
Energy Star logo, PEPS logo, close up of a quarter and other coins.

Washington, DC Projects Office

The Division's activities in the Berkeley Lab's Washington, DC Projects Office support Division capabilities and effectiveness in providing high-quality technical research and policy analysis to the Department of Energy and to other governmental and nongovernmental sponsors.

The Projects Office works closely with Washington-based research sponsors to help Division researchers understand sponsors' needs and to design and conduct projects that best meet these needs. The Washington office provides an additional outlet for transmitting the results of LBL research and analyses to federal and nonfederal users. In addition, the office coordinates research, analysis, and technology-transfer activities with the Washington offices of other National Laboratories.


Energy Analysis Projects

Procurement of Energy-Efficient Products

DC staff support the Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program for buying energy-efficient products.

Green the Capitol Initiative

Staff members provide technical support to the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the US House of Representatives in its implementation of the Green Capitol Initiative.

Sustainable Federal Facilities

DC staff members serve as a technical resource for the Federal Interagency Sustainability Working Group.

International Energy Efficiency Studies

Staff members provide technical support and on-site coordination with the U.S. Agency for International Development and other clients sponsoring energy efficiency programs in other countries.

Understanding Energy Consumption Behavior

DC staff members conduct research to understand the psychological, cultural, and institutional context within which energy-related decisions are made and how these factors influence energy consumption.



  • Christopher Payne
  • 901 D Street, SW
  • Suite #950
  • Washington, DC 20024
  • (202) 488-2252
