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2007 AGU Fall Meeting, December 10-14, San Francisco, CA

Cloudsat, CALIOP, MODIS, AIRS, OMI, and POLDER Data Search and Visualization
Available to Facilitate Multi Instrument Cloud Studies Along the A-Train Path

Steve Kempler

Now that the A-Train suite of datasets have become more mature, new and innovative science utilizing the various products has become more reliable and challenging.  To perform multi-satellite research with A-Train data originating from heterogeneous missions, scientists must access, subset, visualize, and analyze user specified datasets, in ways unique to the dataset.  Then, the datasets need to be co-registered.  The A-Train Data Depot (ATDD) has been developed to save each scientist the effort and expense of developing these functions individually.

The ATDD, operational for over a year, successfully serves co-registered data, as spatially and temporally specified by the researcher, from the Cloudsat, CALIOP, AIRS, MODIS, and now OMI data instruments. 

Currently, the ATDD provides data visualization and access, using the GIOVANNI data exploration tool, for:  8 Cloudsat, CALIOP, MODIS, and AIRS products that include cloud and aerosol, atmospheric temperature, and water vapor profile parameters; and, 10 MODIS, AIRS, and OMI products that include cloud pressure, water vapor, cloud optical thickness and aerosol, horizontally plotted parameters (+/-100 km from the profile data).  In addition, a significant step, overlaying OMI, POLDER, MODIS, and AIRS 2-D cloud pressure data on the vertical profiles, was implemented.  Once parameters of interest for cloud studies are visualized, various collocated and subsetted data sets as well as PNG image files can be downloaded.  This user specified ‘production’ visualization of A-Train data greatly aids researchers by conveniently availing them of specific data of interest, while affording more time for research.


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