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Video Floor Speeches

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March 3, 2009 -- President's Budget sets honest course for the future

February 25, 2009 -- One minute on budgetting America's needs

February 11, 2009 -- Critique of President Bush's handling of the economy

February 9, 2009 -- Discussion w/ Budget Chairman Spratt on nation's fiscal health

January 14, 2009 -- Statement on Childrens' Health Insurance Bill (S-CHIP)

September 24, 2008 - Go Slow, Get it Right on Financial Bailout

May 6, 2008 - Gas Prices Soar, Iran Gains

March 5, 2008 - Resolution Honoring Earl Lloyd, NBA Hall of Famer and Alexandria Native

March 5, 2008 - Statement of Iranian President's Trip to Iraq

April 16, 2008 - American Taxpayers Paying for Iraqi Garbage Pickup

April 8, 2008 - Iraqi Government Sitting on Billions, Asking for American Taxpayers to Foot the Bill

January 16, 2008 - Statement on Trade Deficit and China's Purchasing of U.S. Debt

December 5, 2007 - Statement on Iran and Energy Independence

December 4, 2007 - Statement on Iran and the Furloughing of Federal Employees

November 8, 2007 - Historic Passage of Employment Non-Discrimination Act

October 18, 2007 - Honoring the Patriots of PO Box 1142

October 29, 2007 - Resolution Honoring Activists Working to End the Genocide in Darfur

September 27, 2007 - Domestic Priorities Hurt by Foreign Policy Fiasco in Iraq

July 12, 2007 -- Iraq Redeployment Debate

June 21, 2007 -- Opposing Ban on Family Planning for Third World Countries

June 13, 2007 -- Virginia Tech Tragedy Highlights Need for Gun Control

June 6, 2007 -- Gitmo Detainees Charges Dropped because Unconstitutionality of Law

May 24, 2007 -- Iraq Supplemental Passage

April 25, 2007 -- Passage of Iraq Accountability Act

April 23, 2007 -- Honoring the Life and Work of Rachel Carson

April 18, 2007 -- Resolution In Memory of the VA Tech Victims

March 23, 2007 -- One Minute Speech on Iraq

March 22, 2007 -- DC Voting Rights

Feburary 13, 2007 -- Opposing the President's Troop Escalation Resolution

September 28, 2006 -- Statement on Wiretapping bill that threatens to erode civil liberties

September 27, 2006 -- Statement on concerns with Military Detainees legislation

September 27, 2006 -- Moran calls for 9/11 Commission recommendations to be adopted

September 19, 2006 -- Statement on continuing genocide in Darfur

September 13, 2006 -- One minute on continuing violence in Iraq

July 18, 2006 -- Debate on discriminatory "Marriage Protection Act"

July 11, 2006 -- One minute on increasing the minimum wage

June 16, 2006 -- Debate over resolution to "Stay the Course" in Iraq

June 14, 2006 -- Debate over raising the minimum wage

May 10, 2006 -- One minute on U.S. Energy Policy

April 6, 2006 -- Statement on the Republican FY 07 Budget

March 16, 2006 -- One minute on the Budget's effect on Education

March 15, 2006 -- Statement on Dubai Ports Deal

March 9, 2006 -- One minute on Misplaced Budget Priorities

February 8, 2006 -- Statement on the President's FY 2007 Budget

November 3, 2005 -- Statement during debate on the Private Property Rights Protection Act

November 2, 2005 -- Supporting McCain Detainee Prisoner Abuse Amendment

October 27, 2005 -- Debating BRAC Resolution of Disapproval

September 6, 2005 -- Concerning Tragic Response to Hurricane Katrina by Federal Government

July 27, 2005 --Floor Debate on CAFTA

July 21, 2005 -- Floor Debate on Reauthorization of USA Patriot Act 

July 13, 2005 -- Statement on Karl Rove Leak of CIA Agent

June 30, 2005 -- Statement Opposing Repeal of DC Gun Laws

March 5, 2005 -- Debate on Moran Iraq "Strategy for Success" Amendment


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