The Grantsmanship Center
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It’s more than grant seeking and proposal writing: It’s about those you help every day. And what they need. We ask the tough questions that will help you to create programs that get funded, stay funded and are aligned with your mission. For more than 35 years, we’ve trained more than 110,000 nonprofit leaders on the front lines, committed to making a difference in their communities. We welcome you to join us.

Alumni of The Grantsmanship Center who learned about proposal writing.

The Grantsmanship Training Programsm was the first grants training ever offered. Designed for both the novice and the experienced grantseeker, this intensive 5-day workshop combines expert instruction with practical exercises to take you step-by-step through all the stages of planning programs, locating funding sources, and writing grant proposals. Participants' current needs and programs are the basis of all class research and proposal writing exercises. Graduates of this workshop also receive a full year of membership services, which include access to online funding databases, discounts on publications, a proposal review by your trainer, and more.

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Earned Income Strategies: From Assessment to Implementation is an intensive 3-day workshop that shows how to plan, finance, and develop viable earned income strategies- and how to do it utilizing activities your nonprofit already does. Using real-life examples, this workshop will help you sort through the issues involved in broadening your revenue stream, and let you decide if enterprise development is appropriate for your agency.

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Funding for research requires more than innovative ideas and research skills. When seeking grant support, the researcher must also articulate the significance of the proposed research and demonstrate knowledge about the field of interest in a grant proposal that will be convincing to reviewers.

The Research Proposal Workshop offered by The Grantsmanship Center focuses on the process of communicating the key elements of successful research proposals to the reviewer and the funding agency. Topics include structuring research aims and significance statements, means of accomplishing and evaluating the research, abstracts, information about the researcher, and the process of submitting the proposal to potential grantmakers.

The Research Proposal Workshop was designed to be most beneficial for faculty and post-doctoral fellows working in science, social sciences and humanities.

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The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) means billions of dollars in new grant opportunities for nonprofit organizations, counties, and municipalities. That short-term stimulus package, however, is only a part of the overall federal grant making effort. More than $300 billion in federal grants are awarded each year.

Competing for Federal Grants will equip you with the skills you need to develop proposals that will be competitive at the national level. The training is designed for all who need to:

  • Understand federal funding programs.
  • Read and interpret application guidelines.
  • Assess whether it makes sense to enter a particular competition.
  • Assemble a workplan for proposal development.
  • Develop effective, well-documented arguments.
  • Assemble proposals that follow guidelines and respond to the funder's requirements.

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