Leading the Way for Literacy

The National Institute for Literacy, a federal agency, provides leadership on literacy issues, including the improvement of reading instruction for children, youth, and adults.

Featured Resources

Learning To Achieve: A review of  the Research Literature on Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities

Learning To Achieve: A Review of the Research Literature on Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities

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Investigating the Language and Literacy Skills Required for Independent Online Learning

Investigating the Language and Literacy Skills Required for Independent Online Learning

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Developing Early Literacy: Report of the National Early Literacy Panel

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What's New

Welcome to the National Institute for Literacy's Redesigned Web Site!

New Features and Information for You to Use.

Countdown to International Literacy Day
September 8, 2009

Check back each week for International Literacy Day news, information, and events.
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Understanding and Applying Research in the Classroom: A Guide for Today’s Educators

This 30-60 minute self-paced online course introduces users to information about scientific research and its relevance to educational decision making.
view course Flash File

President Obama's 2010 Budget

On May 7, 2009 the White House released the administration's 2010 Federal Budget proposal.
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In consultation with the U.S. Departments of Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services, the Institute serves as a national resource on current, comprehensive literacy research, practice, and policy.

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