U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 26th District of Texas

  • Burgess Encourages Caution in the Creation of Financial Commission
    May 6, 2009  - Watch Rep. Burgess speak on the Floor of the House of Representatives, or scroll down to read the script. Can't see the video above? To view the video clip of Rep. Burgess speaking on the House Floor, click HERE. Or, read the script of what Rep. Burgess said on the House Floor: ... More
  • Rep. Burgess: No Discussion Plus No Debate Does Not Equal Democracy
    Sep 28, 2008  - Mr. Speaker, I also come to the floor today to talk about this $700 billion bill that's in front of us. I use the term ``bill'' advisedly because we have seen no bill. We are here, debating talking points on, perhaps, what is the largest fundamental change in our Nation's financial system in its his... More
  • “Protecting the Electric Grid from Cyber Security Threats”
    Sep 11, 2008  - Thank you Mr. Chairman, The hearing before this Subcommittee today is very timely.  Not just because today we recognize and remember the victims of 9/11 but also because this is hurricane season. As we witnessed during hurricane Hannah, our electricity infrastructure continues to be unn... More
  • Remembering Dr. Michael DeBakey
    Jul 14, 2008  - Click here to view the video of Rep. Burgess’ floor speech Mr. Speaker, I rise tonight to honor Dr. Michael DeBakey, the father of modern cardiovascular surgery, and for me a personal hero. Dr. DeBakey passed away Friday night in Houston at the age of 99. Michael DeBakey, a giant among men and a ... More
  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation
    Jul 8, 2008  - Click here to watch the video of this special order I wanted to come to the floor tonight and I guess continue what has been a theme this evening on both sides of the aisle. The theme is energy. We are hearing a lot about energy as we go home to our districts, and I am no exception. I heard a lot a... More
  • Consumer-Drive Health Care for All Americans
    Jun 3, 2008  - Click here to watch the video I came to the floor of the House tonight to talk, as I frequently do, about the state of health care in this country and some things that may be on the cusp of change and some things that will never change. But I want to start off tonight by talking about what is goi... More
  • Food vs. Fuel
    May 21, 2008  - Click here to view the video I'm going to do something a little different tonight. Normally I come down here to the floor of the House to talk about health care. But we've heard a lot recently about where this country is in regards to its energy policy. We've heard a lot recently about the high c... More
  • Recognizing National Hospital Week and supporting the National Trauma Center Stabilization Act
    May 13, 2008  - Click here to view the video Tonight I come to the floor of the House to talk about the bipartisan health care bill introduced by Mr. Towns, Ms. Blackburn and Mr. Waxman. This bill, the National Trauma Center Stabilization Act, is particularly timely, given that this is National Hospital Week. Wh... More
  • Stimulus Package Worth Voting For
    Apr 15, 2008  - Click here to watch the video You know, it is said that nothing in the world is certain except death and taxes. And I'll tell you, being a physician in my former life, that sometimes even death is a little less complicated than our tax system. The complexity of the tax code is a consequence of ... More
  • Choice and Innovation: Why American is a World Leader in Health Care
    Apr 9, 2008  - Click here to watch the video of Rep. Burgess addressing the floor of the House of Representatives on America's health care system and why choice and innovation make our system the best in the world. Madam Speaker, I come to the floor tonight to do what I often do, spend a little time talking abo... More