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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

Resources for Elementary School Students

(Congressman Davis at River Ridge Elementary School in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky)

On this page, you can have fun while learning important things about the history of your government.  You can also explore the many different government agencies and landmarks that are located in Washington, D.C. Click on the links to explore.

Kids in the House: The Official Kids Website of the U.S. House of Representatives
The “Kids in the House” website offers quizzes and games that incorporate Capitol history and lessons about how a bill becomes a law.

FBI Kids' Page (K-5)
Learn about the FBI’s working dogs and obtain internet safety tips.

   Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government 
   Learn how your U.S. Government works, about its history
   and your civic responsibilities by reading these pages
   and playing the games on this site.

   The White House 
   Visit the White House's official page for kids and learn
   about the President, his responsibilities and the
   history of the office. 

First Gov for Kids 
This website provides valuable resources for elementary age students and their  teachers.

EPA Environmental Kids Club
Learn about the environment and what you can do to protect it.

   Kentucky Coloring Book 
   Learn about the legislative process while coloring and 
   learning about Kentucky.

Fed Stats
This website consolidates links to every federal agency’s kids’ page, including EPA Kids, US Forest Service, and NASA.

CIA Kids' Page 
On the CIA’s kids’ page, you can learn about how U.S. intelligence officials provide information to our nation’s leaders, and other fun facts.

Library of Congress: America's Library
America’s Library brings history to life for children though interactive educational games and stories about America’s cultural heritage.

Crime prevention activities, tips and games from the National Crime Prevention Council.

Kids Post
Read news just for kids at the Washington Post Kid's Post Page.

NASA Kids' Page 
Learn about NASA's missions to space, new technologies and the history of our space program.