during his visit to Guantanamo Bay.

It may be surprising to know that Senator Inhofe has two website channels, one of which was recognized in 2007 for being one of the best on Capitol Hill. Now like many politicians he's turning to YouTube and other networking sites to reach the public.

Inhofe is on facebook, has his own YouTube channel, produces podcasts, writes a blog, and has recently joined Twitter.

In this day in age Inhofe says the internet is the best way to reach constituents. He says it enables him to bypass the mainstream media and allow for more participation in the legislative process.

In fact, the senator is so web savvy, when we contacted his office to learn more on his attempts to use this new medium, he appropriately posted his response in a video on YouTube.

In the News...State Republicans rail against stimulus package

Tulsa World 

State Republicans rail against stimulus package

by: JIM MYERS, World Washington Bureau
Saturday, February 07, 2009

WASHINGTON -- Oklahoma Republicans began lining up against an agreement Saturday worked out in the Senate on a massive economic package of spending and tax cuts.

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe conceded, however, the proposal pushed by President Obama to stimulate the economy will pass.

"It is just outrageous,'' Inhofe said. "The amounts are just obscene.''

He dismissed the agreement worked out by a small bipartisan group of senators as "cover'' for those who want to vote for a package.

Although he probably would have voted against any final product, Inhofe wanted to boost the funding for highways and other infrastructure.

That effort died when the compromise was announced.

Citing e-mails, phone calls and faxes now flooding his offices, Inhofe said Americans are speaking out more against the package.

"They can rest assured that my vote remains an unwavering ‘no,'" he said.

Rep. John Sullivan agreed infrastructure spending should be increased in the package.

"It is being sold as a jobs creation bill,'' Sullivan said.

On the tax side, he said, more needs to be done to help individuals and small businesses.

"They need something immediately,'' Sullivan said.

He suggested a change in the payroll tax could provide the kind of meaningful relief that is needed.

"That is something we see on the pay check,'' Sullivan said.

Rep. Tom Cole said a temporary phase out of both the payroll tax and the capital gains tax should be considered.

On the spending side, Cole said, the agreement in the Senate does not go far enough to ease his skepticism that some of the so-called temporary programs will become permanent.

"There are still too many longtime programs that we are going to fund for two years,'' he said.

As an example, Cole asked, can college students who have been receiving Pell grants be told that money will no longer be available in two years?

He predicted such spending will be built into the budget.

Both Sullivan and Cole voted against the House version of the package.

Announced Friday night, the agreement in the Senate is expected to get its first procedural vote on Monday.

Its price tag has been put at $780 billion, but even supporters concede that is a moving target.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, one of the four senators who hammered out the compromise, said it reduces the Senate proposal by more than $100 billion by cutting out spending that has no place in an emergency bill.

The biggest changes came in the education area, but supporters repeatedly pointed out that the money that remained in the bill would be new funding for these programs.

In the News...Inhofe hopes to stop Gitmo closing

Tulsa World 

Inhofe hopes to stop Gitmo closing

by: JIM MYERS World Washington Bureau
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, who wants to stop President Obama from shutting down the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, described 110 of the 245 detainees there Monday as "hard core terrorists'' whose home countries will not take them back.

"Those people there want to kill anything that moves that is not Muslim,'' the Oklahoma Republican said in a phone interview on his flight back from visiting the detention center.

And, Inhofe added, if the surge now underway in Afghanistan adds to the number of captured foreign combatants as expected, Guantanamo would be the only place to send those as well.

"There is no place else,'' he said.

Inhofe also spoke of the legal uncertainty the U.S. could face if the detainees were ever transferred from the center, which is located in Cuba, to American soil, even to a prison on a military base.

Evidence that can be used in a military tribunal is not allowed in the U.S. legal system, he said.

A senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Inhofe led a delegation that included Sens. Richard Burr, R-N.C., and David Vitter, R-La. Two others scheduled to go did not make the trip.

He described the group as a "truth squad'' hoping to gather enough information to stop Obama, who signed an order last week to shut down the detention center within a year. Inhofe's interest in the issue increased with renewed attention to a 2-year-old list of potential sites where the detainees could be transferred.

Fort Sill, in southwestern Oklahoma, appeared on that list. Inhofe conceded that chances that Fort Sill would ever be selected "are not that great'' but added Fort Leavenworth, Kan., is not that far away from the state.

He dismissed criticism about keeping detainees at Guantanamo indefinitely.

"If the option is they are there for life or you kill them or send them to Tulsa, Oklahoma, I'd say put them there for life,'' Inhofe said.

In an interview on NBC's "Today Show,'' Obama described his decision to shut down the detention center as the "right thing to do'' that ''ultimately will make us safer.''

"We've already seen in the reaction around the world a different sense of America by taking this action,'' the president said.

Obama conceded he was worried about the possibility that a detainee could be released and then later take part in carrying out an attack.

"I have to make the very best judgments I can make in terms of what's going to keep the American people safe and what's going to uphold our Constitution and traditions of due process,'' he said.

"If we don't uphold our Constitution and our values that over time that will make us less safe and that will be a recruitment tool for organizations like al Qaeda.''