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John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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09/18/08 - Blood Drive on Saturday

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ike, many of our neighbors are in critical need of blood donations, but Houston blood supplies are low due to hurricane evacuations and power outages. It is estimated that around 900 blood donations are needed every day to keep up with current demand.

On Saturday, September 20, along with the American Red Cross, we will be coordinating a blood drive at Memorial City Mall from 12 noon to 6 p.m. at the ice skating rink entrance located off Gessner.

Donating blood takes about one hour of your time, and you must be at least 17 years of age, a minimum of 110 pounds, and in basic good health. For more information on donating blood, click here.

There is no substitute for blood, and your donation could help save multiple lives.

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family during this difficult time. Please do not hesitate to contact my office at 713-682-8828 if you need any assistance with a federal agency.

09/12/08 - Update on Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike has remained on its predicted path and appears to be slowly gaining strength. Currently, Ike is a strong category 2, but could move into a category 3 hurricane by landfall. The Houston area can expect to begin seeing impacts of the storm beginning late this afternoon, with hurricane force winds expected to hit between 7-10 P.M. tonight. We will see heavy rainfall, widespread power outages and severe damage from debris.

Please take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family from these powerful winds. Secure your home, close storm shutters, and secure outdoor objects, like patio furniture, or bring them indoors. Turn off propane tanks and avoid using your landline phone, except for serious emergencies. Make sure you have provisions for AT LEAST 72-hours after the storm strikes, including food and water as well as other needed supplies, including a battery powered radio to get information if electricity is out. For more information on hurricane preparedness, click here. here.

09/12/08 - Hurricane Ike Update

The eye of Hurricane Ike is poised to cross the west end of Galveston Island late tonight, and then head north/northwest across the Houston area. This will be one of, if not the, most destructive storms to hit the Houston-Galveston area since the Great Storm of 1900. All of Galveston Island is predicted to be under water for about 12 hours, submerged by a 20 foot tidal surge with 12-15 foot waves. Texas City will also suffer severe flooding if not complete submersion. Everyone along Galveston Bay must evacuate immediately.

West and northwest Houston will have a lot of rain and strong winds for most of the night. District 7 residents need to stay indoors, while residents of east and southeast Harris County and all of Galveston County need to evacuate. District 7 and all of Houston will suffer significant power outages, so be prepared to be without power for a period of time.

07/22/08 - Energy Town Hall Tonight

Dear Friends,

I hope this email finds you well! Please join me this evening at 7:30 p.m. CDT, when I will be hosting a live Internet town hall meeting, which you can watch here on my website: (

Tonight, my special guest will be Dan Naatz, the Vice President of Federal Resources from the Independent Petroleum Association of America. Feel free to ask a question using the chat box and join in our discussion.

I have asked Mr. Naatz to join me and discuss the energy problems we are facing. I have heard from many of you over the past few months, expressing your concerns and frustrations regarding record gas prices, untility bills, and food costs, and the difficulties you and your families are facing as a result of these price spikes.

07/15/08 - Culberson Hosts TeleTown Hall Tonight on Website at 7 p.m. CDT

Dear Friends,

Over the past few weeks, I have been leading the charge to bring more transparency and accountability to our government. New technology and social media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter, Qik, and YouTube, allow you to engage your representatives directly in Washington and maintain an open and honest dialogue with them. My efforts to spread sunshine through Congress have been reported by the New York Times, CNN, The Sunlight Foundation, AOL, The Houston Chronicle, and several blogs.

As the first representative to communicate with my constituents from the House floor via the instant messaging site, I welcome ideas, feedback, or suggestions from constituents. All of my posts are personal, unfiltered, and straightforward. You can also find me on, where I record videos and interviews of the daily business in Congress and stream the footage live to the Internet.

06/10/08 - Mars Exploration

Dear Friends,

In the midst of my work to expand the zero tolerance policy for illegal aliens all the way to the mouth of the Rio Grande, and to open up drilling and production of domestic oil and gas fields, I am also working this week on the Appropriations Bills for Homeland Security and for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, NASA and Science. I am very passionate about balancing the budget while focusing our limited resources on the essentials like national security, border security, and critical infrastructure, but I never forget the vital importance of investing in medical and scientific research, including our nation's space program.

I am sending you this second e-mail in case you want to witness a very interesting event on Monday morning. At 10 a.m. CDT, if you log onto you will be able to watch me broadcast a portion of the weekly meeting of the Mars Rover scientists and engineers as they decide where and when they will drive the Opportunity Rover on the surface of the Red Planet. The Rover is on the edge of a huge crater which has exposed multiple layers of ancient Martian soil. The Mars Science Operating Working Group, led by Principal Investigator Steve Squyres, will review the latest data and photographs, decide and design the next moves of the spacecraft, and then run simulations with computer graphics to ensure the spacecraft can perform the movements without getting into trouble. (See, look at the Opportunity Rover).

04/28/08 - Congressman Culberson Conducts TeleTown Hall Meetings

Dear Friend:

Over the next few months, I will be conducting live town hall meetings by telephone, and I hope you will participate if you are called. This new technology allows thousands of randomly selected District 7 residents to participate in a live, interactive conference call. It is a unique opportunity for me to contact you directly and hear your views on issues that are important to you.

04/08/08 - Culberson to Appear on Lou Dobbs Tonight

Congressman John Culberson will be a guest on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight, discussing the Democrats’ attempt to stop construction of the border fence. Acting on the influence of environmental interest groups, 14 House Democrats (including 8 committee chairmen) are seeking to overturn the 2005 House and Senate approved waiver of environmental restrictions to building the fence.

The fate of 470 miles of border fence is in the balance, as these members of Congress are doing everything in their power to stop its construction. Please watch Congressman Culberson on Lou Dobbs Tonight, as he discusses the importance of the fence and why Democrats should answer Americans’ call for a secure border and drop their appeal.

12/29/07 - Border Security Update

Dear Neighbor:

I hope you and your family are enjoying this holiday season and preparing to celebrate the New Year. I wanted to share a good article about an important law enforcement program being implemented along the border called “Operation Streamline.” This program is producing immediate and tangible results in the fight to secure our borders.

Even though border security is far and away the number one issue for Houstonians, our hometown paper – the Houston Chronicle – refuses to cover any story that does not fit their open borders agenda. This story in today’s Washington Times accurately describes the work I am doing to restore law and order to the border by enforcing existing law with zero tolerance. This new policy enjoys the full support of the local community and the local congressmen.

12/22/07 - District 7 Update

Dear District 7 Neighbor,

I have great news to share with you during this holiday season. Congress just adjourned for the year, and despite our minority status, Republicans stuck together to achieve victory. As a result, Congress spent less money, the border will be more secure, 20 million Americans will be spared from an enormous tax increase, and needy children will get to keep their health insurance.

Late yesterday afternoon, Congress passed a government funding bill that reduces federal spending by $22 billion from what the Democrat majority proposed. It also contains no restrictions or timetables on our men and women in uniform, so our troops have the freedom they need to win the war in Iraq and come home as soon as they believe it is safe to do so.


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