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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

Appalachian Regional Commission

Congressman Davis and Nicholas County Judge Executive Larry Tincher cut a cake at a ceremony welcoming the County to the ARC.The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is a federal-State partnership that increases job opportunities and per capita income in Appalachia to reach parity with the nation; strengthens the capacity of the people of Appalachia to compete in the global economy; develops and improves Appalachia's infrastructure to make the Region economically competitive; and builds the Appalachian Development Highway System to reduce Appalachia's isolation.

In the 110th Congress, Geoff played an integral role in adding two Fourth District counties to the ARC.  Nicholas and Robertson Counties were added to the ARC through the Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 2008, which was signed into law on October 8, 2008.

Adding Nicholas and Robertson Counties to the ARC was a top priority in those communities for many years.  With help from Senators McConnell and Bunning,Congressman Davis succeeded in getting the counties access to the development programs they needed.  By joining the ARC, Nicholas and Robertson Counties will have opportunities to improve their infrastructure, increase prosperity and develop a brighter economic future.

View the Legislation

You can see a PDF of the legislation by clicking here.

Read More

Read about Congressman Davis' work to add Nicholas and Robertson Counties to the ARC.  Also, see related information about the ARC's contributions to the Fourth District.

October 23, 2008:
Congressman Geoff Davis Welcomes Nicholas and Robertson Counties to the Appalachian Regional Commission

September 27, 2008:
Rep. Davis and Sen. McConnell Announce Two Northern Kentucky Counties have been added to the Appalachian Regional Commission

September 7, 2007:
Congressman Geoff Davis Announces $373,000 Appalachian Regional Commission Grant for the Kentucky Housing Corporation

August 31, 2006:
Congressman Davis Announces $250,000 Appalachian Regional Commission Grant for Lewis County