Entry Title
The <Entry_Title> is the title of the data set described by the metadata.
  • <Entry_Title> should be descriptive enough so that when a user is presented with a list of titles the general content of the data set can be determined. For example, <Entry_Title>Aerosols</Entry_Title> would not be an adequate data set title as it does not provide enough descriptive information to guide the user.
  • In order to make titles descriptive, important elements about the data may be included in the <Entry_Title>, i.e., parameters measured, geographic location, instrument, investigator, project, temporal coverage. For example, <Entry_Title>Aerosol characterization and snow chemistry at Terra Nova Bay 2001-2003 </Entry_Title> provides an adequate amount of information to guide the user.
<Entry_Title>Title of the data set</Entry_Title>
  • 1 to 220 characters permitted from the entire UTF-8 character set.
  • The <Entry_Title> should follow standard mixed (i.e. upper and lower) case.
  • The <Entry_Title> field is required and is not repeatable.
<Entry_Title>Hourly Tidal Observations from the Coast of China, 1942-1986</Entry_Title>

<Entry_Title>The San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Study (SJVAQS) Atmospheric Signatures, Predictions, and Experiments (AUSPEX) Database</Entry_Title>

<Entry_Title>The Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) Level II, III, and IV Data Products</Entry_Title>


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This document should be cited as:
Directory Interchange Format (DIF) Writer's Guide, 2008.
Global Change Master Directory. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [http://gcmd.nasa.gov/User/difguide/].