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Foundation for Decision Making, Liver Wellness and Prevention of Hepatitis and Drug Abuse

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Coming Events

                     Midwest Viral Hepatitis Summit

               When: Friday, September 18, 2009
            8:30AM - 5:00PM, Columbus, OH


  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physician Assistants
  • Nurses
  • Counselors
  • Case Managers
  • Others


                                 Click here for more information.



                      Midwest Viral Hepatitis Patient
                              Community Forum

                   Free education, screening and vaccination. Open to all. 

                               Click here for more information.

                               Saturday, September 19, 2009

                             9:30am - 11:30am

                         Quest Conference Center

                               Columbus, Ohio

 Breaking News

   New Biomarker Predicts Response to Hepatitis C Treatment

      Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have identified

    the first genetic marker that predicts response to hepatitis C

    treatments, and a single letter of DNA code appears to make a

    huge difference. Scientists say the biomarker not only predicts

    who is most likely to respond to treatment and who isn’t, but

    also may explain why there are such different response rates

    among racial and ethnic groups.

    Click here for more information


New CNE Course Announced


Articles of Interest                     


Impact of Lifestyles on Hepatitis C

    In HCV-infected patients, the top three predictors of liver

    related mortality were having higher body mass index (BMI),

    presence of insulin resistance (IR), and elevated serum

    cholesterol. Overall mortality in HCV patients was most linked

    to metabolic syndrome, higher BMI and hypertension.

    Click here for more information.

Telaprevir Effective in Treating Previously Failured Response

    Vertex’s telaprevir, an experimental drug for hepatitis C, is

    showing that it can cure about half of the patients who failed

    to respond to standard treatments. The study found that 51

    percent of patients who took telaprevir in combination with

    standard drugs for six months were cured and 52 percent were


    Click here for more information.

 Phase 3 Albureron Trials Show Promising Results

The Phase 3 studies conducted by Human Genome Sciences,

    Inc, known as ACHIEVE 1 and ACHIEVE 2/3, evaluated

    albinterferon alfa-2b vs. ginterferon alfa-2a, in combination

    with ribavirin, for use in the treatment of interferon-naive

    patients with chronic hepatitis C.

    Click here for more information.

Acetaminophen Painkillers to Carry Stronger Risk Warnings

      Pain relieving drugs containing Acetaminophen will be required

     to carry more explicit warning labels about the risk of liver

     damage and stomach bleeding especially for people who

     overdose on pain medicines or who drink three or more

     alcoholic drinks each day.

     Click here for more information.




News Notes



HBV Mutations May Predict Liver Cancer Risk

     A recent report published by the Journal of the National
     Cancer Institute states that certain mutations in the DNA of
     the hepatitis B virus are associated with the development of
     liver cancer and may be able to help determine which HBV
     patients are at increased risk.
      Click here for more information.

Sharing Insulin Pens a NO NO


    Individuals may be exposed to blood-borne pathogens that
    could cause diseases like hepatitis and HIV as a result of
    sharing insulin pens and insulin cartridges, which are only
    meant for single-patient use.  Although insulin pens may
    contain enough insulin for several rounds of injection by self
    administration, the FDA has issued a health alert warning
    against the sharing of devices, as they are only approved for
    use with one patient per device.  Even if the needles are
    changed between patients, it is not safe to share the insulin
    pens or insulin cartridges.  Blood-borne pathogens, such as
    HIV and the hepatitis viruses may contaminate the reservoir
    after the injection, before the needle is changed.


Hep A Vaccine Recommended for Parents Adopting Children

    U.S. citizens who expect to have close contact with an an an
    adopted child from countries with high rates of hepatitis A
    should be immunized if they have not been already, U.S.
    immunization advisers said on Wednesday.
    Click here for more information.


New Treatment Option for Unresectable Liver Cancer

    Nexavar is an oral multiple kinase inhibitor for the treatment of
    patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),
    the most common form of liver cancer, and patients with
    advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the most common type
    of kidney cancer. Until now, patients with unresectable HCC
    have had limited treatment options.  Now, Nexavar offers a
    new treatment option with proven clinical benefits for
    unresectable HCC.  Nexavar provides the latest information
    for the treatment of patients with unresectable HCC and
    patients with advanced RCC.  It also provides links to
    comprehensive support programs to help patients with
    unresectable HCC or advanced RCC manage their therapy.


Changing Ailing Healthcare System

    Changing our ailing healthcare system includes promoting
    healthy lifestyle behaviors.  A Huge task at best.  The
    Hepatitis Foundation International (HFI) has a "leg up" on
    promoting healthy lifestyles in collaboration with many
    private and government agencies.  All Americans want to
    be healthy.
    Click here for more information.

Attention:  Men and Pregnant Women Taking Ribavirin
Registry Established for Potential Birth Defects

    The Registry enrolls pregnant women who have been
    inadvertently exposed to Ribavirin either directly (6 months
    before or during pregnancy) or indirectly (through her male
    sexual partner 6 months before or during pregnancy.

    Click here for more information

HFI’s Wellness Approach Included In CDC’s 2008 Top Five Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions.

    "Study to Reduce Intravenous Exposure" (STRIVE) was
    among the top five Evidence- Based HIV Prevention
    Interventions identified by the Centers for Disease Control
    and Prevention in 2008.
    Click here for release.


CDC Study: Failures to Follow Infection Practices Placed More Than 60,000 Patients at Risk for Hepatitis B and C_

     In the last decade, more than 60,000 patients in the United
    States were asked to get tested for hepatitis B virus (HBV)
    and hepatitis C virus (HCV) because health care personnel in
    settings outside hospitals failed to follow basic infection
    control practices, according to a new study done by the CDC.
    Click here for the full press release.


Research Advances
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HFI CEO Alerts Millions About Hepatitis

Click here to watch.

Donate to HFI

Hepatitis Foundation International (HFI) continues to work hard to provide up to date information and motivational messages for patients, educators, and the healthcare community.  We need your help to continue this important work!

Your donation to HFI can make a significant difference!


Hepatitis Foundation International

504 Blick Drive
Silver Spring, MD

tel: 301-622-4200
fax: 301-622-4702




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