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ADHA Lobby Day 2009
On June 17, 2009,
Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland addressed ADHA Lobby Day 2009 participants. Congressman Cummings has been a key proponent for the inclusion of oral health care provisions in health care reform.  Watch his inspiring comments.
Washington Post Article Addresses Topic of Oral Health in Health Care Reform
In its June 23 issue, the Washington Post published an article titled “Putting Teeth in Health-Care Reform: Advocates Pursue Dental Issues,” which talked about the urgency of having oral health care in the current health-care reform discussion. The story, which headlined ADHA’s slogan, “Put Teeth in Health Reform,” also included coverage of this year’s Lobby Day, in which hundreds of dental hygienists spent the day meeting with lawmakers and their staffs discussing various issues pertaining to dental hygiene and oral health.
Journal of Dental Hygiene
Back in Print

The Journal of Dental Hygiene, ADHA’s refereed, scientific publication, is coming back in print! Members need only to log on here and a link to subscribe will appear on their dash board. For non-member subscriptions, please download this form and fax back to 312-467-1806.
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National Board Review 2008
Read: ADHA Update | Past ADHA News
red dot Results from the CODA meeting, July 31, 2009
red dot 2009 DH Employment Survey – Executive Summary
red dot Call for grant proposals aimed at studying innovations in testing methods now open
red dot Announcing Changes in the ADHA 800 Number Service
red dot ADHA provides testimony to the Commission on Dental Accreditation
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Call For Nominations Consultants to the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) to serve as Site Visitors

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Important Swine Flu Information for Dental Hygienists from OSAP

red dot Learn more about what People to People is doing in 2009
red dot ADHA Offers Testimony at CMS National Medicaid Dental Town Hall
red dot sonicareDownload the ADHA Standards for Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice
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red dot ADHA Needs You!
Past Oral Health News

National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center Offers New Resources
The National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center (OHRC) is has announced the availability of several new resources, including information on access to care, practice guidelines and information on the importance of oral hygiene and oral health care during pregnancy. More

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