Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) Overview

Priority Project List: 2

Sponsors: NMFS, LDNR

Parishes: St. Mary

AT-02 General Project Fact Sheet (PDF 1.65 MB)
AT-02 General Project Fact Sheet - High Quality (PDF 3.90 MB)
AT-02 Monitoring Plan (PDF 877 KB)
AT-02 Progress Report 1 - Part 1 (PDF 3.07 MB)
AT-02 Progress Report 1 - Part 2 (PDF 1.96 MB)
AT-02 Adaptive Management Review Final Report (PDF 1.62 MB)
AT-02 AMR Workshop Presentation (PDF 537 KB)
AT-02 Environmental Assessment (PDF 31.7 MB)
AT-02 Wetland Value Assessment (PDF 3.31 MB)
CWPPRA Adaptive Management Review Final Report (PDF 293 KB)
AT-02 Project Managers' Technical Fact Sheet (HTML)

Spot Imagery 1993
At-02 1994,1997,1998, and 2000 habitat anaysis
(PDF 12.3 MB)
1994-97 and 1997-98 AT-02 Habitat Change Analyses Figure - 8.5x11
(PDF 593 KB)
AT-02 1994 1997 & 1998 Habitat Analyses Figure - 8.5x11
(PDF 517 KB)
AT-02 1994&97 Land/Water Change Analysis Figure
(PDF 586 KB)
AT-02 1994 and 1997 Land/Water Analyses Figure
(PDF 411 KB)
AT-02 1994 1997 & 1998 Aerial Photography Figure - 8.5x11
(PDF 591 KB)
AT-02 2000 Photomosaic
(PDF 22.9 MB)

Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 1994 Mosaic
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 1997 Mosaic
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 1994 Land/Water
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 1997 Land/Water
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 1994 Habitat
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 1997 Habitat
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 2000 Mosaic
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 1998 Habitat
Atchafalaya Sediment Delivery (AT-02) 2000 Habitat

Wetland Value Assessment:
Project Area (acres): 4248
Average Annual Habitat Units*: 777
Acres Created / Restored: 2200
Acres Protected: 32
Total Net Acres: 2232
* Habitat Units represent a numerical combination of habitat quality (Habitat Suitability Index) and habitat quantity (acres) within a given area at a given point in time. Average Annual Habitat Units represent the average number of Habitat Units within any given year over the project life for a given area.