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National System MPA Definitions and Criteria

Definitions of MPA and its Key Terms
With the goal of standardizing the term “marine protected area” for the purposes of the National System, the Order defines “MPA” as, “Any area of the marine environment that has been reserved by Federal, State, territorial, tribal or local laws or regulations to provide lasting protection for part or all of the natural and cultural resources therein.”

Without further clarification, the key terms of “area,” “marine environment,” “reserved,” “lasting,” and “protection” found in the MPA definition are subject to a range of interpretations and lead to an uncertain scope for the National System. Without clear definitions for these five key terms, identifying the sites that should be considered MPAs for the purposes of participating in the National System would be unclear and efforts to fully implement the Order would be fragmented, diffused, and ultimately unsuccessful.

In order to better define these key terms, the MPA Center and its partners compiled the inventory of MMAs described in section V.A of this document, using criteria developed through a formal public comment process. The inventory provided a more comprehensive understanding of the diversity of areas that could apply under the broadest interpretation of the MPA definition and its key terms. This subsequent analysis also provided a more thorough understanding of the breadth of place-based conservation around the country. In doing so the information revealed common MPA themes and characteristics from among the larger MMA category, and therein helped to define the following key terms of MPA for the National System.

The definitions of key terms for “MPA” listed below were guided by recommendations from stakeholders, including the MPAFAC, as well as the analysis of existing place-based conservation efforts. The Order’s definition of MPA, when taken together with the definitions of the five key terms of “area,” “marine environment,” “reserved,” “lasting,” and “protection,” and the “Additional National System MPA Criteria” listed below represent the complete set of criteria for determining the participation of existing MPA sites, programs and/or systems in the National System. The public comment process for the Draft Framework and these proposed criteria are intended to ensure that subsequent final criteria represent the nation’s interests – governmental, non-governmental, and public alike—in the National System.

For the purposes of the National System, the key terms of the MPA definition are defined as follows:

Key Term Definition
Area Must have legally defined geographical boundaries, and may be of any size, except that the site must be a subset of the U.S. federal, State, commonwealth, territorial, local or tribal marine environment in which it is located. Application of this criterion would exclude, for example, generic broad-based resource management authorities without specific locations and areas whose boundaries change over time based on species presence. The area must be one over which the U.S. has jurisdiction,
consistent with international law.

Must be: (a) ocean or coastal waters (note: coastal waters may include intertidal areas, bays or estuaries); (b) an area of the Great Lakes or their connecting waters; (c) an area of submerged lands under ocean or coastal waters or the Great Lakes or their connecting waters; or (d) a combination of the above. The term ‘‘intertidal’’ is understood to mean the shore zone between the mean low water and mean high water marks. An MPA may be a marine component part of a larger site that includes uplands. However, the terrestrial portion is not considered an MPA. For mapping purposes, an MPA may show an associated terrestrial protected area.

For the purposes of the National System, NOAA and DOI intend to use the following definition for the term ‘‘estuary’’: ‘‘Part of a river or stream or other body of water having unimpaired connection with the open sea, where the sea water is measurably diluted with fresh water derived from land drainage, and extending upstream to where ocean derived salts measure less than 0.5 parts per thousand during the period of average annual low flow.’’ Application of this criterion would exclude, for example, strictly freshwater sites outside the Great Lakes region that contain marine species at certain seasons or life history stages unless that site is a component of a larger, multiunit MPA.

Upon request, the agencies will work with individual federal, state and tribal MPAs and programs to examine unique conditions which may affect applicability of the term ‘‘estuary’’ or “coastal waters” for sites that have national or regional significance or representativeness.

Estuarine-like sites on tributaries of the Great Lakes will be considered for inclusion if they are located within the eight-digit USGS cataloging unit adjacent to a Great Lake or its connecting waters.

Reserved Must be established by and currently subject to federal, state, commonwealth, territorial, local or tribal law or regulation. Application of this criterion would exclude, for example, privately created or maintained marine sites.

Lasting Must be established with the intent at the time of designation to provide permanent protection.

Must provide the same level and type of protection at a fixed location and fixed and regular period of any duration during a year in a location that corresponds to the timing of a predictable ecological process or anthropogenic threat.

Sites and/or protections that must have a specific legislative or other administrative action to be decommissioned shall be considered to have been established with the intent to provide permanent protection. For example this would include sites that include a requirement for periodic renewal contingent on evaluation of effectiveness, with no specified expiration date.

Sites established to meet sustainable production goals such as stock rebuilding will be considered to have been established with the intent to provide permanent protection if site expiration is triggered by achieving a defined biological or ecological goal(s) with no specified duration.

Protection Must have existing laws or regulations that are designed and applied to afford the site with increased protection for part or all of the natural and submerged cultural resources therein for the purpose of maintaining or enhancing the long-term conservation of these resources, beyond any general protections that apply outside the site.

Application of this criterion would exclude restricted areas that are established for purposes other than conservation. For example, the term would not include areas closed for navigational safety, areas closed to safeguard modern man-made structures (e.g., submarine cable no-anchor zones), polluted shellfish-bed closure areas, areas closed to avoid fishing gear conflicts, and areas subject to area-based regulations that are established solely to limit fisheries by quota management or to facilitate enforcement.


Additional National System MPA Criteria
In addition to the definitions of MPA and its key terms above, partner National System MPA sites and systems also must address the relevant criteria listed below.

  1. National System MPA sites or systems must address the following additional criteria:
    1. Contribution to National System Goals and Objectives: the purposes for which sites or systems of sites were established and/or their regulatory framework must contribute to a minimum of one objective under one National System goal listed in Section VI.A.
    2. Management approval: The appropriate state, tribal, local, or federal management agency (or agencies) or authority (or authorities) must provide written approval for their MPA site, program or system to participate in the National System. Where management authority is retained solely by one federal, state, tribal, or local agency, that managing agency must provide such approval. Where MPA sites, programs, or systems have an explicit agreement governing shared management authority (e.g., NERRS sites, tribal/state co-management arrangements, etc.), all relevant managing agencies must provide final approval for participation in the National System. Agencies will consider all public comment submitted under Section VII.B below in making their determination of final approval.
  2. In addition, given the cultural resource management community’s widespread acknowledgment of the standards developed by the National Park Service for inclusion of a cultural resource in the National Register of Historic Places, the National System will integrate core elements of those standards into its criteria for MPAs with cultural marine resources. As such, MPAs whose protections are solely focused on cultural marine resources must also meet the following criteria:
    1. Age: To qualify, the age of the protected cultural resource must be at least 50 years of age, unless otherwise determined to be unique to the nation’s maritime history or traditional connections to the sea as defined by the National Register Criteria for Evaluation NRCE).
    2. Significance and Context: A cultural resource must represent a significant part of the history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, or culture of an area, and it must have the characteristics that make it a representative example of resources associated with that aspect of the past. The resource must be associated with one or more important historic contexts, as defined by the NRCE. Historic contexts are historical patterns that can be identified through consideration of the history of the resource and the history of the surrounding area. In addition, the historic context of a cultural resource must be relevant on a regional or national geographic scale (i.e., resources must be significant to the history of the state, region, or nation as a whole).
    3. Integrity: A cultural resource’s physical features must have the ability to convey its significance by retaining the identity for which it is significant.
Again, the Order’s definition of MPA, when taken together with the definitions of the five key terms of “area,” “marine,” “reserved,” “lasting,” and “protection,” and the additional National System MPA criteria listed above represent the complete set of criteria for existing MPA sites and systems to determine their participation in the National System.


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