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The Earth Science Projects Division is the designated program management office for flight, ground, and science performed at the GSFC as the Earth Science Enterprise.

The ESPD Program Office is responsible for the management and coordination of all projects and mission offices within the Earth Science Projects Division as well as external coordination and support to NASA's Earth Science Mission Directorate.


thumbnail Satellites Illuminate Pollution's Influence On Clouds

05.27.08 - Clouds have typically posed a problem to scientists using satellites to observe the lowest part of the atmosphere, where humans live and breathe, because they block the satellite's ability to capture a clear, unobstructed view of Earth's surface. It turns out, however, that these "obstructions" are worth a closer look, as clouds and their characteristics actually serve a valuable role in Earth's climate. That closer look is now available by satellites comprising the Afternoon Constellation, or A-Train.

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ESDIS (Earth Science Data and Information System) The Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project is responsible for providing scientific and other users access to data from NASA's Earth Science Enterprise. + More

ESMO (Earth Science Mission Operations) The Earth Science Mission Operations (ESMO) Project is responsible for spacecraft maintenance and operations for Earth Science missions conducted by the Earth Science Projects Division. + More

Glory The Glory mission will develop and launch an advanced polarimeter to increase our understanding of black carbon soot and other aerosols as causes of climate change as well as to continue the measurement of the Total Solar Irradiance. + More

GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) primarily provide long-range weather forecasting, ensuring that non-visible data, for any region of the Earth, are no more than six hours old. + More

GPM (Global Precipitation Management) The GPM Project will improve ongoing efforts to predict climate, improve the accuracy of weather and precipitation forecasts and provide More frequent and complete sampling of the Earth's precipitation. + More

LDCM (Landsat Data Continuity Mission ) LDCM will ensure the continuity of Landsat data. It will make all Landsat equivalent data collected available at affordable cost to enable farmers, school children, scientists, governments and many others to continue to utilize this data for high quality research and applications. + More

NPP (NPOESS Preparatory Project ) NPP will provide atmospheric and sea surface temperatures, humidity sounding, land and ocean biological productivity, and cloud and aerosol properties. + More

POES (Polar Operational Environmental Satellite) This program benefits that directly enhance the quality of human life and protection of Earth's environment include weather forecasts, monitoring severe storm movement, ozone levels and animal migrations patterns to detecting forest fires. + More


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education Earth Science Educational Sources
From space we can study all of the elements on Earth. Our Satellites aquire images and take measurements so that we understand and can predict what will happen in the future. + More

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