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Dear Constituent:

Moran Speaking at Hearing
Congressman Moran at Recent Congressional Hearing. Photo Credit: David Sims

Representing Northern Virginia in the Congress is both an honor and a privilege. My vote on the House floor is a vote for the values, interests and beliefs of my constituents. I feel it is important to keep you informed as to how I am working on your behalf.

Each session, I also sponsor and co-sponsor any number of bills and amendments that, if and when enacted, will benefit Northern Virginia and the country.

The links below will allow you to search my voting record, view legislation I have sponsored or co-sponsored and read selected reports written by the Congressional Research Service.

signature Moran
Jim Moran, M.C.

Bills introduced in the 111th Congress
Bills introduced in the 110th Congress
Voting Record
Legislative Process
How Laws Are Made
House Schedule
Congressional Record Search
Congressional Research Service Reports


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