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Welcome to the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer

The Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) is the senior official responsible for assisting the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense, acting as the Chief Management Officer, effectively and efficiently organize the business operations of the Department of Defense. The Office of the DCMO supervises and oversees the Defense Business Transformation Agency and the DoD Performance Improvement Officer. The Office of the DCMO was established by Congress in the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act and stood-up within the Department of Defense on October 9, 2008.

DIMHRS: Enabling Military HR Transformation

The Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System is delivering core requirement documentation. To learn more about how DIMHRS will change how the DoD manages military personnel and pay, visit www.DIMHRS.mil.

Business Transformation Agency

The Business Transformation Agency supports the dramatic transformation of the Department's business operations, delivering Enterprise-level capabilities that align to warfighter needs. To learn more, visit www.BTA.mil.

DoD Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)/Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Program

Lean Six Sigma, a disciplined process improvement methodology, has been endorsed by DoD leadership as a key means by which the Department will become more efficient in its operations and more effective in its support of the warfighter. By focusing on becoming a "lean" organization, the DoD will eliminate waste and put its resources and capital to the best use in pursuing its organizational goals.

On April 30, 2007, the Deputy Secretary of Defense created a DoD CPI/LSS Program Office to drive DoD-wide CPI/LSS activities. The Deputy recognized that CPI/LSS is an important part of DOD's ongoing culture change, and he set ambitious training targets of having 1% of each organization's people trained as black belt LSS practitioners and 5% trained as green belt practitioners. These targets have been met.

LSS is a proven methodology and is providing real savings of time, money, and effort throughout the Department.

View the Deputy Secretary's April 30, 2007 memo here.









Ms. Elizabeth McGrath,
Assistant Deputy Chief Management Officer

Ms. Elizabeth (Beth) McGrath is the Department of Defense Assistant Deputy Chief Management Officer and the Department's Performance Improvement Officer. In these roles, Ms. McGrath leads the Department's effort to better synchronize, integrate, and coordinate DoD business operations and serves as the Principal Staff Assistant (PSA) and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for matters relating to management and the improvement of business operations.

View Elizabeth McGrath's complete biography here.

DoD Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)/Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Program

Lean Six Sigma, a disciplined process improvement methodology, has been endorsed by DoD leadership as a key means by which the Department will become more efficient in its operations and more effective in its support of the warfighter. View the Deputy Secretary's April 30, 2007 memo here.

DIMHRS: Enabling Military HR Transformation

The Defense Integrated Military Human Resource System is going live in 2009! To learn more about how DIMHRS will change how the DoD manages military personnel and pay, visit www.DIMHRS.mil.

Business Transformation Agency

The Business Transformation Agency supports the dramatic transformation of the Department's business operations, delivering Enterprise-level capabilities that align to warfighter needs. To learn more, visit www.BTA.mil.


The Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer was established by Congress in the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act and stood-up within the Department of Defense on October 9, 2008. The ODCMO will build upon the Department's ongoing management and business operations improvement efforts and ensure that the entire defense enterprise continues to move to adopt a mission-focused and outcome-driven culture of continuous change and improvement.

View the Deputy Chief Management Officer's Chartering DoD Directive here.

Contact Information

Thank you for your interest in the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer. The Department of Defense is a complex organization and we want to ensure that your questions, comments, and concerns are answered in a timely and complete manner.

Members of the press/media should click here.

Members of the public that are unsure where to direct their correspondence should click here.

Members of the public whose correspondence pertains directly to the activities of the ODCMO, you may contact us at 703-695-9715 or direct their questions through the mail to:

Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer
3600 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C.



Strategic Management and Good Governance

Strategic management and good governance have been longstanding priorities of the Department of Defense. Recent Congressional legislation and external audit work conducted by the General Accountability Office (GAO) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have helped to bring increased focus and attention to these areas. For strategic management decisions, the Secretary relies on a handful of governance groups and key management advisors to review options and recommend strategic and resource alternatives with the consistent objective of aligning management decisions to strategic outcomes in support of the warfighter.

DoD Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)/Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Program

Lean Six Sigma, a disciplined process improvement methodology, has been endorsed by DoD leadership as a key means by which the Department will become more efficient in its operations and more effective in its support of the warfighter. View the Deputy Secretary's April 30, 2007 memo here.

DIMHRS: Enabling Military HR Transformation

The Defense Integrated Military Human Resource System is going live in 2009! To learn more about how DIMHRS will change how the DoD manages military personnel and pay, visit www.DIMHRS.mil.

Business Transformation Agency

The Business Transformation Agency supports the dramatic transformation of the Department's business operations, delivering Enterprise-level capabilities that align to warfighter needs. To learn more, visit www.BTA.mil.


The Department of Defense has always strived to be good stewards of the American people's tax dollars while simultaneously providing unparalleled capability and support to the warfighter. Given the size and complexity of the Department of Defense, it is no surprise that the Congress and our external partners, such as GAO and OMB, have a key stake in the Department's management.

In November 2006, the GAO proposed establishing a permanent DoD official with the authority, experience, and tenure to drive change and be accountable for overseeing the Department's business operations. While crediting Departmental progress to date, the GAO said that a Chief Management Officer (CMO) was needed to reconcile the competing priorities that could impede DoD's progress in its transformation efforts.

In May 2007, the Secretary of Defense used his discretionary authority to designate the Deputy Secretary as the CMO of the Department. The charter for the Deputy Secretary of Defense was revised accordingly in September 2007. Subsequently, the Congress codified the Department's action in Section 904 of the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act, formally acknowledging the Deputy Secretary as DoD CMO. Section 904 also created the Under Secretary of Defense level position of Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) to assist the DoD CMO.

Today, the Office of the DCMO has been stood-up and is working to synchronize, coordinate, and integrate the Department's business operations and improve its management under the leadership of the Assistant Deputy Chief Management Officer (ADCMO). The ADCMO also serves as the Department's Performance Improvement Officer, which is a position that was created by Presidential Executive Order 13450 in November 2007. Moving forward, the Department awaits the appointment of the first DCMO while continuing to strive to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations.

View the Deputy Secretary of Defense's Chartering DoD Directive here.

View Section 904 of the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act here.

View Executive Order 13450 here.

Senior Leadership

The Department of Defense's senior leaders are actively engaged in the governance of the Department through four primary governance bodies. The Defense Senior Leadership Council (DSLC) and the Senior Leader Review Group (SLRG) are chaired by the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy's Advisory Working Group (DAWG) and the Defense Business Systems Management Committee are chaired by the Deputy Secretary.

View the DoD Directive codifying the roles, responsibilities, membership, and relationships with other governance bodies for the DSLC, SLRG, and DAWG here.

Strategic Management Plan

On July 25, 2008, the Department of Defense published the inaugural Strategic Management Plan (SMP), which was a first step toward providing Congress the comprehensive document mandated in Section 904 of the FY 2008 National Defense Authorization Act. The inaugural SMP provides an executive overview of the governance and management framework and processes used by the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense, acting as the Chief Management Officer, to deliver effective and efficient support to the warfighter. Future versions of the plan will include specific detail regarding performance goals and measures and the initiatives underway to achieve them.

View the 2009 DoD Strategic Management Plan here.


The Department of Defense is committed to managing for results and rigorously measuring its performance against its strategic goals and objectives. This page is a "one stop shop" for the Department's publicly available performance management outputs.

DoD Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)/Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Program

Lean Six Sigma, a disciplined process improvement methodology, has been endorsed by DoD leadership as a key means by which the Department will become more efficient in its operations and more effective in its support of the warfighter. View the Deputy Secretary's April 30, 2007 memo here.

DIMHRS: Enabling Military HR Transformation

The Defense Integrated Military Human Resource System is going live in 2009! To learn more about how DIMHRS will change how the DoD manages military personnel and pay, visit www.DIMHRS.mil.

Business Transformation Agency

The Business Transformation Agency supports the dramatic transformation of the Department's business operations, delivering Enterprise-level capabilities that align to warfighter needs. To learn more, visit www.BTA.mil.

DoD Strategic Management Plan

The first DoD Strategic Management Plan was published in July 2008. It will be used by the Department's senior civilian and military managers as a guide to align their business operations with the performance priorities of the Secretary, and by the Military Departments, Defense Agencies, and the Combatant Commanders as the standard for assessing whether the results achieved support the Secretary's performance goals. This plan will serve as the template for future strategic management plans for the Department of Defense.

View the 2009 DoD Strategic Management Plan here.


DoD Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan

The Performance Improvement section of the Department's FY 2009 Summary Justification (pages 127-146) identifies performance goals and measures for achieving the strategic outcomes identified in the Department's strategic plan—the Quadrennial Defense Review.

View the Department's FY 2009 Summary Justification here.

View the Quadrennial Defense Review here.


DoD Agency Financial Report (AFR)/Performance and Accountability Report (PAR)

This report provides the President, Congress, Federal departments and the American public with an overview of the Department's financial condition. It is the annual centerpiece for reporting the Department's financial execution, plans, and accomplishments.

View the AFR/PAR here.


DoD Performance Report

The Department just released its detailed Annual Performance Report for FY 2008, which documents a 69 percent success rate in meeting or exceeding 31 DoD-wide performance targets for the year.  The Annual Performance Report integrates budget and performance information by linking DoD expenditures to five overarching strategic goals:  fighting terrorism, reorienting capabilities and forces, reshaping the Defense enterprise, developing a 21st century total force, and achieving unity of effort.  It also includes a brief summary of the Department’s ongoing efforts to address high-risk management challenges identified by the Government Accountability Office.  View the FY 2008 DoD Performance Report here.


President's Management Agenda

The President's Management Agenda is an aggressive strategy for improving the management of the Federal Government. It includes five government-wide initiatives: Strategic Management of Human Capital, Competitive Sourcing, Improved Financial Performance, E (electronic)-Government, and Performance Improvement. The FY 2009 Summary Justification (pages 115-127) describes the Department's progress in each of the PMA areas, as well as four areas specific to DoD: Cost-of-War Reporting, Eliminating Proper Payments Initiative, Privatization of Military Housing, and Real Property Management Initiatives.

View the government wide PMA Scorecard here.

View the Department's FY 2009 Summary Justification here.


Program Performance and Improvement: The Enterprise Transition Plan

The Enterprise Transition Plan (ETP) is the Department's integrated business transformation plan, which incorporates the transition plans of the Military Services, Components and the DoD Enterprise. It provides a roadmap for achieving DoD's business transformation by implementing changes to technology, process, and governance. The ETP contains time-phased milestones, performance metrics, and a statement of resource needs for new and existing systems that are part of the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and Component architectures. The ETP also includes a termination schedule for legacy systems that will be replaced by systems in the target environment.

View the latest version of the ETP here (link to a new window with a pdf of the ETP, which can be found here.


GAO High Risk Areas

The General Accountability Office (GAO) maintains a list of areas that it has identified as high risk either because of their greater vulnerabilities to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement, the need for the broad-based transformation to address the area, or because of its importance in accomplishing a piece of the President's Management Agenda. The Department of Defense is wholly responsible for nine of these high risk areas and reports regularly to the GAO and the Office of Management and Budget on the progress of remediating these areas.

View the Department's GAO High Risk Area Remediation Plans here.