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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District


The process of turning coal into liquid fuel is not a new technology.  In the 1940s, Germany used coal-to-liquid technology to meet nearly ninety percent of its energy needs.  Today, South Africa uses coal to produce thirty percent of its transportation fuels.  China and India, two countries where demand for fuel is growing fastest, are already making strategic investments in coal-to-liquid facilities.

Coal deposits throughout the U.S. contain more energy than all of the world’s oil combined.  With adequate investment, coal-to-liquid technology could produce 2.6 million barrels of oil per day in the U.S. by 2025.  Doing so would make significant strides towards achieving energy security while increasing available supply and reducing the market pressures that are driving up all our fuel costs.

The implementation of coal-to-liquid technology could have enormous benefits for Kentucky as a source of thousands of jobs and for our nation as a source of clean, stable, affordable fuel.  That is why Congressman Davis has worked with Congressman Nick Rahall (D-WV) to craft legislation that would promote construction of coal-to-liquids plants in the U.S.

Additionally, Congressman Davis joined Congressman Hal Rogers (R-KY) in securing more than $1.4 million in federal funds to support research at the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) on refining coal into liquid transportation fuels.

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Learn about Congressman Davis' fight to publicize the benefits of coal-to-liquids technology and his work to support coal-to-liquids research.

August 15, 2008:
Congressmen Geoff Davis, Hal Rogers Unveil Coal-to-Liquid Funding

June 3, 2008:
Coal-to-Liquids Technology Vital to America’s Future Energy Security

March 4, 2008:
Energy Policy

May 10, 2007:
Congressman Geoff Davis Applauds House Armed Services Committee Approval of National Defense Authorization Act 

January 10, 2007:
Congressman Geoff Davis and Chairman Nick Rahall Introduce Coal-to-Liquids Fuel Promotion Act of 2007

October 30, 2006:
Coal Liquefaction: Kentucky’s Answer to Our Nation’s Energy Crisis

October 27, 2006:
Congressman Geoff Davis Welcomes U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman to Ashland, KY

October 17, 2006:
Fueling Economic Growth