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Student Section

Inhofe interns.
Inhofe interns prepare for lunch
in the Senate dining room.

Interning is a wonderful opportunity to experience the federal government’s legislative branch first-hand, while serving Oklahoma. By attending committee hearings, briefings, assisting with research to aid the Senator and his constituents, and performing general office duties, interns gain a “behind the scenes” perspective of the legislative process. Internships are open to students of all majors with an interest in politics.

Washington DC Internships:
Students interested in the Washington D.C. internship program must submit an online application to the Washington D.C. office. In addition to the online application, an official college transcript and three letters of recommendation must be mailed to the DC office by the stated deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Preference is given to Oklahoma residents who have completed their sophomore year of college.

Fall and spring internships last approximately ten weeks, dependent upon the schedule of each intern. Summer internships are divided into two sessions of five weeks each. Summer internships are paid while spring and fall internships are unpaid. However, most schools offer college credit for internships. Check with your school to determine what specific requirements must be met. Interns are responsible for arranging their own housing. Housing information from local universities will be provided once applicants are notified of their acceptance.

The online application can be found on the Internship Application Form*.

Senator Inhofe meets with Oklahoma interns in his D.C. office
Senator Inhofe meets with Oklahoma interns in his D.C. office

DC Internship Application Deadlines:
Please submit your application by the following dates:
Spring Session.................................... November 15
Summer Session I and II.....................March 15
Fall Session.........................................July 15

For additional information on the intern program, please feel free to call the Washington office intern coordinator at (202) 224-4721.

Oklahoma Internships (Oklahoma City and Tulsa):
Students interested in the internship program for either the Tulsa or the Oklahoma City offices must submit an online application to that office.  In addition to the online application, an official college transcript and a letter of recommendation must be mailed to the  particular office.   Preference is given to students who have at least completed their freshman year of college.

Fall, spring and summer internships are approximately ten to twelve weeks, depending upon the schedule of each intern.  All internships are unpaid. However, most schools offer college credit for internships.  Check with your school to determine specific requirements. Additionally, deadlines for the Oklahoma internships are flexible, so please contact the intern coordinator at the numbers provided for more information.

For additional information, please contact either the Tulsa office intern coordinator at (918) 748-5111 or the Oklahoma City office intern coordinator at (405) 608-4381.

The online application can be found on the Internship Application Form*.

*Note: Please be sure to indicate on the application to which office you are applying. You will only be able to choose one office for each application.

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