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Gina Screen
Terry Carr
(202) 708-0926
For Immediate Release
July 10, 2009

Ginnie Mae MBS Issuance Soars Past $40 Billion for first time in its 41 Year History Ginnie Mae Issuance Hits $43.5 Billion in June

Washington, DC – The Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) announced today that the corporation issued more than $43 billion in mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in June. For the first six months of calendar year 2009, Ginnie Mae provided nearly $207 billion of liquidity to the secondary market, compared to nearly $107 billion for the first six months of 2008.

"The extraordinary strength of our MBS program clearly demonstrates the continuing need for Ginnie Mae securities in the secondary market," said Joseph Murin, Ginnie Mae president. "Ginnie Mae's ability to provide a safe security for investors and critical liquidity for issuers is why the corporation was created more than 40 years ago."

Ginnie Mae I single-family pools led the way with more than $29 billion in MBS issuance, while Ginnie Mae II single-family pools totaled nearly $14 billion. Total single-family issuance for June was more than $43 billion. Ginnie Mae's multifamily MBS issuance was $584 million.

For the last 40 years, the industry has turned to the safety and security of Ginnie Mae MBS because it has the full faith and credit backing of the United States Government. As a result, Ginnie Mae's commitment to its mission has remained constant. This has allowed Ginnie Mae to provide homeownership opportunities for more than 30 million households by securitizing loans insured or guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Rural Development and the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH).


Ginnie Mae is a wholly-owned government corporation within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Ginnie Mae pioneered the mortgage-backed security (MBS), guaranteeing the very first security in 1971. An MBS enables a mortgage lender to aggregate and sell mortgage loans as a security to investors. Ginnie Mae securities carry the full faith and credit of the United States Government, which means that, even in difficult times, an investment in Ginnie Mae is one of the safest an investor can make.

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