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Boxer Opening Statement: "Hearing on Climate Change and Ensuring that America Leads the Clean Energy Transformation"
August 6, 2009

(Remarks as prepared for delivery)

Today's hearing will focus on ensuring that America leads the clean energy transformation as we address the threat posed by climate change. I want to welcome our witnesses who will share their insights and expertise on this critical subject.

We are facing two historic challenges in America today: a deep economic recession and the threat of unchecked global warming. During this hearing we will examine the ways in which federal initiatives are already addressing both of these challenges, and about additional steps we can take to provide incentives for clean energy development and transform the American economy.

This country can and should be a leader of the clean energy revolution. Clean energy and climate legislation provides the certainty companies need and the signal businesses are looking for to mobilize capital and harness the greatest source of power we have in this country - American ingenuity.

Clean energy legislation is jobs legislation. By creating powerful incentives for clean energy, it will create millions of new jobs in America -- building wind turbines, installing solar panels on homes, and producing a new fleet of electric and hybrid vehicles.

Legislation that provides powerful incentives for the development of clean energy technologies will put Americans to work and unleash U.S. investment to create innovative technologies and whole new industries here in America, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and protect our children from pollution.

I look forward to hearing from this morning's witnesses about how we can work together to rise to the clean energy challenge and transform our economy.


August 2009 Press Releases