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Sen. Kyl and delegation visiting Jericho in the Palestinian West Bank where U.S. personnel are training the Palestinian Presidential Guard and Palestinian National Security Forces. LtG Keith Dayton, USA retired, is the lead U.S. trainer (third from the left).

Latest News
08/06/09  Kyl Amendment Suspends Cash for Clunkers Program, Calls for Review
08/05/09  Kyl Statement on Sotomayor Confirmation
07/27/09  Kyl on Health-Care Reform

Weekly Column
08/10/09 -- Follow the Hippocratic Oath
As every doctor knows, the cardinal rule of medicine is to first do no harm. But the healthcare reform bills being written by Congressional Democrats would violate that rule and President Obama’s promise that, “if you like your current coverage, you get to keep it.” Take the 160 million Americans who have health insurance through their employer.
More >>

Recent media interviews
and floor statements

Terrorism and Homeland Security Subcommittee::
July 28, 2009: "Prosecuting Terrorists: Civilian and Military Trials for GTMO and Beyond"

Today in the Senate: Senate Calendar

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Senator Kyl's Arizona Quiz
for Students


My constituents in Arizona contact me about a wide range of issues. Here is my position on some of the hottest topics that are currently being mentioned in calls, letters, and email:

Health Care Reform

Climate Change (cap-and-trade) Legislation

Card Check:  An Attack on the Sanctity of the Secret Ballot

E-Verify:  Reauthorize the Program and Check Worker Status

Senator Kyl's Recommended Reading:
"Get Ready for Medical Rationing" By Robert Goldberg, The Detroit News, June 11, 2009
"Why Government Can't Run a Business" By John Steele Gordon, The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2009
"Chrysler Restructuring Plan a Power Grab" By Robert Robb, Real Clear Politics, May 6, 2009

Recommended Reading List >>

BBB Alerts Consumers about U.S. Census Workers:
Be Cooperative, But Cautious!

For years, Better Business Bureau has educated consumers about not giving out personal information over the telephone or to anyone who shows up at their front door.  With the U.S. Census process beginning, BBB advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft.

Read more about the steps you can take to protect yourself.


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