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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

Brent Spence Bridge

The Brent Spence Bridge is essential infrastructure to the American economy. Every year, an estimated $417 billion of freight crosses the bridge. By 2030, the amount of freight is expected to increase to $830 billion. The current bridge is out-of-date and overburdened, and modernizing the Brent Spence corridor will help accommodate the increased demand.  Congressman Davis has been working for several years to ensure that this vital transportation corridor is properly funded.

With strong leadership from Senator Bunning and assistance from Senator Voinovich, Congressman Davis was able to help secure $46.5 million for the Brent Spence Bridge project in the 2005 federal highway funding bill. 

In an effort to gain maximum federal funding for the Brent Spence Bridge in the 2009 Highway Bill, Congressman Davis has also requested that the House Transportation and Infrastructure (T & I) Committee fully fund the Kentucky portion of the project during the period 2010-2015.  It is worth noting that the majority of federal transportation funds are distributed according to a formula directly to the States. In Fiscal Year 2008, Kentucky received $603 million from the federal highway trust fund.  Despite the fact that these are federal funds, decisions on how Kentucky spends the money are made in Frankfort by the legislature and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.  Congressman Steve Driehaus (D-OH) and Congresswoman Jean Schmidt (R-OH) submitted parallel requests for full funding of the Ohio portion of the project for this time frame.

Additionally, Congressman Davis and Congressman Driehaus testified before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure’s Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, advocating a provision in the next highway bill for a mechanism to fund mega-projects of national significance like the Brent Spence Bridge, i.e. infrastructure projects that have major national importance but whose price tag exceeds the transportation budgets of the States in question. 

On June 16th, Congressman Davis and Congressman Driehaus unveiled a new study by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) underscoring the benefits of the Brent Spence Bridge rehabilitation project.  The Congressmen sent this study with a letter to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (T&I) Chairman James L. Oberstar (D-MN), and they reiterated their request of the chairman to make the Brent Spence project a top priority in the next surface transportation authorization.  You can read more about the study by clicking here, or read the letter to Chairman Oberstar here.
Watch the Testimony

Click to watch Congressman Davis testify about the pressing need to move forward with the rehabilitation and expansion of the Brent Spence corridor.  You can read his testimony here

Congressman Driehaus also testified about the need to fund the Brent Spence Bridge project.  You can read his testimony here.

Congressman Davis has also advocated the project to over sixty House Members, and he has met personally with several key decision-makers, including:

  • Chairman of the House T & I Committee Jim Oberstar (D-MN);
  • Congressman John Mica (R-FL), Ranking Republican Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure;
  • Congressman Jimmy Duncan (R-TN), Ranking Republican Member of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee; and
  • House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH). 

This effort also included leadership, with Congressman Driehaus, of a letter signed by thirteen House members to Chairman Oberstar and Congressman Mica advocating for the project.  You can read that letter here.

You can learn more about the Brent Spence Bridge project by clicking here.

Read More

Read about Congressman Davis' work to gain funding for the Brent Spence Bridge project.

June 16, 2009:
Reps. Davis, Driehaus Unveil New Study in Support of Brent Spence Bridge Project 

April 28, 2009:
Congressman Davis and Congressman Driehaus Testify in Support of the Brent Spence Bridge Project

June 18, 2007:
Fighting for the Taxpayers

June 15, 2007:
Congressman Geoff Davis Fights to Increase Transparency and Accountability in Congressional Spending

July 10, 2006:
Congressman Geoff Davis and Congressman Steve Chabot Host U.S. Department of Transportation Acting Secretary Maria Cino

July 29, 2005: 
The Cincinnati Enquirer: $45M for bridge study OK'd
July 29, 2005:
Rep. Geoff Davis statement in final passage of the highway bill

July 28, 2005:
Rep. Geoff Davis secures Highway Dollars for the 4th District

May 14, 2005:
The KY Post: Lobbying has its perils