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1. Who are the freshman House Members serving in the 111th Congress?

1. Bobby Bright (2) AL13. Frank Kratovil (1) MD 25. Eric J. J. Massa (29) NY
2. Parker Griffith (5) AL14. Chellie Pingree (1) ME 26. Scott Murphy (20) NY
3. Ann Kirkpatrick (1) AZ
15. Mark Schauer (7) MI 27. Larry Kissell (8) NC
4. Judy Chu (32) CA16. Gary Peters (9) MI28. Steve Driehaus (1) OH
5. Jared Polis (2) CO17. Dina Titus (3) NV29. Mary Jo Kilroy (15) OH
6. Betsy Markey (4) CO 18. John Adler (3) NJ30. John A. Boccieri (16) OH
7. Jim Himes (4) CT 19. Martin T. Heinrich (1) NM31. Kurt Schrader (5) OR
8. Alan Grayson (8) FL 20. Harry Teague (2) NM 32. Kathy Dahlkemper (3) PA
9. Suzanne Kosmas (24) FL 21. Ben R. Luján (3) NM33. Glenn Nye (2) VA
10. Walt Minnick (1) ID 22. Michael McMahon (13) NY34. Tom Perriello (5) VA
11. Deborah Halvorson (11) IL23. Paul D. Tonko (21) NY35. Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly (11) VA
12. Mike Quigley (05) IL24. Daniel B. Maffei (25) NY36. Pedro Pierluisi (Res. Com.) PR

1. Tom McClintock (4) CA
9. Anh "Joseph" Cao (2) LA 17. Christopher Lee (26) NY
2. Duncan D. Hunter (52) CA
10. John Fleming (4) LA 18. Steve Austria (7) OH
3. Mike Coffman (6) CO
11. William "Bill" Cassidy (6) LA 19. Glenn Thompson (5) PA
4. Bill Posey (15) FL
12. Christopher John Lee (26) NY20. Phil Roe (1) TN
5. Tom Rooney (16) FL
13. Erik Paulsen (3) MN21. Pete Olson (22) TX
6. Aaron Schock (18) IL
14. Gregg Harper (3) MS22. Jason Chaffetz (3) UT
7. Lynn Jenkins (2) KS15. Blaine Luetkemeyer (9) MO23. Cynthia Lummis (At-Large) WY
8. S. Brett Guthrie (2) KY16. Leonard Lance (7) NJ

1. Gregorio Sablan (Delegate) MP

2. Who are the 10 youngest and the oldest Representatives of the 111th Congress?

1. Aaron Schock, R-IL05/28/1981
2. Duncan D. Hunter, R-CA12/07/1976
3. Patrick T. McHenry, R-NC10/22/1975
4. Jared Polis, D-CO
5. André Carson, D-IN
6. Tom Perriello, D-VA
7. Glenn Nye, D-VA
8. Adam H. Putnam, R-FL
9. Patrick J. Murphy, D-PA
10. Devin Nunes, R-CA
1. Ralph Hall, R-TX05/03/1923
2. Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-MD
3. John Dingell, D-MI07/08/1926
4. John Conyers Jr., D-MI05/16/1929
5. Louise Slaughter, D-NY08/14/1929
6. Dale Kildee, D-MI09/16/1929
7. Charles Rangel, D-NY06/11/1930
8. Sam Johnson, R-TX10/11/1930
9. C.W. Bill Young, R-FL12/16/1930
10. Fortney "Pete" Stark, D-CA11/11/1931

3. Which Representatives of the 111th Congress are the recipients of nationally prestigious scholarships?

Rhodes ScholarsFulbright Scholars
Rep. Jim Cooper, D-TNRep. Tom Cole, R-OK
Rep. James A. Himes, D-CTRep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-AZ

Marshall Scholar
Rep. John M. Spratt Jr., D-SC

4. How many Representatives from the 111th Congress have served in the military?

Ninety-six Representatives have served or are currently serving in the military on reserve duty.

5. Who is currently the longest serving Member in the House of Representatives for the 111th Congress?

Representative John Dingell of Michigan is the Dean of the House, having served over 53 years; he began his service on December 13, 1955 and continues to serve to the present day.

On February 11, 2009, Representative John Dingell surpassed Honorable Jamie Whitten of Mississippi, who served 53 years, 2 months. His service began on November 4, 1941 and ended on January 3, 1995.

6. Who are the Representatives who are retiring or leaving in the 111th Congress?

Appointed to Senate

Gillibrand, Kirsten E.

Running for Senate or other office

Abercrombie, Neil
Barrett, J. Gresham
Blunt, Roy
Davis, Artur
Deal, Nathan
Fallin, Mary ROK05
Gerlach, JimRPA06
Hodes, Paul W. DNH02
Meek, Kendrick B.DFL17
Moran, Jerry RKS01
Putnam, Adam H. RFL12
Tiahrt, Todd RKS04
Wamp, Zach RTN03


Hoekstra, PeterRMI02


Emanuel, RahmDIL05
Solis, Hilda L.
Tauscher, Ellen O.DCA10

7. What is the pay for Members of Congress in the 111th Congress?

According to a Congressional Research Service report as of January 9, 2009, the current base salary for all Members of Congress is $174,000.

8. What are the terms and qualifications for a Member of the United States House of Representatives?

Candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives must be at least twenty-five years old, a resident of the state they wish to represent, and a U.S. citizen for at least seven years. Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are elected every two years for a two-year term.

As set forth in Article I, Section 2, of the United States Constitution, "The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second year by the People of the several States. . ." Furthermore, "No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State which he shall be chosen."

9. Where can I find the Résumé of Congressional Activity?

The House Library holds the Résumé of Congressional Activity from the 80th through the present Congress.

10. What does the Oath of Office state?

The Speaker of the House administers the oath of office as follows:

“I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

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