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Do you believe reforming America's health care system should be a top priority?


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Do you support voting rights for the District of Columbia?

Yes, full voting rights comparable to states with two Senators and a member of the House of Representatives.
Yes, but only one member of the House of Representatives.
No, only the non-voting Member they have currently.
No, DC should have no federal voting rights.
Not sure.

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Do you support legislation that would provide tax incentives for the production of renewable energy and energy conservation?

Not sure.

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Do you believe that states should be allowed to set their own automobile emissions standards?

Yes, but there should also be federal minimum standards.
Yes, automobile emissions standards should be set by the individual states alone.
No, there should only be a single federal standard for automobile emissions.
No, there should not be any automobile emissions standards at all.
Not sure.

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Do you support an increase in funding for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)?

Not sure.

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