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Service AcademiesService Academy Nominations

Each year, I have the most gratifying responsibility and privilege of nominating Nebraska's finest young men and women to the Military (Army), Naval, Air Force and Merchant Marine Academies. This page contains information about the nomination process and procedures for applying as well as information on my review process for selecting candidates and a timeline of important dates for academy applicants.

It is important to understand that to attend a Service Academy you must apply and receive a Congressional Nomination and you must also make a separate application to a Service Academy. Each academy has its own selection process for admittance. The academies will send you a catalogue, a detailed explanation of their selection process, and useful suggestions for other actions to take.

Service Academy Form

Eligibility Requirements For Nomination to a Service Academy

  1. Applicants must be at least 17 years old, but not yet 23 years old by July 1st of the entering class
  2. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, not married, and without dependents
  3. Applicants must be permanent legal residents of Nebraska

Nomination Application Documents

  1. A current summary of all extracurricular activities
  2. Three written references on your behalf
  3. The official transcript of all high school grades (to date) and class ranking (An official transcript of your high school record showing your final junior grades and class rank. If you apply before this information is available, you are responsible to request that your school send a transcript with this information.)
  4. SAT or ACT scores (The tests may be taken several times, and the selection committee will accept the highest scores. SAT and ACT scores can be sent directly to my office if an applicant requests on the test form that scores be sent to Code 7154 for ACT scores and Code 6998 for SAT scores.)
  5. A current photo
  6. A completed application form (The application form must be completed and returned promptly. Formal candidacy is established upon receipt of your application form. You do not need to send all the required information at once. Transcripts, test scores, etc, can be sent in as you receive them.)
  7. Any additional material (Please forward any biographical material such as awards, news articles, etc., that you would like to include in your file. They will be accepted and reviewed. Resumes, essays, and photographs are not required.)

Contact Information

Jan McCarty is the contact person for obtaining an academy nomination. Jan can be contacted by phone at the Omaha Office: 402.391.3411 or by e-mail at: for application forms and assistance in providing other information. You may also print an application here.

All nomination applications must be returned to my Omaha Office by mid-October (each year the exact date will be set). The address:

Senator E. Benjamin Nelson
United States Senate
ATTN: Academy Nomination
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 205
Omaha, NE 68114

Useful Links

For more information on the service academies, click on the following links:

U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD
U.S. Military Academy in West Point, NY
U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO
U.S. Merchant Marines in Kings Point, NY

Please Note: The U.S. Coast Guard Academy does not require a Congressional nomination. You should contact them directly for more information.