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SPIRES-CEDRDFS: FIND DATASET RFCHMW01 * 09/15/08 18:55:06 ETR Select of CEDRDFS successful
DFS:  RFCHMW01 Name:  Rocky Flats Plant Complex Chemical Working Data

See files associated with RFCHMW01

For futher information, contact:

Wallace, Phil
  Documentation Provider
  (423)  576-3142
  Fax: 576-9557

Robertson, Janeen
  Los Alamos National Laboratory
  Los Alamos, NM  87545

Barnes, Jan
  Principal Investigator
  Los Alamos National Laboratory
  Los Alamos, NM  87545

Number of data files:  5


This working data file set, prepared by Los Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL), consists of 5 files that include information about worker
locations, operations performed, and results of samples indicating
workplace exposures to various chemicals at the Rocky Flats Plant.

Rocky Flats workers were exposed to complex mixtures of chemicals and
radioactive materials, such as plutonium. The exposure to such a mixture
of possible carcinogens may produce adverse health effects. The purpose
of the Complex Chemical study was to examine the feasibility of
estimating individual worker's exposures to such complex mixtures of
chemicals, so that the estimated exposures would be useful for
epidemiologic studies. The study attempted to use information found in
records about chemical purchases, work areas, and plant operations to
assess individual chemical exposures. A general methodology was
developed and applied to a small pilot population of Rocky Flats

This data file set is comprised of an agent dictionary file (AGENT), a
detailed sample file (DETSAMP), a general sample results file (GENSAMP),
a linking file for persons exposed (EXPOSED), and a sample results file

Date Added: 01/13/1999