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About GERD

GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition which develops when the back-flow (reflux) of stomach contents causes troublesome symptoms and/or complications. Serious health problems can result if it is not treated properly.

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Signs that are Clear – But Easily Missed

The most frequent symptom of GERD – heartburn – is so common that it may not be seen as part of a disease. But repeated heartburn can be a sign of GERD.  

Heartburn is not the only symptom of GERD. Troubles swallowing, sore throat, or hoarseness in the morning are just a few other signs. And GERD may be present even without heartburn.

Get the Right Treatment 

GERD is generally a treatable disease. All too often, GERD is either self-treated or mistreated. Talking to a doctor is important to receiving proper diagnosis and treatment of GERD.

GERD treatments range from lifestyle or diet measures to the use of medication or surgical procedures. If you have signs of GERD, get an accurate diagnosis, work with your doctor, and receive the most effective treatment available.

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  1. Locke GR, Talley NH, Fett SL, Zinsmeister AR, Melton LJ. Prevalence and Clinical Spectrum of Gastroesophageal Reflux: a Population-based Study in Olmsted County. Gastroenterology, 1997;112(5):1448-56.
Last modified on August 25, 2009 at 01:09:04 PM

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