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Votes and Legislation

Sponsored Legislation

A comprehensive list of legislation sponsored by Senator Dorgan in the 111th Congress. More

Co-sponsored Legislation

A comprehensive list of legislation co-sponsored by Senator Dorgan in the 111th Congress. More

Voting Record

Find out how Senator Dorgan or one of his colleagues voted on legislation in the 111th Congress. More

How a Bill Becomes a Law

Every year, thousands of bills are introduced in Congress by members of the United States Senate or the House of Representatives. Only a small fraction of those bills ever become law. Here is the process that a piece of legislation must follow in order to be enacted. More


THOMAS is the database of United States Congress Legislative information, sponsored by the Library of Congress. It is a comprehensive, Internet-accessible source of information on the activities of Congress, including information on bills and resolutions, voting records, committees, Congressional schedules and calendars, presidential nominations and treaties, among other resources. More

Congressional Record

The Congressional Record is official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress, and it is compiled and published daily. More