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Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 30, 2009 – Today, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson welcomed an announcement by the U.S. Treasury Department that Nebraska will receive over $3.6 million to fund construction of affordable rental housing in the state.  The funding is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“These stimulus funds will help Nebraska communities hit by the economic downturn,” said Nelson.  “These Recovery Act funds aim to provide low-income families with housing and to keep good-paying construction jobs from being eliminated.”

The funding is being awarded to the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority.  The funds will be used to support construction or acquisition and rehabilitation of housing for low-income families and individuals throughout the state.  In the process, the funding will create and preserve construction and non-construction jobs.  The total award, $3,676,241, was announced today by the Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary, US Department of the Treasury.

Senator Nelson played a key role in the passage of the $787 billion stimulus bill. He worked with a bipartisan group of nearly 20 Senators to better focus The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on tax cuts for the middle class and job creation for millions of Americans. Senator Nelson led the group through the initial bill line by line, dollar by dollar, to reduce spending and cut out $108 billion of inefficient or less-stimulative spending. The bipartisan group helped the improved bill win congressional approval. President Obama signed it into law February 17, 2009.
Senator Nelson is posting information about the release of stimulus finds on his website as it becomes available.  Visit for more information.


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