Data Set Citation

The <Data_Set_Citation> field allows the author to properly cite the data set producer.
This field has 2 functions:

  1. To indicate how this data set should be cited in the professional scientific literature, and
  2. If this data set is a compilation of other data sets, to document and credit the data sets that were used in producing this compilation.

This field is not to be used to list bibliographic references of scientific research articles arising from the data set. This field provides a citation for the data set itself, not articles related to the research results. To list references related to the research results, use the <Reference> field. <Data_Set_Citation> consists of:

  • <Dataset_Creator>The name of the organization(s) or individual(s) with primary intellectual responsibility for the data set's development.
  • <Dataset_Title>The title of the data set; this may be the same as Entry Title.
  • <Dataset_Series_Name>The name of the dataset series, or aggregate dataset of which the dataset is a part.
  • <Dataset_Release_Date> The date when the data set was made available for release.
  • <Dataset_Release_Place> The name of the city (and state or province and country if needed) where the data set was made available for release.
  • <Dataset_Publisher> The name of the individual or organization that made the data set available for release.
  • <Version> The version of the data set.
  • <Issue_Identification> The volume or issue number of the publication (if applicable).
  • <Data_Presentation_Form> The mode in which the data are represented, e.g. atlas, image, profile, text, etc.
  • <Other_Citation_Details> Additional free-text citation information. For example, <Other_Citation_Details>NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program</Other_Citation_Details>
  • <Online_Resource>The URL of the online resource containing the data set.

<Dataset_Creator>Text, names separated by commas up to 500 characters</Dataset_Creator>
<Dataset_Title>Text up to 220 characters</Dataset_Title>
<Dataset_Series_Name>Text up to 220 characters</Dataset_Series_Name>
<Dataset_Release_Date>Text up to 31 characters, yyyy-mm-dd format suggested</Dataset_Release_Date>
<Dataset_Release_Place> Text up to 80 characters</Dataset_Release_Place>
<Dataset_Publisher>Text up to 500 characters</Dataset_Publisher>
<Version>Number and/or text</Version>
<Issue_Identification>Number and/or text up to 80 characters</Issue_Identification>
<Data_Presentation_Form>Text up to 80 characters</Data_Presentation_Form>
<Other_Citation_Details>Text up to 160 characters</Other_Citation_Details>
<Online_Resource>URL up to 600 characters</Online_Resource>

  • The <Dataset_Creator> and the <Dataset_Publisher> fields may contain up to 500 characters. The <Dataset_Title> field may contain up to 220 characters. The <Dataset_Series_Name> and <Other_Citation_Details> fields may contain up to 160 characters from the UTF-8 character set. The <Online_Resource> field may contain up to 600 characters. The <Dataset_Release_Date> field may contain up to 31 characters.
  • All other fields may contain 1 to 80 characters from the UTF-8 character set.
  • The <Data_Set_Citation> is a highly recommendedl field and can be repeated. Individual subfields may not be repeated.
  • Keywords for <Data_Presentation_Form> may be selected from the Suggested Keywords List.
<Dataset_Creator>Fred K. Miller, Jonathan C. Matti,
Howard J. Brown, Pamela M. Cossette</Dataset_Creator>
<Dataset_Title>Digital Geologic Map of the Butler Peak 7.5'
Quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California</Dataset_Title>
<Dataset_Series_Name>U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report</Dataset_Series_Name>
<Dataset_Release_Place>Menlo Park, California</Dataset_Release_Place>
<Dataset_Publisher>U.S. Geological Survey</Dataset_Publisher>
<Version>1.0 </Version>
<Data_Presentation_Form>vector digital data </Data_Presentation_Form>
<Online_Resource> </Online_Resource>


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This document should be cited as:
Directory Interchange Format (DIF) Writer's Guide, 2008.
Global Change Master Directory. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [].