Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs

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All Hearings

September 2009

10th Follow the Money: An Update on Stimulus Spending, Transparency, and Fraud Prevention
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM

August 2009

06th "The U.S. Postal Service in Crisis"
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
05th Strengthening the Federal Acquisition Workforce: Government-wide Leadership and Initiatives
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:30 PM
05th Nomination of Kelvin J. Cochran to be Administrator, U.S. Fire Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
04th Focusing on Children in Disasters: Evacuation Planning and Mental Health Recovery
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
03rd "Eliminating Wasteful Contractor Bonuses"
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
3:00 PM

July 2009

30th BUSINESS MEETING (continued from July 29)
Capitol, room S-207
3:00 PM
29th Nominations of the Honorable Ernest W. Dubester to be a Member, Federal Labor Relations Authority; Julia Akins Clark to be General Counsel, Federal Labor Relations Authority; Rafael Borras to be Under Secretary for Management, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
3:00 PM
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
28th Nomination of Alexander G. Garza to be Assistant Secretary and Chief Medical Officer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
23rd D.C. Public Schools: Taking Stock of Education Reform
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:30 PM
21st Excessive Speculation in the Wheat Market
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:30 PM
21st POSTPONED Follow the Money: An Update on Stimulus Spending, Transparency, and Fraud Prevention
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
16th Contracting Preferences for Alaska Native Corporations
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:30 PM
16th Nominations of the Honorable Christine M. Griffin to be Deputy Director, Office of Personnel Management, and Stuart G. Nash to be Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
15th Identification Security: Reevaluating the REAL ID Act
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
08th The Federal Protective Service: Time for Reform
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM - 12:21 PM
07th From Strategy to Implementation: Strengthening U.S.-Pakistan Relations
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:30 PM

June 2009

24th Type 1 Diabetes Research: Real Progress and Real Hope for a Cure
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 106
9:00 AM
18th Examining State Business Incorporation Practices: A Discussion of the Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:30 PM
16th Business Meeting
11:45 AM
16th Protecting Our Employees: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and the Federal Workforce
10:00 AM
11th S. 372 - The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2009
2:30 PM
10th Allegations of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Security Contracts at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul
2:30 PM
10th Nominations
10:00 AM
08th Business Meeting
5:30 PM
04th Are We Ready? A Status Report on Emergency Preparedness for the 2009 Hurricane Season
2:00 PM
03rd Pandemic Flu: Closing the Gaps
2:00 PM
03rd Nomination
10:00 AM
02nd Nomination
2:30 PM

May 2009

21st Where Were the Watchdogs? Financial Regulatory Lessons from Abroad
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:00 PM
20th The Role of the Community Development Block Grant Program in Disaster Recovery
2:30 PM
20th Business Meeting
9:30 AM
19th Public Health Challenges in Our Nation's Capital
2:30 PM
15th Nomination
9:30 AM
13th Nominations
2:30 PM
13th The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program: Preserving School Choice for All
10:00 AM
12th The Homeland Security Department’s Budget Submission for Fiscal Year 2010
4:00 PM
12th Nomination
10:00 AM
11th Making the Census Count in Urban America
1:00 PM
07th Uncle Sam Wants You! Recruitment in the Federal Government
2:30 PM
04th Business Meeting
5:30 PM

April 2009

30th National Security Reform: Implementing a National Security Service Workforce
2:30 PM
30th Nominations
10:00 AM
29th The Federal Government's Role in Empowering Americans to Make Informed Financial Decisions
2:30 PM
29th Swine Flu: Coordinating the Federal Response
10:00 AM
28th Government 2.0: Advancing America into the 21st Century and a Digital Future
2:30 PM
28th Cyber Security: Developing a National Strategy
10:00 AM
27th Business Meeting
5:30 PM
23rd Follow the Money: State and Local Oversight of Stimulus Funding
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
9:00 AM
22nd Eliminating Waste and Fraud in Medicare and Medicaid
3:00 PM
22nd Nominations
10:00 AM
21st Improving the Ability of Inspectors General to Detect, Prevent, and Prosecute Contracting Fraud
2:30 PM
21st Counternarcotics Enforcement: Coordination at the Federal, State, and Local Level
10:30 AM
20th *Field Hearing* Southern Border Violence: State and Local Perspectives
Phoenix City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona
9:00 AM
07th *Field Hearing* The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Making the Economic Stimulus Work for Connecticut
10:00 AM
02nd Recovery and Reinvestment Spending: Implementing a Bold Oversight Strategy
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
01st Business Meeting
2:30 PM

March 2009

31st Stability through Scandal: a Review of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
10:00 AM
26th Nomination
2:30 PM
26th Nomination
10:00 AM
25th Southern Border Violence: Homeland Security Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Responsibilities
9:30 AM
18th A New Way Home: Findings from the Disaster Recovery Subcommittee Special Report and Working with the New Administration on a Way Forward
2:30 PM
11th Violent Islamist Extremism: al-Shabaab Recruitment in America
9:30 AM
05th Lessons Learned: How the New Administration Can Achieve an Accurate and Cost-Effective 2010 Census
2:30 PM
05th Follow the Money: Transparency and Accountability for Recovery and Reinvestment Spending
10:00 AM
04th Tax Haven Banks and U. S. Tax Compliance - Obtaining the Names of U.S. Clients with Swiss Accounts
2:30 PM
04th Where Were the Watchdogs? Systemic Risk and the Breakdown of Financial Governance
9:00 AM

February 2009

26th Protecting Animal and Public Health: Homeland Security and the Federal Veterinarian Workforce
2:30 PM
24th ***RESCHEDULED MARCH 4th*** Tax Haven Banks and U. S. Tax Compliance - Obtaining the Names of U.S. Clients with Swiss Accounts
10:00 AM
12th Structuring National Security and Homeland Security at the White House
10:00 AM
11th Business Meeting
10:00 AM

January 2009

29th ***POSTPONED*** Business Meeting
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
9:30 AM
28th The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the U.S. Postal Service
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:30 PM
28th Lessons from the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks, Part II
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
10:00 AM
21st Where Were the Watchdogs? The Financial Crisis and the Breakdown of Financial Governance
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:00 PM
15th Nomination
10:00 AM
14th Nominations
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
2:00 PM
08th Lessons from the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 342
1:30 PM

December 2008

11th World at Risk: A Report from the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism
10:00 AM

November 2008

17th Nominations
2:30 PM
17th Nomination
10:00 AM

September 2008

30th Governor
12:00 AM
26th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
26th Director
12:00 AM
25th Addressing Cost Growth of Major DOD Weapons Systems
2:30 PM
25th Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: Hard Lessons Learned From Troubled Investments
9:30 AM
24th Mission Possible: FEMA’s Future Preparedness Planning
2:30 PM
24th Assessing the Effectiveness of Agricultural Disaster Assistance Programs in the Wake of the 2008 Midwest Floods, Hurricane Gustav, and Hurricane Ike
10:00 AM
24th Domestic Partner Benefits for Federal Employees: Fair Policy and Good Business
10:00 AM
23rd Business Meeting
4:45 PM
23rd A Reliance on Smart Power - Reforming the Public Diplomacy Bureaucracy
2:30 PM
23rd Reducing the Undercount in the 2010 Census
10:30 AM
23rd After Action: A Review of the Combined Federal, State, and Local Activities to Respond and Recover from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike
10:00 AM
18th Keeping the Nation Safe through the Presidential Transition
2:00 PM
16th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
11th Nominations
2:30 PM
11th Dividend Tax Abuse: How Offshore Entities Dodge Taxes On U.S. Stock Dividends
9:00 AM
10th Managing the Challenges of the Federal Government Transition
2:30 PM
10th Expediency Versus Integrity: Do Assembly-Line Audits at the Defense Contract Audit Agency Waste Taxpayer Dollars?
10:00 AM
09th Nomination
3:15 PM

August 2008

01st Director
12:00 AM

July 2008

31st A Reliance on Smart Power - Reforming the Foreign Assistance Bureuacracy
2:00 PM
31st Joint Hearing (Senate Subcommittee on Disaster Recovery & House Subcommittee on Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response) - Lessons Learned: Ensuring the Delivery of Donated Goods to Survivors of Catastrophes
1:00 PM
31st Offline and Off-budget: The Dismal State of Information Technology Planning in the Federal Government
9:30 AM
30th Planning for Post-Catastrophe Housing Needs: Has FEMA Developed an Effective Strategy for Housing Large Numbers of Citizens Displaced by Disaster?
12:00 PM
30th Business Meeting
10:15 AM
29th Payroll Tax Abuse: Businesses Owe Billions and What Needs To Be Done About It
9:00 AM
25th Nomination
12:00 PM
25th Tax Haven Banks and U. S. Tax Compliance
9:30 AM
24th Improving Federal Program Management using Performance Information
2:30 PM
23rd Nomination
2:30 PM
23rd Information Sharing: Connecting the Dots at the Federal, State, and Local Levels
10:00 AM
22nd Improving Performance: A Review of Pay-for-Performance Systems in the Federal Government
2:00 PM
22nd Energy Security: An American Imperative
9:30 AM
17th Major Disaster Recovery: Assessing FEMA's Performance Since Katrina
2:30 PM
17th Tax Haven Banks and U. S. Tax Compliance
9:30 AM
16th A Domestic Crisis with Global Implications: Reviewing the Human Capital Crisis at the State Department
2:00 PM
16th The Global Nuclear Detection Architecture: Are We Building Domestic Defenses That Will Make the Nation Safer?
10:00 AM
15th Nomination
10:00 AM
10th The Roots of Violent Islamist Extremism and Efforts to Counter It
9:30 AM
10th Commissioner
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Medicare Vulnerabilities: Payments for Claims Tied to Deceased Doctors
10:00 AM
02nd Securing the Northern Border: Views from the Front Lines
10:00 AM

June 2008

26th In the Red: Addressing the Nation's Financial Challenges
2:30 PM
26th Nuclear Terrorism: Providing Medical Care and Meeting Basic Needs in the Aftermath – the Federal Response
10:00 AM
25th Business Meeting
10:00 AM
25th Administrator
12:00 AM
24th Ending Excessive Speculation in Commodity Markets: Legislative Options
10:30 AM
20th Nomination
10:00 AM
19th Management Challenges Facing the Federal Protective Service: What is at Risk?
2:00 PM
18th Protecting Personal Information: Is the Federal Government Doing Enough?
10:00 AM
18th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12th Addressing the U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Relationship
2:30 PM
06th National Security Bureaucracy for Arms Control, Counterproliferation, and Nonproliferation Part II: The Role of the Department of State
2:00 PM
05th It Takes a Village: Community Preparedness
10:30 AM

May 2008

29th Non-Foreign COLA: Finding an Equitable Solution
1:00 PM
22nd Security Clearance Reform: The Way Forward
2:30 PM
22nd Business Meeting
11:30 AM
20th Financial Speculation in Commodity Markets: Are Institutional Investors and Hedge Funds Contributing to Food and Energy Price Inflation?
10:30 AM
15th National Security Bureaucracy for Arms Control, Counterproliferation, and Nonproliferation Part I: The Role of the Department of State
2:00 PM
15th Nuclear Terrorism: Providing Medical Care and Meeting Basic Needs in the Aftermath
10:00 AM
14th National Archives Oversight: Protecting Our Nation’s History for Future Generations
3:00 PM
14th Nomination
10:00 AM
08th Business Meeting
4:00 PM
08th From Candiddates to Change Makers: Recruiting and Hiring the Next Generation of Federal Employees
10:00 AM
07th Fuel Subsidies: Is There an Impact on Food Supply and Prices?
10:00 AM

April 2008

29th The Impact of Implementation: A Review of the REAL ID Act and the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
9:30 AM
24th Beyond Control: Reforming Export Licensing Agencies for National Security and Economic Interests
2:00 PM
24th Addressing Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions
9:30 AM
23rd Nomination
2:30 PM
17th Focus on Fusion Centers: A Progress Report
2:00 PM
15th Census in Peril: Getting the 2010 Decennial Back on Track, Part II
3:15 PM
15th Nuclear Terrorism: Confronting the Challenges of the Day After
10:00 AM
10th Nominations
2:00 PM
10th Business Meeting
10:00 AM
03rd Managing Diversity of Senior Leadership in the Federal Workforce and the Postal Service
2:00 PM
03rd The New FEMA: Is the Agency Better Prepared for a Catastrophe Now Than It Was in 2005?
10:00 AM
02nd Nuclear Terrorism: Assessing the Threat to the Homeland
11:00 AM
02nd Under Secretary
12:00 AM
02nd General Counsel
12:00 AM

March 2008

14th On the Path to Great Educational Results for the District's Public Schools?
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
12th Agencies in Peril: Are We Doing Enough to Protect Federal IT and Secure Sensitive Information?
2:30 PM
05th The State of the U.S. Postal Service One Year After Reform
2:30 PM
05th Census in Peril: Getting the 2010 Decennial Back on Track
9:30 AM
04th NSPD-54/HSPD-23 and the Comprehensive National Cyber Security Initiative
2:30 PM
04th Is Housing Too Much To Hope For?: FEMA's Disaster Housing Strategy
10:00 AM
04th Is Housing Too Much To Hope For?: FEMA's Disaster Housing Strategy
10:00 AM

February 2008

29th Government-wide Intelligence Community Management Reforms
10:00 AM
27th An Uneasy Relationship: U.S. Reliance on Private Security Firms in Overseas Operations
10:00 AM
27th Commissioner
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
26th Deputy Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
14th The Homeland Security Department’s Budget Submission for Fiscal Year 2009
1:30 PM
14th Building and Strengthening the Federal Acquisition Workforce
9:45 AM
13th The Defense Department’s Homeland Security Role: How the Military Can and Should Contribute
10:00 AM

January 2008

31st Eliminating Agency Payment Errors
2:30 PM
24th Management and Oversight of Contingency Contracting in Hostile Zones
2:30 PM
24th United Nations Development Program: A Case Study Of North Korea
10:00 AM

December 2007

19th CANCELLED Business Meeting
9:30 AM
18th Nomination
3:30 PM
13th POSTPONED -- RESCHEDULED 1-24-08 United Nations Development Program Operations in North Korea
2:00 PM
13th Prioritizing Management: Implementing Chief Management Officers at Federal Agencies
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
12th Nominations
10:00 AM
11th E-Government 2.0: Improving Innovation, Collaboration, and Access
10:00 AM
11th Speculation In the Crude Oil Market
10:00 AM
04th The New Madrid Seismic Zone: Whose Fault Is It Anyway?
2:30 PM
04th Credit Card Practices: Unfair Interest Rate Increases
9:30 AM
03rd Host Communities: Analyzing the Role and Needs of Communities that Take in Disaster Evacuees in the Wake of Major Disasters and Catastrophes
2:00 PM

November 2007

15th * * POSTPONED - RESCHEDULED 12-11-07 * * Speculation In The Crude Oil Market
2:30 PM
15th Not a Matter of "If", But of "When": The Status of U.S. Response Following an RDD Attack
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
15th Not a Matter of "If", But of "When": The Status of U.S. Response Following an RDD Attack
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
14th Medicaid Providers That Cheat on Their Taxes and What Can Be Done About It
3:30 PM
14th Business Meeting
10:00 AM
13th Human Capital Needs of the U.S. Customs and Borders Protection
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
09th Nominations
9:00 AM
01st Small Business Administration: Is the 7(a) Program Acheiving Measurable Outcomes
2:00 PM

October 2007

31st Post-Catastrophe Crisis: Addressing the Dramatic Need and Scant Availability of Mental Health Care in the Gulf Coast
2:30 PM
30th The Role of Local Law Enforcement in Countering Violent Islamist Extremism
9:30 AM
30th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
25th Single Audits: Are They Helping to Safeguard Federal Funds
2:30 PM
24th Watching the Watch List: Building an Effective Terrorist Screening System
10:00 AM
23rd Six Years After Anthrax: Are We Better Prepared to Respond to Bioterrorism?
10:00 AM
18th Nomination
3:00 PM
18th The Perils of Politics in Government: A Review of the Scope and Enforcement of the Hatch Act
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
17th Is DHS Too Dependent on Contractors to Do the Government’s Work?
10:30 AM
16th Improving Financial and Business Management at the Department of Defense (DOD)
3:15 PM
16th One Year Later: A Progress Report on the SAFE Port Act
10:00 AM
16th General Counsel
12:00 AM
11th The State and Federal Response to Storm Damage and Erosion in Alaska’s Coastal Villages
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
04th Forestalling the Coming Pandemic: Infectious Disease Surveillance Overseas
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
03rd Pandemic Influenza: State and Local Efforts to Prepare
2:30 PM
02nd Preparing the National Capital Region for a Pandemic
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

September 2007

28th The Role of Federal Executive Boards in Pandemic Preparedness
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
27th Cost Effective Airlift in the 21st Century
3:30 PM
26th Business Meeting
10:00 AM
20th High Risk IT: Is Poor Management Leading to Billions in Waste?
2:30 PM
12th Nomination
10:00 AM
10th Confronting the Terrorist Threat to the Homeland: Six Years After 9/11
9:30 AM
07th Deputy Administrator
12:00 AM
06th A DHS Status Report: Assessing Challenges and Measuring Progress
1:30 PM
04th Under Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

August 2007

02nd Service Standards at the Postal Service: Are Customers Getting What They Paid For?”
10:00 AM
02nd Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
01st Building a Stronger American Diplomatic Presence
2:30 PM
01st Business Meeting
10:00 AM

July 2007

31st ***POSTPONED*** A DHS Status Report: Measuring Progress and Confronting New Threats
10:00 AM
25th Views from the Postal Workforce on Implementing Postal Reform
3:00 PM
25th Nomination
10:00 AM
24th Nomination
10:00 AM
19th Great Expectations: Assessments, Assurances, and Accountability in the Mayor’s Proposal to Reform the District of Columbia’s Public School System
2:30 PM
19th The Military’s Role in Disaster Response: Progress Since Hurricane Katrina
10:30 AM
17th Preparations for 2010: Is the Census Bureau Ready for the Job Ahead?
2:30 PM
17th Federal Acquisition: Ways to Strengthen Competition and Accountability
10:00 AM
12th Private Sector Preparedness, Part II: Protecting Our Critical Infrastructure
2:00 PM
12th Dirty Bomb Vulnerabilities: Fake Companies, Fake Licenses, Real Consequences
9:00 AM
11th Strengthening the Unique Role of the Nation’s Inspectors General
10:00 AM
10th From Warehouse to Warfighter: an Update on Supply Chain Management at DoD
2:30 PM
10th FEMA's Project Worksheets: Addressing a Prominent Obstacle to Gulf Coast Rebuilding
10:00 AM
09th Excessive Speculation In The Natural Gas Market (Day Two)
2:30 PM

June 2007

28th Financial Management Systems Modernization at the Department of Homeland Security: Are Missed Opportunities Costing Us Money?
3:00 PM
28th Member
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
27th Violent Islamist Extremism: The European Experience
11:30 AM
27th Assistant Administrator
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
25th Excessive Speculation In The Natural Gas Market (Day One)
11:00 AM
25th Director
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
21st Private Sector Preparedness Part I- Defining the Problem and Proposing Solutions
2:00 PM
19th The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the Federal Government: A Model Public-Private Partnership Accelerating Research Toward a Cure
9:30 AM
18th Director of the Census
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
13th Business Meeting
10:00 AM
12th Assessing Telework Policies and Initiatives in the Federal Government
2:30 PM
07th DHS's Acquisition Organization: Who is Really in Charge?
2:30 PM
05th Executive Stock Options: Should the IRS and Stockholders Be Given Different Information?
9:00 AM

May 2007

24th The Road Home? An Examination of the Goals, Costs, Management and Impediments Facing Louisiana’s Road Home Program
3:00 PM
24th Federal Real Property: Real Waste in Need of Real Reform
10:00 AM
22nd Implementing FEMA Reform: Are We Prepared for the 2007 Hurricane Season?
3:00 PM
22nd GAO Personnel Reform: Does It Meet Expectations?
10:00 AM
21st Business Meeting
5:30 PM
18th Up, Up, and Away! Growth Trends in Health Care Premiums for Active and Retired Federal Employees
10:30 AM
17th Evaluating the Progress and Identifying Obstacles in Improving the Federal Government's Security Clearance Process
9:30 AM
17th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
15th Equal Representation in Congress: Providing Voting Rights to the District of Columbia
10:00 AM
10th Violent Islamist Extremism: Government Efforts to Defeat It
2:30 PM
10th Managing the Department of Homeland Security: A Status Report on Reform Efforts by the Under Secretary for Management
9:00 AM
03rd The Internet: A Portal to Violent Islamist Extremism
10:00 AM
03rd Member
12:00 AM
03rd Member
12:00 AM
03rd Member
12:00 AM
01st Nomination
9:30 AM

April 2007

30th The Federal Government's Role in Empowering Americans to Make Informed Financial Decisions
2:30 PM
24th Transit Benefits: How Some Federal Employees Are Taking Uncle Sam For A Ride
2:30 PM
24th Beyond Trailers, Part I: Creating a More Flexible, Efficient, and Cost-Effective Federal Disaster Housing Program
9:30 AM
23rd Security on America's College Campuses
2:30 PM
19th The Road Ahead: Implementing Postal Reform
2:00 PM
19th Dangerous Exposure: The Impact of Global Warming on Private and Federal Insurance
9:00 AM
18th Business Meeting
11:00 AM
16th Deputy Administrator
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12th GAO’s Analysis of the Gulf Coast Recovery: A Dialogue on Removing Obstacles to the Recovery Effort
2:00 PM

March 2007

29th Eliminating and Recovering Improper Payments
10:00 AM
29th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
26th Understanding the Realities of REAL ID: A Review of Efforts to Secure Drivers' Licenses and Identification Cards
2:30 PM
22nd Safeguarding the Merit System Principles: A Review of the Merit Systems Protection Board and the Office of Special Counsel
2:30 PM
22nd Deconstructing Reconstruction: Problems, Challenges, and the Way Forward in Iraq and Afghanistan
10:00 AM
21st GAO’s Role in Supporting Congressional Oversight: An Overview of Past Work and Future Challenges and Opportunities
9:30 AM
20th Medicare Doctors Who Cheat On Their Taxes And What Should Be Done About It
2:30 PM
15th Nomination
10:00 AM
14th The Threat of Islamic Radicalism to the Homeland
9:30 AM
13th A Review of U.S. International Efforts to Secure Radiological Materials
2:30 PM
12th Member
12:00 AM
12th Member
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
07th Credit Card Practices: Fees, Interest Rates, and Grace Periods
10:00 AM
05th A Review of the Transportation Security Administration Personnel
2:30 PM
01st Improving Federal Financial Management: Progress Made and the Challenges Ahead
3:00 PM

February 2007

15th Business Meeting
9:00 AM
13th The Homeland Security Department’s Budget Submission for Fiscal Year 2008
10:00 AM
12th Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
01st Private Health Records: Privacy Implications of the Federal Government's Health Information Technology Initiative
2:30 PM

January 2007

29th Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Outstanding Need, Slow Progress
9:00 AM
25th Lost in Translation: A Review of the Federal Government's Efforts to Develop a Foreign Language Strategy
2:30 PM
24th Business Meeting
10:00 AM
10th Deputy Director
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Ensuring Full Implementation of the 9/11 Commission’s Recommendations
9:30 AM
09th Governor
12:00 AM
09th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Administrator
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Administrator
12:00 AM
09th Member
12:00 AM
09th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

December 2006

07th CANCELLED Business Meeting
2:00 PM
06th Nomination
3:00 PM
06th Hurricane Katrina: Stopping the Flood of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
10:00 AM
06th Inspector General
12:00 AM
05th An Assessment of Improper Payments Information Act of 2002
10:30 AM
05th Administrator
12:00 AM
05th Associate Judge
12:00 AM

November 2006

16th Business Meeting
2:45 PM
16th The Defense Travel System: Boon Or Boondoggle (Part 2)
10:00 AM
14th Failure to Identify Company Owners Impedes Law Enforcement
2:30 PM
14th Nominations
10:00 AM
13th Nomination
2:30 PM
13th Commissioner
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
13th Under Secretary for Management
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
13th Governor
12:00 AM

September 2006

28th Securing the National Capital Region: An Examination of the NCR's Strategic Plan
10:00 AM
27th The Potential of an Artificial Pancreas: Improving Care for Poeple with Diabetes
10:00 AM
27th Inspector General
12:00 AM
26th Deconstructing the Tax Code: Uncollected Taxes and Issues of Transparency
2:30 PM
26th Executives: Leading the Way in Federal Workforce Reforms
10:45 AM
26th Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
20th Critical Mission: Assessing Spiral 1.1 of the National Security Personnel System
2:30 PM
20th ** POSTPONED **US International Broadcasts into Iran: Can We Do Better?
9:30 AM
19th Prison Radicalization: Are Terrorist Cells Forming in U.S. Cell Blocks?
10:00 AM
14th Conference Spending Part 2
2:30 PM
13th Nominations
2:30 PM
12th Homeland Security: The Next Five Years
9:30 AM
07th IT Projects at Risk: Is it too late to save $12 Billion?
9:30 AM
05th Executive Director, Office of State and Local Government Coordinationa and Preparedness
12:00 AM

August 2006

03rd Financial Management at the Department of Defense
2:30 PM
03rd Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
02nd Iraq Reconstruction: Lessons Learned in Contracting
10:00 AM
01st Tax Haven Abuses: The Enablers, The Tools & Secrecy
9:00 AM
01st Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
01st Governor
12:00 AM
01st Administrator
12:00 AM

July 2006

28th Cyber Security: Recovery and Reconstitution of Critical Networks
9:30 AM
27th Responsible Resource Management at the Nation’s Health Access Agency
2:30 PM
27th Business Meeting
10:00 AM
26th STOP!: A Progress Report on Protecting and Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights Here and Abroad
3:30 PM
25th Business Meeting
11:45 AM
25th Supporting the Warfighter: Assessing the DoD Supply Chain Management Plan
10:00 AM
20th Iran's Nuclear Impasse: Next Steps
1:30 PM
19th DHS Purchase Cards: Credit Without Accountability
10:00 AM
18th What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: S. 2590, the “Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
2:30 PM
18th Examining the Challenges the District will Face Today, Tomorrow, and in the Future
10:00 AM
13th Nomination
2:30 PM
11th **POSTPONED**Cyber Security: Recovery and Reconstitution of Critical Networks
2:30 PM
11th Nominations
10:00 AM

June 2006

29th Community Development Block Grants: the Case for Reform
2:30 PM
29th Enhancing Employee Performance: A Hearing on Pending Legislation
9:30 AM
28th Nominations
10:00 AM
27th The Right People? Oversight of the Office of Personnel Management
10:00 AM
22nd Lessons Learned? Assuring Healthy Initiatives in Health Information Technology
2:30 PM
20th U.N. Headquarters Renovation: No Accountability Without Transparency
2:30 PM
20th Nomination
10:00 AM
14th Business Meeting (Resumes on 6/15)
10:00 AM
13th Autopilot Budgeting: Will Congress Ever Respond to Government Performance Data?
2:30 PM
12th Deputy Director
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
08th National Emergency Management: Where Does FEMA Belong?
10:00 AM
06th Census 2010, Off-line and Off-budget: The High Cost of Low-tech Counting
2:30 PM
06th Member
12:00 AM
12:00 AM

May 2006

25th Business Meeting
4:00 PM
25th Congress’ Role in Federal Financial Management: Is it Efficient, Accountable, and Transparent in the Way it Appropriates Funds?
2:30 PM
25th VA Data Privacy Breach: Twenty-Six Million People Deserve Answers
10:00 AM
25th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
25th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
25th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Nomination
9:30 AM
22nd **RESCHEDULED**Business Meeting
5:30 PM
22nd Nomination
2:00 PM
18th Unobligated Balances: Freeing up Funds, Setting Priorities and Untying Agency Hands
2:30 PM
18th Nomination
10:00 AM
17th Progress or More Problems: Assessing the Federal Government’s Security Clearance Process
2:30 PM
17th Nomination
10:15 AM
09th Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
08th Nomination
3:30 PM
02nd Business Meeting
10:00 AM

April 2006

27th Director
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
26th Ensuring Early Diagnosis and Access to Treatment for HIV/AIDS: Can Federal Resources Be More Effectively Targeted?
2:30 PM
25th North Korea: Illicit Activity Funding the Regime
2:30 PM
24th Administrator
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
21st FEMA’s Manufactured Housing Program: Haste Makes Waste
10:30 AM
20th Rhode Island Homeland Security Priorities: Preparation for the 2006 Hurricane Season
10:30 AM
12th Preparing for Transition: Implementation of the National Security Personnel System
1:30 PM
10th Katrina and Contracting: Blue Roof, Debris Removal, Travel Trailer Case Studies
11:30 AM
06th The Effectiveness of the Small Business Administration
2:30 PM
06th Administrator
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
06th Under Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
05th Museums and Federal Funding
2:30 PM
05th The Future of Port Security: The GreenLane Maritime Cargo Security Act
10:00 AM

March 2006

31st Nominations
10:00 AM
30th Fulfilling the Promise? A Review of Veterans’ Preference in the Federal Government
2:30 PM
30th Neutralizing The Nuclear And Radiological Threat: Securing the Global Supply Chain (Part Two)
10:00 AM
29th The War on Terrorism: How Prepared is the Nation’s Capital? (Part II)
2:30 PM
28th Bolstering the Safety Net: Eliminating Medicaid Fraud
2:30 PM
28th Neutralizing The Nuclear And Radiological Threat: Securing the Global Supply Chain (Part One)
9:30 AM
16th Earmark Reform: Understanding the Obligation of Funds Transparency Act
9:30 AM
15th Programs in Peril: an Overview of the GAO High-Risk List Part II
2:00 PM
14th GSA Contractors Who Cheat On Their Taxes And What Should Be Done About It
9:30 AM
09th Reporting Improper Payments: A Report Card on Agencies’ Progress
2:30 PM
08th Crime Victims Fund Rescission: Real Savings or Budget Gimmick?
2:30 PM
08th Hurricane Katrina: Recommendations for Reform
9:30 AM
02nd Business Meeting
10:00 AM
02nd Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
02nd Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
01st The Department of Homeland Security’s Budget Submission for Fiscal Year 2007
9:30 AM

February 2006

28th Enhancing Educational and Economic Opportunity in the District of Columbia
10:00 AM
27th Briefing on DP World Purchase of P&O
2:30 PM
15th **RESCHEDULED** Hurricane Katrina: The Homeland Security Department’s Preparation and Response
11:15 AM
13th Hurricane Katrina: Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Worsen the Disaster
10:00 AM
13th RESCHEDULED FIELD HEARING: Volatility In the Natural Gas Market: The Impact Of High Natural Gas Prices On American Consumers
9:30 AM
13th Director
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
10th Hurricane Katrina: The Roles of DHS and FEMA Leadership
9:30 AM
10th Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM
10th Executive Director, Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness
12:00 AM
09th Hurricane Katrina: The Defense Department’s Role in the Response
10:00 AM
07th Federal Agencies and Conference Spending
3:00 PM
06th Hurricane Katrina: Managing Law Enforcement and Communications in a Catastrophe
2:00 PM
06th Big Ticket Waste: Are Empty Federal Buildings Emptying the Taxpayers’ Wallets?
10:15 AM
02nd Hurricane Katrina: The Role of the Governors in Managing the Catastrophe
10:00 AM
01st Hurricane Katrina: Managing the Crisis and Evacuating New Orleans
10:00 AM

January 2006

31st Challenges in a Catastrophe: Evacuating New Orleans in Advance of Hurricane Katrina
10:00 AM
30th Hurricane Katrina: Urban Search and Rescue in a Catastrophe
2:00 PM
26th Associate Judge
12:00 AM
25th Lobbying Reform: Proposals and Issues
9:30 AM
24th Preparing for a Catastrophe: The Hurricane Pam Exercise
10:00 AM
19th Bilateral Malaria Assistance: Progress and Prognosis
2:30 PM
18th Chief Financial Officer
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
17th Hurricane Katrina: Mississippi’s Recovery
11:00 AM

December 2005

15th Business Meeting
3:30 PM
15th Hurricane Katrina: Who’s In Charge of the New Orleans Levees?
10:00 AM
08th Nomination Hearings
2:30 PM
08th Hurricane Katrina: Perspectives of FEMA’s Operations Professionals
10:00 AM

November 2005

21st Ensuring Protection of American Intellectual Property Rights for American Industries in China
10:00 AM
17th From Proposed to Final: Evaluating Regulations for the National Security Personnel System
10:00 AM
16th Hurricane Katrina: What Can Government Learn from the Private Sector’s Response?
10:00 AM
15th Iran: Teheran's Nuclear Recklessness and the U.S. Response -- The Experts' Perspective
3:00 PM
10th Director
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Access Delayed: Fixing the Security Clearance Process, Part II
3:00 PM
09th ‘Always Ready’: The Coast Guard’s Response to Hurricane Katrina
9:30 AM
09th Associate Judge
12:00 AM
07th Commissioner
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
03rd **POSTPONED**From Proposed to Final: Evaluating Regulations for the National Security Personnel System
10:00 AM
02nd Hurricane Katrina: Why Did the Levees Fail?
9:30 AM
02nd Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

October 2005

31st Corruption In The United Nations Oil-for-Food Program: Reaching a Consensus on United Nations Reform
1:00 PM
28th Medicaid: Creative Improvements from the Field
10:00 AM
26th Uncollected Taxes: Can We Reduce the $300 Billion Tax Gap?
2:30 PM
25th Guns and Butter: Setting Priorities in Federal Spending in the Context of Natural Disaster, Deficits and War
2:30 PM
21st Under Secretary for Preparedness
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
20th Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans: A Flooded City, a Chaotic Response
9:30 AM
07th Business Meeting
10:00 AM
06th How Does the Federal Government Lease Needed Space?
2:30 PM
06th From Factory to Foxhole: Improving DoD Logistics
2:30 PM
06th Hurricane Katrina: How is FEMA Performing Its Mission at This Stage of Recovery?
9:00 AM

September 2005

29th GSA II: The Procurement Process from Start to Finish
3:00 PM
29th The Defense Travel System: Boon or Boondoggle?
10:00 AM
28th **RESCHEDULED**Recovering from Hurricane Katrina: Responding to the Immediate Needs of Its Victims
9:30 AM
27th Housing-Related Programs for the Poor: Can We Be Sure That Federal Assistance Is Getting To Those Who Need It Most?
2:30 PM
27th Alternative Personnel Systems: Assessing Progress in the Federal Government
10:00 AM
26th **POSTPONED**Ensuring Protection of American Intellectual Property Rights in China
10:00 AM
22nd Cost and Payment Plans of Medicare Part D
2:30 PM
22nd Business Meeting
9:30 AM
21st After the London Attacks: What Lessons Have Been Learned to Secure U.S. Transit Systems?
10:00 AM
15th **POSTPONED**Housing-Related Programs for the Poor: Can We Be Sure That Federal Assistance Is Getting To Those Who Need It Most?
2:30 PM
15th Nomination Hearings
10:30 AM
14th Recovering from Hurricane Katrina: The Next Phase
10:00 AM
13th Nomination Hearings
10:00 AM
06th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

July 2005

27th Who’s Watching the Watchdog? Examining Financial Management at the SEC
2:30 PM
27th Chemical Facility Security: What Is the Appropriate Federal Role? (Part II)
10:00 AM
26th GSA – Is the Taxpayer Getting the Best Deal?
2:30 PM
21st U.S. Financial Involvement in Renovation of U.N. Headquarters
2:30 PM
21st Business Meeting
10:45 AM
19th Securing Cyberspace: Efforts to Protect National Information Infrastructures Continue to Face Challenges
2:00 PM
18th Nomination Hearings
2:00 PM
15th Securing American Sovereignty: A Review of the United States’ Relationship with the WTO
9:30 AM
14th Department of Homeland Security: Second Stage Review
1:30 PM
14th The War on Terrorism: How Prepared is the Nation’s Capital?
9:30 AM
14th Executive Director
12:00 AM
14th Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
13th Chemical Facility Security: What Is the Appropriate Federal Role?
9:30 AM
12th Improper Payments: Where are Truth and Transparency in Federal Financial Reporting?
2:00 PM

June 2005

29th Vulnerabilities in the U.S. Passport System Can Be Exploited by Criminals and Terrorists
9:30 AM
29th Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM
28th Access Delayed: Fixing the Security Clearance Process
10:00 AM
28th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
23rd Addressing Disparities in Federal HIV/AIDS CARE Programs
2:30 PM
23rd Member
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
23rd Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
23rd General Counsel
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
22nd Business Meeting
10:00 AM
21st Juvenile Diabetes: Examining the Personal Toll on Families, Financial Costs to the Federal Health Care System, and Research Progress Toward a Cure
9:15 AM
16th Civilian Contractors Who Cheat On Their Taxes And What Should Be Done About It.
9:30 AM
15th Nomination Hearings
2:30 PM
15th Is the Federal Government Doing Enough to Secure Chemical Facilities and Is More Authority Needed?
10:00 AM
14th Accountability and Results in Federal Budgeting
2:00 PM
14th Finding and Fighting Fakes: Reviewing the Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy
10:00 AM
06th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

May 2005

26th An Assessment of Federal Funding for Private Research and Development
2:30 PM
26th The Container Security Initiative and the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism: Securing the Global Supply Chain or Trojan Horse?
9:30 AM
25th Nomination Hearing
2:30 PM
25th Counterfeit Goods: Easy Cash for Criminals and Terrorists
9:30 AM
25th Business Meeting
12:00 AM
24th An Overview of the Competitive Effects of Specialty Hospitals
2:00 PM
24th Safeguarding the Merit System: A Review of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel
10:00 AM
19th **POSTPONED** Accountability and Results in Federal Budgeting
2:30 PM
19th Nomination Hearings
9:30 AM
18th **POSTPONED** Nomination of Linda M. Springer to be Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management
2:30 PM
18th FEMA’s Response to the 2004 Florida Hurricanes: A Disaster for Taxpayers?
9:30 AM
17th **POSTPONED** Analysis of National In-Patient Satisfaction Survey
2:00 PM
17th Oil For Influence: How Saddam Used Oil to Reward Politicians Under the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program
9:30 AM
12th Examining USAID’s Anti-Malaria Policies
10:30 AM

April 2005

28th Waging War on Waste: An Examination of DoD’s Business Practices
2:00 PM
28th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
27th Chemical Attack on America: How Vulnerable Are We?
10:00 AM
21st An Assessment of the President's Management Agenda
2:30 PM
21st Employing Federal Workforce Flexibilities: A Progress Report
10:30 AM
15th Tax Related Financial Products Can Be Costly
1:00 PM
14th U.S. Postal Service: What is Needed to Ensure its Future Viability?
2:00 PM
14th Passing the Buck: A Review of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
10:00 AM
13th Business Meeting
11:00 AM
05th Monitoring CMS’ Vital Signs: Implementation of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
10:00 AM
04th General Counsel
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
04th Director
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

March 2005

15th Critical Mission: Ensuring the Success of the National Security Personnel System
10:00 AM
09th Department of Homeland Security's budget submission for FY 2006
10:00 AM
09th Business Meeting (Tentative)
10:00 AM
07th Nomination Hearing
2:00 PM

February 2005

28th Controller
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
18th Deputy Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
17th Programs In Peril: An Overview of the GAO High-Risk List
10:00 AM
16th Transforming Government for the 21st Century
10:00 AM
15th The United Nations’ Management and Oversight of the Oil-for-Food Program
9:30 AM
14th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
14th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
14th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
14th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
10:00 AM
10th Unlocking the Potential within Homeland Security: the New Human Resources System
10:00 AM
07th Business Meeting
6:00 PM
02nd Nomination Hearing
10:00 AM

January 2005

31st Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
26th The Department of Homeland Security: The Road Ahead
10:00 AM
24th Commissioner
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Inspector General
12:00 AM
24th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th U.S. Marshal
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Archivist
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

November 2004

16th Oversight Hearing on Insurance Brokerage Practices, Including Potential Conflicts of Interest and the Adequacy of the Current Regulatory Framework
10:30 AM
16th Associate Judge
12:00 AM
16th Associate Judge
12:00 AM
16th Commissioner
12:00 AM
15th How Saddam Hussein Abused the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program
12:00 PM

October 2004

08th Governor
12:00 AM
08th Governor
12:00 AM
07th Inspector General
12:00 AM
05th Nominations Hearing
10:00 AM

September 2004

30th Oversight Hearing on Section 529 College Savings Plans: High Fees, Inadequate Disclosure, Disparate State Tax Treatment and Questionable Broker Sales Practices
10:30 AM
22nd Business Meeting
10:00 AM
22nd Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
21st Business Meeting
10:00 AM
14th The 9/11 Commission Human Capital Recommendations: A Critical Element of Reform
9:30 AM
13th Ensuring the U.S. Intelligence Community Supports Homeland Defense and Departmental Needs
9:30 AM
08th Building an Agile Intelligence Community to Fight Terrorism and Emerging Threats
10:30 AM

August 2004

26th CLOSED HEARING- Reorganizing the Intelligence Community: to What Extent Should the National Intelligence Director Have Budget Authority and the National Counterterrorism Center Play a Role in Operational Planning?
9:30 AM
17th Voicing a Need for Reform: The Families of 9/11
9:00 AM
16th Reorganizing America's Intelligence Community: A View from the Inside
9:30 AM
03rd Assessing America's Counterterrorism Capabilities
10:00 AM

July 2004

30th Making America Safer: Examining the Recommendations of the 9-11 Commission
11:00 AM
22nd Nominations Hearing for Allen Weinstein to be Archivist of the United States
3:30 PM
22nd Buyer Beware: The Danger of Purchasing Pharmaceuticals over the Internet - Day 2
Federal and Private Sector Responses

9:00 AM
21st Business Meeting
10:00 AM
20th Building the 21st Century Federal Workforce: Assessing Progress in Human Capital Management
9:00 AM
19th Nomination Hearing for Neil McPhie and Barbara Sapin
2:30 PM
15th Money Laundering and Foreign Corruption: Enforcement and Effectiveness of the Patriot Act
9:00 AM
08th The Federal Government's Financial Statement and Accountability of Taxpayer Dollars at the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security
10:30 AM
07th Juvenile Detention Centers: Are They Warehousing Children with Mental Illness
10:00 AM
06th Business Meeting
6:05 PM

June 2004

23rd International Smuggling Networks: Weapons of Mass Destruction Counterproliferation Initiatives
4:00 PM
23rd Nomination Hearing for David M. Stone to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration
11:30 AM
17th Buyer Beware: The Danger of Purchasing Pharmaceuticals Over The Internet
9:00 AM
15th An Assessment of Current Efforts to Combat Terrorism Financing
10:30 AM
09th Going Nowhere: DOD Wastes Millions of Dollars on Unused Airline Tickets
10:00 AM
08th Dietary Supplement Safety Act: How is FDA Doing 10 Years Later?
2:30 PM
02nd Executive Business Meeting
10:00 AM

May 2004

20th Associate Judge
12:00 AM
20th Associate Judge
12:00 AM
20th Director
12:00 AM
12th Bogus Degrees and Unmet Expectations: Are Taxpayer Dollars Subsidizing Diploma Mills? (Day 2)
10:00 AM
11th Bogus Degrees and Unmet Expectations: Are Taxpayer Dollars Subsidizing Diploma Mills?
10:30 AM
06th Trimming the Fat: Examining Duplicative and Outdated Federal Programs and Functions
10:00 AM

April 2004

29th Nomination Hearing for Mr. David Safavian
10:45 AM
29th Nomination Hearing for Mr. Dawn Tisdale
10:00 AM
28th Government Purchase Cards: Smarter Use Can Save Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars
10:00 AM
20th Oversight Hearing on Expensing Stock Options: Supporting and Strengthening the Independence of the Financial Accounting Standards Board
2:30 PM
20th Pirates of the 21st Century: The Curse of the Black Market
9:30 AM
08th Does CMS Have the Right Prescription? Implementing the Medicare Prescription Drug Program
9:30 AM
08th Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security
12:00 AM
08th Archivist of the United States
12:00 AM
08th Member
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
07th Legislative Hearing on S. 346, a Bill to Amend the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act to Establish a Governmentwide Policy Requiring Competition in Certain Procurements from Federal Prison Industries
2:00 PM
07th Postal Reform: The Chairmen’s Perspectives on Governance and Rate-Setting
10:00 AM

March 2004

30th The Federal Government’s Role In Empowering Americans To Make Informed Financial Decisions
2:30 PM
29th The Road to Recovery: Solving the Social Security Disability Backlog
9:00 AM
24th Profiteering in a Non-profit Industry: Abusive Practices in Credit Counseling
9:00 AM
23rd The Postal Service in Crisis: A Joint Senate-House Hearing on Principles for Meaningful Reform
2:30 PM
11th Postal Reform: Sustaining the 9 Million Jobs in the $900 Billion Mailing Industry (Day 2)
9:30 AM
09th Postal Reform: Sustaining the 9 Million Jobs in the $900 Billion Mailing Industry (Day 1)
10:00 AM
01st Oversight of the Thrift Savings Plan: Ensuring the Integrity of Federal Employee Retirement Savings
11:00 AM

February 2004

26th Chairman
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
25th JOINT HEARING: The Key to Homeland Security: the New Human Resources System
10:00 AM
24th Preserving a Strong United States Postal Service: Worforce Issues, Day 1
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
12th DOD Contractors that Cheat on their Taxes and What Should Be Done About It
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
11th Commissioner
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Department of Homeland Security's budget for FY05
10:00 AM
04th Preserving a Strong United States Postal Service: Workforce Issues, Day 2
2:00 PM

January 2004

27th Oversight Hearing on Mutual Funds: Hidden Fees, Misgovernance and Other Practices that Harm Investors
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
26th Chairman
12:00 AM
26th General Counsel
12:00 AM
26th Governor
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
26th Member
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
22nd Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
21st Governor
12:00 AM
21st Inspector General
12:00 AM

December 2003

09th Fair or Foul: The Challenge of Negotiating, Monitoring, and Enforcing U.S. Trade Laws
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

November 2003

21st Executive Business Meeting
11:15 AM
20th Keeping the Lights On: The Federal Role in Managing the Nation's Electricity, Part Two
10:00 AM
20th U. S. Tax Shelter Industry: The Role of Accountants, Lawyers and Financial Professionals, Day 2
9:00 AM
19th Agroterrorism: The Threat to America's Breadbasket
9:30 AM
19th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
18th Nominations Hearing
2:30 PM
18th U. S. Tax Shelter Industry: The Role of Accountants, Lawyers and Financial Professionals, Day 1
9:00 AM
12th S. 1358, the Federal Employee Protection of Disclosures Act: Amendments to the Whistleblower Protection Act
3:30 PM
12th Nominations Hearing
2:00 PM
06th DOD’s Improper Use of First and Business Class Airline Travel
2:00 PM
05th The Report of the Presidential Commission on the U.S. Postal Service: Preserving Access and Affordability.
2:00 PM
05th Deputy Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
03rd Mutual Funds: Trading Practices and Abuses that Harm Investors
10:30 AM

October 2003

22nd Executive Business Meeting
10:30 AM
08th SARS: Is Minnesota Prepared?
10:00 AM
02nd Executive Business Meeting
4:10 PM
01st Deteriorating Buildings and Wasted Opportunities: The Need for Federal Real Property Reform
9:30 AM

September 2003

30th Privacy & Piracy: The Paradox of Illegal File Sharing on Peer-to-Peer Networks and the Impact of Technology on the Entertainment Industry
10:00 AM
30th Nominations Hearing
9:00 AM
25th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th Penalty for Public Service: Do the Social Security Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provisions Unfairly Discriminate Against Employees and Retirees?
9:30 AM
23rd CLOSED HEARING: Combating Terrorist Financing: Are We on the Right Track?
9:30 AM
17th U.S. Postal Service: What Can Be Done to Ensure Its Future Viability?
10:00 AM
16th Nomination Hearing, Department of Homeland Security
11:00 AM
16th Oversight of GAO: What Lies Ahead for Congress' Watchdog?
9:30 AM
15th Safeguarding America's Retirement Security: An Examination of Defined Benefit Pension Plans and the Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation
2:30 PM
10th Keeping the Lights On : The Federal Role in Managing the Nation's Electricity
9:00 AM

August 2003

06th Legal Drugs, Illegal Purposes: The Escalating Abuse of Prescription Medications
10:00 AM

July 2003

31st Terrorism Financing: Origination, Organization, and Prevention
10:00 AM
30th Executive Business Meeting
1:50 PM
30th SARS: Best Practices for Identifying And Caring for New Cases.
9:00 AM
29th Nominations Hearing to Consider Joel D. Kaplan to be Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget
10:15 AM
29th Department of Homeland Security Nominations hearing for Joe D. Whitley to be General Counsel and Penrose C. Albright to be Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security (Plans, Programs, and Budget).
9:30 AM
24th Then and Now: An Update on the Administration's Competitive Sourcing Initiative
9:30 AM
22nd Nominations Hearing for Allen Weinstein to be Archivist of the United States
3:30 PM
21st Oversight Hearing on Government Sponsored Enterprises: The Risks and Benefits to Consumers
2:00 PM
17th Nowhere to Turn: Must Parents Relinquish Custody in Order to Secure Mental Health Services for Their Children?, Part 2: Government Response.
9:30 AM
16th Great Lakes Restoration Management: No Direction, Unknown Progress.
10:00 AM
15th Nowhere to Turn: Must Parents Relinquish Custody in Order to Secure Mental Health Services for Their Children?, Part 1: Families and Advocates.
9:30 AM
14th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
11th Deputy Director
12:00 AM

June 2003

26th Executive Business Meeting
12:50 PM
26th Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
26th Special Counsel
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
25th Nomination of Joshua B. Bolten to be Director of the Office of Management and Budget
9:30 AM
24th Juvenile Diabetes: Examining the Personal Toll on Families, Financial Costs to the Federal Health Care System, and Research Progress Toward a Cure
10:00 AM
19th Self-Dealing and Breach of Duty: A Review of the ULLICO Matter
10:00 AM
18th Superior Court of the District of Columbia Nominations
9:30 AM
17th Executive Business Meeting
10:00 AM
16th Director of the Office of Domestic Preparedness
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
11th Patient Safety: Instilling Hospitals with a Culture of Continuous Improvement
9:00 AM
05th Department of Homeland Security Nominations
10:30 AM
04th Transforming the Department of Defense Personnel System: Finding the Right Approach.
9:30 AM
03rd Director
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

May 2003

22nd Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
21st SARS: How Effective Is The State And Local Response?
9:00 AM
20th Drugs, Counterfeiting, and Weapons Proliferation: The North Korea Connection
2:00 PM
15th Nominations
2:00 PM
15th "Investing in Homeland Security: Challenges Facing State and Local Governments"
9:30 AM
14th Tissue Banks: The Dangers of Tainted Tissue and the Need for Federal Regulation
9:30 AM
14th General Counsel
12:00 AM
14th Governor
12:00 AM
12th An Overlooked Asset: the Defense Civilian Workforce
12:30 PM
12th Border Security: How are State and Local Officials Coping With The New Levels of Threat?
8:30 AM
01st Investing in Homeland Security: Streamlining and Enhancing Homeland Security Grant Programs
10:00 AM

April 2003

28th General Counsel
12:00 AM
10th Prosecuting Iraqi War Crimes; A Consideration of the Different Forum Options
11:00 AM
10th Nomination of Peter Eide to be General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority
9:30 AM
10th Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Investing in Homeland Security, Challenges on the Front Line
9:30 AM
08th The Human Capital Challenge: Offering Solutions and Delivering Results
9:30 AM
02nd Nominations
10:00 AM

March 2003

26th Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
20th Cargo Containers: The Next Terrorist Target?
9:30 AM
06th Evaluating Human Capital at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
9:30 AM
05th Business Meeting
10:00 AM

February 2003

27th Nominations
11:00 AM
26th Consolidating Intelligence Analysis: A Review of the President's Proposal to Create a Terrorist Threat Integration Center--Day 2
10:00 AM
14th Consolidating Intelligence Analysis: A Review of the President's Proposal to Create a Terrorist Threat Integration Center
9:30 AM
05th Business Meeting
2:20 PM
04th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

January 2003

28th Deputy Director for Management
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
24th The nomination of The Honorable Gordon England to be Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security
9:30 AM
21st Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
21st Under Secretary for Management
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
21st Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
21st Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
17th The nomination of The Honorable Tom Ridge to be Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
9:00 AM
10th Inspector General
12:00 AM
09th Inspector General
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Governor
12:00 AM
09th Chairman
12:00 AM
09th Member
12:00 AM
09th Member
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Member
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Controller
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
07th Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
07th Associate Judge
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
07th Deputy Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

December 2002

11th Oversight of Investment Banks' Response to the Lessons of Enron
9:30 AM

November 2002

15th Hearing to consider the nominations of Alejandro Sanchez, Andrew Saul and Gordon Whiting to be Members of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board.
10:00 AM

th Offshore Abuses: The Enablers, The Tools & Offshore Secrecy

Hearings Calendar

Aug 2009
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31