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"During the ‘90s, we were able to more than double Nebraska’s international exports. Nebraska trade has created new jobs, increased wages, and generated millions of dollars in savings and investment. The conference report will continue those successes by making it easier for Nebraska’s products to reach an ever-greater audience."

˜ Ben Nelson

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Senator Nelson understands how important international trade is not only to America's economy, but also to Nebraska. Despite being in the middle of the country geographically, Nebraska remains deeply involved in the global economy.

International Trade in Nebraska

Nebraska exports total $3.1 billion each year to over 100 foreign markets. Nearly 100,000 Nebraska jobs are related to exports: 56,000 in manufacturing and 43,800 in agriculture. 73% of Nebraska's 1,367 companies that export are small and medium sized businesses. $1 in agricultural exports generates $1.59 in additional economic activity. Wages in export jobs are 13-18 percent higher than the national average

Senator Nelson's Trade Record

While Governor, Ben Nelson worked to more than double Nebraska's international exports from $868 million in 1990 to more than $2 billion in 1998. Governor Nelson's trade missions resulted in at least $47.5 million in sales and investment for Nebraska business. The number of Nebraska companies exporting increased 74 percent from 1992 to 1998. Nebraska's experience shows that growth in trade, when done properly, can expand jobs and economic opportunities.

Free and Fair Trade

In the Senate, Nelson has supported every Free Trade Agreement while continuing to push for fair trade practices from some of Nebraska and America’s most important trading partners. Senator Nelson believes that the United States must insist on fairness from all of its trading partners and that it should not permit food safety and human health concerns to be used as cover for unfair trade practices. As such, he has fought to get Japan and Korea to resume full and fair importation of U.S. beef and will continue to work for trade agreements and policies that focus on securing trade that is free, fair and balanced.

Useful Links

Office of the United States Trade Representative
U.S. Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration
U.S. International Trade Commission
U.S. Customs & Border Protection: Tips for New Importers and Exporters

Updated: May 2009