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NIDA Home > Researchers > How Do NIDA Research Findings Make the News?

How Do NIDA Research Findings Make the News?

The process for media outreach of research findings is managed by the Public Information and Liason Branch (PILB) in NIDA's Office of Science Policy and Communications (OSPC.)

NIDA has several avenues for releasing research findings to the media:

  1. Press Releases
  2. NewsScan (a publication distributed to top medical and science reporters)
  3. NIDA Notes (a bimonthly publication for researchers)

Press Releases

For a paper to be considered for a press release, the NIDA Public Information and Liaison staff needs to have it before it is published, preferably as soon as it is accepted by a journal. Please send accepted papers to NIDA Press Officer Stephanie Older, (olders@nida.nih.gov). If you don't have a copy of the paper available, it is still helpful to give available details to the PILB staff in advance. Note: NIDA honors ALL JOURNAL EMBARGOS.

All papers are reviewed by OSPC and NIDA's Office of the Director to decide what is the most appropriate communications avenue.

In general, stories chosen for a press release usually represent findings that are of unusual significance to the scientific community or might be of interest to the general public. Since that can be a subjective analysis, we welcome input from grantees on what they feel are the most newsworthy aspects of their studies.

All press releases produced by NIDA are reviewed and cleared for distribution by both NIH and the Department of Health and Human Services. The PILB Press Team is committed to inform you on the outcome of papers submitted for press release consideration


Many papers not chosen for a press release will be summarized by our science writers and put into the publication NIDA NewsScan. The NewsScan is distributed to top national and local science and health reporters and producers, disseminated at conferences, included in NIDA press kits, and posted on the NIDA website.

NIDA Notes

NIDA Notes is written by our professional science writing team and is distributed to a list of 90,000 people including researchers and health care professionals. To subscribe to NIDA Notes, or to submit a paper for consideration, please contact the NIDA Notes editor, David Anderson (david.anderson1@nih.hhs.gov). Papers submitted will also be considered for NIDA's science journal Perspectives.


154444 since 2/24/07

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