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Contact: Staff Assistant Katie Brindell
Phone: 202-225-2571
Date: 07/13/09

Votes for the week of July 13


H.R. 1044 - Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial Enhancement Act. This bill would authorize the Secretary of Interior to take over administration of the Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial, near Concord, California, as a unit of the National Park Service (NPS). The bill would require the Secretary of the Defense to determine that the five acre National Memorial is no longer needed by the military before it is transferred. The bill would also require the Secretary of the Defense to perform any and all necessary environmental remediation actions. It is estimated that it would cost $200,000 annually for the NPS to operate this park. YES – The bill passed 415 – 3. 

H.R. 934 - To convey certain submerged lands to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana.  This bill would provide the Northern Mariana Islands with the same ownership and jurisdiction over offshore submerged lands as has been provided to other United States territories like Guam. Additionally, the legislation provides a less formal mechanism for the Governor to raise issues with the federal government than the current procedures agreed upon in the covenant that established the Commonwealth in political union with the United States. YES – The bill passed 416 – 0.

H.R. 762
- To validate final patent number 27-2005-0081.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) asked the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in 2001 to consider a change in the lease boundary to maintain desert tortoise habitat connectivity with Mormon Mesa Critical Habitat Unit and proceed with the development of a private facility. This bill would ratify the process used by the FWS and the BLM as well as the Army Corps of Engineers’ permit for the reconfiguration of lands in Clark County and Lincoln County, Nevada, to help protect and facilitate the recovery of desert tortoises. YES – The bill passed 413 – 0.


H.R. 1442 - To provide for the sale of the Federal Government's reversionary interest in approximately 60 acres of land in Salt Lake City, Utah. This bill would direct the Secretary of the Interior to sell approximately 60 acres of land to the Mount Olivet Cemetery Association of Salt Lake City, Utah, within one year of an appraisal of the land. YES – The bill passed 422 – 0.


H.R. 129 - To authorize the conveyance of certain National Forest System lands in the Los Padres National Forest in California. This bill would direct the Secretary of the Agriculture to sell approximately 5 acres of land in Santa Barbara County, California, to the White Lotus Foundation. Due to the encroachment of a yoga studio onto a national forest owned by the White Lotus Foundation (which did not have any knowledge of the encroachment when it purchased the facility), the bill would make it possible for the foundation to purchase those acres from the FS. COST: CBO – the bill would have "no significant impact on the federal budget." YES – The bill passed 422 – 0.


H.R. 2188 - Joint Ventures for Bird Habitat Conservation Act. This bill would require the Secretary of the Interior to establish a Joint Ventures Program through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to provide financial and technical support to migratory bird conservation partnerships. There are already 21 public and private joint ventures that support migratory bird habitat protection in the U.S. and four in Canada. COST: CBO – the bill would have "a negligible effect on the federal budget." YES – The bill passed 400 – 0.


H.R. 409 - To provide for the conveyance of certain Bureau of Land Management land in the State of Nevada to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. The bill would require the Secretary to complete an appraisal of 115 acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands for sale to the Speedway for parking lot expansion. After the appraisal is complete, BLM would be required to sell the land to the Speedway at the appraised cost, with the Speedway paying for all costs of the transfer. COST: $10-$20 because it allows BLM to spend the proceeds for land acquisition without further appropriations. YES – The bill passed 406 – 0.


H.R. 1018 - Restore Our American Mustangs Act (5 minutes)NO. This bill would authorize $310 million to amend the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act to require that wild horses and burros be considered an “integral part of the natural system” on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service (FS) public lands, not just on the areas where they were found when the Act was passed in 1971. Additionally, the bill prohibits the commercial processing of these animals and confinement for only six months. Some of the more notable provisions are listed below:

·         Expansion: Expands habitat for wild horses and burros by approximately 19 million acres by considering them an 'integral part of the natural system' on additional federal lands.

·         Census: Requires the Secretary to maintain an inventory of wild and free-roaming horses and burros on public lands and update the inventory every two years to determine if a “thriving natural ecological balance” exists with regards to the population of wild horses and burros on public lands.

·         Contraception: Requires the BLM to research, develop, and implement enhanced fertility control for mares and/or stallions.

·         Adoption: Animals can only be removed if the BLM has exhausted all practicable options for maintaining a thriving natural “ecological balance” and as long as the Secretary has determined that an adoption demand exists. Additionally, the bill requires the Secretary to develop marketing strategies for the adoption program, explore public outreach opportunities, provide resources to properly screen and train, develop a volunteer mentor and compliance check program for assisting the agency in facilitating successful adoptions; and develop a program through which potential adopters may be offered an economic incentive for successful completion of the adoption program.

·         Destruction: Prohibits the destruction of wild free-roaming horses or burros unless the wild free-roaming horse or burro is terminally ill or fatally injured (loosely defined in the bill).

·         Cooperative agreements: The bill will authorize the Secretary to enter into cooperative agreements with owners of private property.

·         Joint Advisory Board: Expands the make up of the board to include 12 total members including; at least three representatives of the livestock industry, three representatives of the environmental community, three representatives of the animal protection community; and three scientists with expertise in wildlife management, animal husbandry, or natural resource management.

·         Slaughter: Subject fines of up to $2,000 or imprisonment for up to one year, for any person who processes, transports for processing, or permits to be processed into commercial products a live or deceased wild free-roaming horse or burro. (Sponsored by Rep. Rahall / Natural Resources Committee)

Hastings (WA) Amendment to H.R. 1018. This amendment would prohibit the commercial slaughter of wild horses and burros and would cost $500,000 annually.  NO – The amendment failed 74 – 348.

H.R. 3183 - Energy and Water Appropriations Act of FY 2010. The bill provides $33.3 billion in total funding. This is funding in addition to the $38.7 billion provided to the Department of Energy (DOE) in the “stimulus” bill.  This bill provides DOE with $26.9 billion. The bill increases research and development for both renewable energy and nuclear power, while supporting clean coal initiatives and other clean technologies, such as geothermal, solar and wind power.  The bill restores the Next Generation Nuclear Plant program, which will receive $245 million.  The bill also includes additional funding for the Fusion Energy Sciences program within the Office of Science.  The bill contains $196.8 million for the Yucca Mountain repository, which is a significant cut to the Yucca Mountain program, essentially terminating the program. $43 million is included in the bill to administer the Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program, which funds investments in renewable and low-emissions energy. The bill provides $5.5 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers. This will help address water needs across this country, including flood and storm damage reduction, navigation projects, hydropower projects, and ecosystem restoration. The bill contains $1 billion for the Bureau of Reclamation at the Department of Interior. This funding is intended to help manage, develop and protect our nation’s water resources. NO – The bill passed 320 – 97.


Pastor Amendment to H.R. 3183 - The Manager’s Amendment prohibits funds in the bill from being used for the purchase of any passenger car that is not manufactured by Ford, General Motors, or Chrysler.  The amendment would also prohibit funds from being made available for the purchase of light bulbs that are not “Energy Star” qualified or do not have the “Federal Energy Management Program” designation. NO – The amendment passed 261 – 172.


Connolly Amendment to H.R. 3183 - Increases funding for USACE construction by $7 million and reduces funds for USACE expenses by the same amount.  According to the sponsor’s office, the funds would be used for the USACE’s Chesapeake Bay Oyster Restoration program. YES – The amendment passed 362 – 69.


Hastings (WA) Amendment to H.R. 3183 - Makes $5 million in funds appropriated for the Bureau of Reclamation available to implement the installation of hydroelectric facilities identified in a report authorized under the Energy and Policy Act of 2005. YES – The amendment passed 432 - 0


Boren Amendment to H.R. 3183 - Increases funds for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy account for the vehicles technology program by $5 million and reduces funds for the DoE’s Departmental Administration by the same amount. YES – The amendment passed 429 - 4.


Miller (MI) Amendment to H.R. 3183 - Increases funds for the Energy and Efficiency and Renewable Energy account by $10 million for the Water Power Program and reduces funding for the DoE’s Departmental Administration by the same amount. YES – The amendment passed 431 – 1.


Heinrich Amendment to H.R. 3183 - Authorizes national security laboratories to dedicate 7 percent of each lab’s budget to Laboratory Directed Research and Development.  According to the sponsor’s office, the Laboratory Directed Research and Development allows laboratories to pursue high-risk, high-reward research to support energy and homeland security priorities.  Under the legislation, national security laboratories may dedicate 6 percent of their budgets to Laboratory Directed Research and Development. YES – The amendment passed 424 - 0, 1 Present.


Cao Amendment to H.R. 3183 - Reduces the amount of time for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to provide a report to Congress regarding streamlined issuance of construction for new nuclear reactors from 90 days to 60 days. YES – The amendment passed 423 - 1.


Blackburn Amendment to H.R. 3183 - Cuts all funding in the bill by 5 percent. YES – The amendment failed 167 - 259.


Campbell Amendment #2 to H.R. 3183 - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the South Jersey Wind Turbines project and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $500,000. NO – The amendment failed  


Flake Amendment #1 to H.R. 3183 -  Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Maret Center project and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $1.5 million. NO – The amendment failed 89 – 338.


Flake Amendment #3 to H.R. 3183  - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $1 million. NO – The amendment failed 89 – 335.


 Flake Amendment #4 to H.R. 3183  - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Ethanol from  - Agriculture project and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $500,000. NO – The amendment failed 102 – 318.


Flake Amendment #5 to H.R. 3183  - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Fort Mason Center Pier 2 Project and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $2 million. NO – The amendment failed 125 – 301.  


Flake Amendment #10 to H.R. 3183  - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Whitworth University Stem Equipment project and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $300,000. NO – The amendment failed 81 – 341.


Flake Amendment #11 to H.R. 3183  - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Boston Architectural College’s Urban Sustainable Initiative project and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $1.6 million. NO – The amendment failed 111 – 316.


Hensarling Amendment #1 to H.R. 3183 - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Energy Conservation and Efficiency Upgrade of HVAC project in New York and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $500,000. NO – The amendment failed 133 – 290.


Hensarling Amendment #2 to H.R. 3183 - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Pier 36 removal project in California and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $6.2 million. NO – The amendment failed 128 – 299.   


Hensarling Amendment #5 to H.R. 3183 - Prohibits funds from being used for an earmark for the Automated Remote Electric and Water Meters in South River project and reduces the overall amount of the appropriation by $500,000. NO – The amendment failed 119 – 308.   


H.Res. 476 - Celebrating the 30th anniversary of June as "Black Music Month" YES - That the House of Representatives celebrates the 30th anniversary of 'Black Music Month'.” YES – This bill passed 418-0.


H.R. 402 - The "William C. Tallent Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic" Designation Act - To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Knoxville, Tennessee, as the "William C. Tallent Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic" YES – This bill passed 419-0.


H.R. 1037 - Pilot College Work Study Programs for Veterans Act - This bill would establish a five-year pilot program to expand the scope of qualifying work-study activities available at educational institutions for veterans. Qualifying work-study positions may include positions as tutors or research, teaching, or lab assistants, positions in financial services, campus orientation, admissions, records, etc. YES – This bill passed 422-0.


H.Res. 469 - Honoring the life of Wayman Lawrence Tisdale – Gratitude to Wayman Lawrence Tisdale for his exceptional character and for the example that he served as a testament to the powers of positive thinking. YES – This bill passed 418-0.


H.Res. 612 - Expressing the profound sympathies of the House of Representatives for the victims of the tragic Metrorail accident on Monday, June 22, 2009, and for their families, friends, and associates - Expresses its profound sympathies for the victims of the tragic Metrorail accident on Monday, June 22, 2009, and for their families, friends, and associates. YES – This bill passed 421-0.


H.Res. 543, Expressing support for the designation of June as “Home Safety Month” This resolution encourages adults, parents and caregivers to take greater actions to reduce unintentional injuries in the home and educate themselves about home safety.  It also encourages manufacturers to develop safety products and encourages governments to support funding for home safety education.  H.Res. 543 does not authorize any funds.  YES – The resolution passed 416-9.


Price (R-GA) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment removes all $4.2 million in funding for the President’s Council of Economic Advisers.  This amendment brings funding for the CEA back to the FY2009 level.  YES – The amendment failed 146-279.


Emerson (R-MO) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment reduces funding for the Help America Vote Act Election Reform Programs by $50 million, from $100 million to $50 million.  The programs provide funds to States to replace voting systems and improve election administration.  The amendment brings funding for HAVA in line with the President’s budget request.  YES – The amendment failed 172-250.


Blackburn (R-TN) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment reduces overall appropriations for the bill by 5 percent. ($1.2 billion)  The current funding level is 6.4% more than last year.  YES – The amendment failed 184-247.


Broun (R-GA) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funding made available in this bill from paying the salaries of the Assistant to the President on Energy and Climate Change, the Deputy Assistant to the President on Energy and Climate Change, or any position in the Council on Environmental Quality.  YES – The amendment failed 149-282.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the small business incubator project of the University of West GeorgiaThis amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 89-342.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Commercial Driver Training Institute project.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 115-314.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Proof of Concept Center of Idaho TechConnect.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 94-336.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Greenstone Group project of the Northeast Entrepreneur Fund.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 93-337.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Green Business Incubator project.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 114-318.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Activity Based Total Accountability project, which studies and improves government accountability.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 102-326.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Commercial Kitchen Business Incubator project.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 120-311.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Defense Procurement Assistance Program of the Economic Growth Connection of Westmoreland.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 119-312.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Myrtle Beach International Trade and Conference Center.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 99-332.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the Tech Belt Life Sciences Greenhouse project of the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 104-325.


Flake (R-AZ) Amendment to H.R. 3170 – This amendment prohibits funds from being used for the infrastructure expansion project to promote small business of the City of Loma Linda and the City of Grand Terrace, California.  This amendment represents no real budgetary savings and allows the funds to be recycled to other programs.  NO – The amendment failed 74-356.


Passage of H.R. 3170, FY2010 Financial Services Appropriations – This spending bill contains $24.2 billion in funding.  While I support reasonable funding levels for the Department of the Treasury, the Judiciary, and related agencies, I oppose this bill’s 7.1 % increase over last year’s funding levels.  Over the past two years, this bill has received an overall increase of 52%.  In a time of record deficits and debt, we cannot continue to spend taxpayer money at this unprecedented level.  The bill also contained several controversial provisions including: allowing taxpayer dollars to fund abortion and needle exchanges; eliminating the ban on medical marijuana in the District of Columbia; reducing funding for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program; and failing to address the massive costs and policy flaws associated with the Troubled Asset Relief Program.  As a member of the Financial Services Appropriations Subcommittee, I offered an amendment during committee markup to redirect repaid TARP funds to pay down the burgeoning deficit but the amendment failed.  NO – The bill passed 219-208.


H.Res. 476 - Celebrating the 30th anniversary of June as "Black Music Month" YES – The resolution passed





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