Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) Overview

Priority Project List: 9

Sponsors: NMFS, LDNR

Parishes: Vermilion

TV-18 General Project Fact Sheet (PDF 3.98 MB)
TV-18 General Project Fact Sheet - High Quality (PDF 5.32 MB)
TV-18 Monitoring Plan (PDF 2.58 MB)
TV-18 2005 Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring Report (PDF 2.82 MB)
TV-18 Ecological Review (PDF 454 KB)
TV-18 Environmental Assessment (PDF 9.09 MB)
TV-18 Project Completion Report (PDF 595 KB)
TV-18 Project Completion Report As Built Drawings (PDF 3.40 MB)
TV-18 2006/2007 Annual Inspection Report (PDF 1.10 MB)
TV-18 2005/2006 Annual Inspection Report (PDF 939 KB)
TV-18 Project Managers' Technical Fact Sheet (HTML)

2000 and 2004 Land-Water-Mudflats Analysis, TV-18
(PDF 57.9 MB)
2000 and 2004 Land-Water Analysis, TV-18
(PDF 57.0 MB)
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trappint (TV-18), 2004 Land-Water Analysis
(PDF 2.59 MB)
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18),2004 Land-Water Analysis
(PDF 2.58 MB)
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2007 Land-Water Analysis Map
(PDF 9.89 MB)
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2005 Land-Water Classification Map
(PDF 9.89 MB)

Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2007 photomosaic
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2007 White Lake Terrace Land-Water Classification Data
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2007 Vermilion Bay Terrace Land-Water Classification Data
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2005 White Lake Terrace Land-Water Classification Data
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2005 Vermilion Bay Terrace Land-Water Classification Data
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2005 White Lake Terrace photomosaic
Four Mile Canal Terracing and Sediment Trapping (TV-18) 2005 Vermilion Bay Terrace photomosaic

Wetland Value Assessment:
Project Area (acres): 1214
Average Annual Habitat Units*: 51
Acres Created / Restored: 133
Acres Protected: 34
Total Net Acres: 167
* Habitat Units represent a numerical combination of habitat quality (Habitat Suitability Index) and habitat quantity (acres) within a given area at a given point in time. Average Annual Habitat Units represent the average number of Habitat Units within any given year over the project life for a given area.