
August 12, 2009 - 2:37 PM

From the Road: Defense Trade Show in Fayetteville

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr

Earlier this week, I hosted the 8th Annual Defense and Economic Development Trade Show along with Senator Kay Hagan and Congressman Larry Kissell. We kicked off Sunday night at Cape Fear BBQ in Fayetteville. At dinner we met the new Garrison Commander of Ft. Bragg, Colonel Sicinski ,and numerous business owners from across North Carolina.

On Monday morning, I hosted a breakfast for our vendors and guests before the trade show. The highlight of breakfast was hearing from General Lloyd Austin, Commanding General of the 18th Airborne Corps. General Austin spoke about the important role the military has in the local economy and how North Carolina small businesses and workers have benefitted from its presence.

70 vendors and over 300 individual participants attended this year's trade show. North Carolina has the third largest military presence in any state in the U.S., and this event was a great opportunity to create jobs in North Carolina by fostering economic relationships between contractors and North Carolina companies.

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August 11, 2009 - 3:51 PM

Members of Congress and Health Care Coverage

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr

One question I have been hearing a lot from constituents is whether members of Congress will be required to participate in a government-run health care plan if Congress approves the health care reform bill.  While I do not support the creation of a government-run plan, I do believe Members of Congress should have to live under such a plan if one is created.   

During the Senate HELP committee's consideration of the Kennedy-Dodd health care bill, I voted "yes" on an amendment (Coburn Amendment #226) that would require members of the House and Senate and their staff to be enrolled in any public plan created by Congress and signed into law by the President.  If it is good enough to force on the American people, then it is good enough for policymakers as well.  You can watch C-SPAN's coverage of the debate and vote on this amendment by clicking here. 

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August 4, 2009 - 4:09 PM

Senator Burr on WBT 8/04/09

Posted by: Burr Press Office

Senator Burr joined Al and Stacey in the Morning today on WBT AM in Charlotte to discuss what is going on in Washington and how the Senate is handling health care reform.  To listen, please click here.

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July 31, 2009 - 11:47 AM

Senator Burr's Week in Review - July 31, 2009

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr 

This week, I introduced the Caring for Camp Lejeune Veterans Act of 2009.  My bill would require the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide health care to veterans and their family members who have experienced adverse health effects as a result of exposure to well water contaminated by carcinogens at Camp Lejeune.  Thousands of Navy and Marine veterans and their families who lived on Camp Lejeune have become ill with a variety of cancers and diseases believed to be attributable to their service at Lejeune.  While we continue to seek more answers on this tragic situation, this bill is a step in the right direction.  Senator Hagan has joined me in this effort.  I look forward to working with her to ensure that the Lejeune veterans and their families have access to the care they deserve.

I also introduced the Services for Ending Long-Term Homelessness Act this week.  Over a half a million Americans do not have a place to call home each night, and two to three million people find themselves homeless at some point during the year. The latest estimates indicate that there are 150,000 chronically homeless individuals nationwide.  My bill would strengthen permanent supportive housing programs by combining housing with support services, such as mental health, substance use disorder treatment and recovery, and employment opportunities for chronically homelessness individuals and families. It is important that we work to address homelessness by helping people become self-sufficient so that they can return to a better, more productive life.

On Wednesday, I attended a Veterans' Affairs Committee hearing on disability compensation and the claims backlog.  The disability compensation system has been plagued with problems for far too long and it is time to help veterans get decisions faster.  I am pleased to be working with the Disabled American Veterans to draft a bill that would make needed changes in the compensation system.  The men and women who have served and sacrificed for our nation deserve a system that meets their needs without hassles or delays. 

As many of you may know, after much consideration I have decided to vote against Judge Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court.  Undoubtedly, she has impressive academic credentials, a lengthy judicial record, and a personal story that is inspiring to many Americans.  However, I am concerned with Judge Sotomayor's ability to adhere to long-standing case precedent and apply the law according to a strict interpretation of the Constitution.  I am troubled by her decisions in cases where she appears to have relied on something other than well-settled law to come to a decision.  My fear is that she has been unable to separate her personal belief system from that of the letter of the law.  Her nomination is expected to come to the Senate floor next week.

The Senate is also continuing consideration of bills to fund the operations of the federal government in the coming fiscal year.  Next week the Senate is expected to continue consideration of the Agriculture appropriations bill and related amendments.

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July 24, 2009 - 4:44 AM

Senator Burr's Week in Review - July 24, 2009

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr

This week, the Senate considered the National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes funding for our nation’s military and defense initiatives.  I offered several amendments to the bill, including the Military Spouse Residency Relief Act, which was approved by voice vote.  I am very pleased by the passage of this amendment, which allows spouses of servicemembers to maintain residency in their home state.  Under current law, active-duty personnel can keep a home state of residence no matter where military orders send them.  However, military spouses do not have these rights, even though they move right along with their service member.  This means that every time they move, military spouses have to change their license plates and registrations, voter registration, and even file state and local tax returns in a different state than their active-duty spouse.   

Many of us take for granted the frequent moves that military spouses must make to support our armed forces and what these moves mean not only in terms of the headaches and hassles involved in constantly changing residency but also the impact on careers.  Recent studies have found that military wives move farther and more often than their civilian counterparts; are more likely to be unemployed than the average civilian spouse; and, even if they do find work, tend to earn less than civilian wives.  Moreover, spouses are also much less likely to have their names on deeds and titles of family property because of the implications of moving to another state, leaving many feeling like second class citizens.  For some perspective of the impact of the current law on spouses, click here to read a recent AP story:

By extending to them the same residency rights enjoyed by servicemembers, this amendment sends a clear message to military spouses that we appreciate their sacrifices and are grateful for the contributions they make to the success of our Armed Forces. 

I also offered an amendment yesterday to block the construction of an outlying landing field (OLF) in Sandbanks or Hale’s Lake, North Carolina for Oceana Naval Air Station in Virginia. While the amendment was defeated, I believe I got the point across that the Navy must listen to the local community when considering these sites.  This amendment was included in the Defense bill that the House passed, so there is still a chance that we can get this important provision into law.  

The health care debate continues in Washington and across the country, and the President has stepped up efforts to build support for his plan.  I was disappointed on Wednesday when President Obama said during a news conference that Republicans had not offered any alternatives to his proposal, which would create a new government-run plan.  As loyal readers of this weekly update know, this is not the case.  In May, Senator Tom Coburn and I introduced the Patients’ Choice Act, a bill that would provide quality coverage for all Americans.  According to a study conducted by an independent research organization, our bill would generate a $70 billion surplus over the next decade.  Congress should not rush this important reform effort, but instead take the time to consider these alternatives and the potential costs and benefits they might have. 

On Tuesday,  I had the privilege to speak with family caregivers from across the country who were in Washington for the Wounded Warrior Project’s Caregiver Summit.  These individuals put their lives on hold to care for our nation’s wounded warriors, and they deserve our support.  To make sure caregivers get the support they need, Chairman Akaka and I have introduced the Caregiver and Veterans Health Services Act of 2009This bill would strengthen support for caregivers of veterans and help ensure that veterans in need of institutional care have the choice of receiving care from a family member at home.  I want to single out two special North Carolinians, Sarah and Ted Wade, who spent many hours reviewing drafts of the bill before it was introduced.  Their unique perspective on the needs of both family caregivers and seriously injured veterans needing full-time care was essential. 

I also spoke with the Southern AIDS Coalition about the importance of the Ryan White program.  The program’s authorization is set to expire at the end of this year.  I will continue to work with my colleagues, the Southern AIDS Coalition, and North Carolinians to ensure that this vital program keeps on providing appropriate care, treatment and support to those living with HIV/AIDS.  

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July 23, 2009 - 4:31 PM

Southern AIDS Coalition

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr 


Today, I had the privilege of speaking to the Southern AIDS Coalition about the importance of the Ryan White program.  The program’s current authorization is set to expire later this year.  I will continue to work with the HIV/AIDS community, including the Southern AIDS Coalition and my constituents back home in North Carolina, to ensure that this vital program continues to provide appropriate care, treatment, and support services in a manner that reflects the needs of those living with HIV/AIDS. [read more]

July 21, 2009 - 5:41 PM

Wounded Warriors Caregiver Summit

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr


Today, I got the chance to speak with family caregivers from across the country who are in Washington for the Wounded Warrior Project’s (WWP) Caregiver Summit.  These individuals put their lives on hold to care for our nation’s injured veterans, and they play an extremely important and unique role in helping to meet the personal care needs of our severely injured veterans. 


In order to ensure that these caregivers receive the support they need,  Chairman Akaka and I have introduced the Caregiver and Veterans Health Services Act of 2009.   The bill would strengthen support for caregivers of veterans and help ensure veterans in need of institutional care have the choice of receiving care from a family member at home.   America owes these servicemembers and veterans a huge debt of gratitude, and we owe them the quality of care they earned through their service. 

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July 21, 2009 - 11:29 AM

Senator Burr on WWNC 07/21/09

Posted by: Burr Press Office

This morning, Senator Burr spoke with Jerri Jameson on WWNC in Asheville.  They discussed the current defense spending bill on the Senate floor this week, as well as the health care reform bill that passed through the Health, Education, Pensions and Labor Committee last week.  To listen, please click here.

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July 20, 2009 - 5:21 PM

Senator Burr Article on Patients' Choice Act in The Hill

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr 

Today, The Hill published a piece Senator Coburn and I wrote on our health care reform bill, the Patients' Choice Act.  In addition to discussing our bill, we point out the provisions any comprehensive health care bill must contain in order to provide the American people with effective, sustainable reform. 

To read this article and learn more about the health care debate that is playing out in Washington, please click here.  [read more]

July 16, 2009 - 5:42 PM

Health Care Reform will not drive down costs

Posted by: Sen. Richard Burr 


I am very disappointed with the health care bill that was approved on a party-line vote by the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee yesterday.  Not only does the bill fall 34 million Americans short of providing full coverage, but it is also financially unsustainable.   

Today, the director of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, agreed that this legislation would weaken the economy.  He stated that the health care reform measures drafted by the Democrats would “worsen an already bleak budget outlook, increasing deficit projections and driving the nation more deeply into debt.”  When Mr. Elmendorf was pressed further during the Senate Budget Committee hearing by Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) about whether or not the Democrats health care bill would be able to reduce health care costs, he responded “No, Mr. Chairman.”  

This note of caution comes from Congress’ top budget economist, who was appointed by the congressional majority.   

I do not believe that this is the kind of health care reform that Americans want for themselves or for future generations. 

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