Community Implementation "Micro-Grant" Pilot Program
The HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) is pleased to announce the awarding of cooperative agreements to two organizations to manage regional pilots of the Healthy People 2010 Community Implementation Program. These organizations will administer microgrants (of up to $2010 each) to local community-based organizations in their areas to focus on health promotion and disease prevention activities that support the national health goals of Healthy People 2010.
The two awardees are the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, which will pilot a project in the Ansonia, Beacon Falls,
Bridgeport, Derby, Hartford, Naugatuck, New Haven, Oxford, Seymour, and Shelton areas of Connecticut, and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Healthy Carolinians/Health
Education, which will pilot its project in the state of North Carolina. Each pilot will award 200 microgrants to local community-based organizations.
Each intermediary will be making local awards later this year.
Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center has already announced its
project and received applications; it plans to make awards in the
spring. The North Carolina Office of Healthy Carolinians/Health Education
will be announcing the availability of funds for its project this spring
and making awards in early summer.
For more information about the projects and their timelines,
please contact the organizations directly:
Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center
130 Division Street
Derby, CT 06418
PHONE: (203) 732-1265
FAX: (203) 732-1264
Project Coordinator:
Margot Zaharek, MSc (email:
NC Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Public Health
Office of Healthy Carolinians/Health Education
1915 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1915
PHONE: (919) 715-4173
FAX: (919) 715-3144
Project Director: Mary Bobbitt-Cooke, MPH (email: mary.bobbitt-cooke@ncmail.net)
Organizations outside of these regions are not eligible to apply for the microgrants at this time. Please check this website from time to time for updates on this pilot project.
The ODPHP project officer for this program is Sue Martone. For further information, she can be reached by email at
smartone@osophs.dhhs.gov or by phone at (202)