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Contact: Communications Director Megan Mitchell
Phone: 202-225-2571
Date: 06/08/09

Berman Amendment to H.R. 2410 – the Foreign Relations Authorization Act - This manager’s amendment 1) Includes language stating that “Nothing in this section….shall be construed as affecting in any way existing statutory prohibitions against abortion or existing statutory prohibitions on the use of funds to engage in any activity or effort to alter the laws or policies in effect in any foreign country concerning the circumstances under which abortion is permitted, regulated, or prohibited.”  I am opposed to this language because it does nothing to correct the language in the underlying bill promoting oversees abortion.  2) Adds language regarding the death gratuity payment for surviving dependents if the FSO is killed by a terrorist act; 3) Adds a sense of Congress that the Secretary of State should appoint a coordinator to help implement the International Nuclear Fuel Bank to ensure countries have a supply of fuel for nuclear energy and do not have to enrich uranium.  The amendment establishes fines and imprisonment sentences for violations of this; 4) Requires a report on plans of agencies or departments to streamline US export controls; 5) Increases penalties for illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons to countries in the Western Hemisphere; 6) Authorizes the Secretary of State to develop and implement a system to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of US foreign assistance; and 7) Includes a statement of Congress on the 26-year conflict in Sri Lanka.  NO – The amendment passed 257-171.

Ros-Lehtinen Amendment to H.R. 2410 – the Foreign Relations Authorization Act -  The amendment would require the Secretary of State to withhold $4,472,100 from the International Atomic Energy Agency this year, which is equal to the nuclear assistance provided to Iran, Syria, Sudan, and Cuba in 2007.  YES – The amendment failed 205-224.

McCaul Amendment to H.R. 2410 – the Foreign Relations Authorization Act - The amendment would direct the President to develop and transmit to Congress a comprehensive interagency strategy and implementation plan to address the crisis in Sudan. This includes a description of how to resolve the conflict in Darfur, how to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan, and other issues regarding peace and security in Sudan.  YES – The amendment passed by a unanimous vote.

Larsen / Kirk Amendment to H.R. 2410 – the Foreign Relations Authorization Act - The amendment states that it shall be the policy of the US that the President, along with other Departments and the UN representatives, to ensure compliance with, and enforcement of, existing international legal requirements to protect intellectual property rights related to energy or environmental technology.  YES – The amendment passed by a unanimous vote.

Brown-Waite Amendment #10  to H.R. 2410 – the Foreign Relations Authorization Act - The amendment would strike Section 505, the domestic release of the Voice of America film entitled “A Fateful Harvest.”  This film is already available on  YES – The amendment failed 178-254.

Royce Amendment to H.R. 2410 – the Foreign Relations Authorization Act - The amendment adds a Sense of Congress relating to Eritrea.  It finds that Eritrea has repeatedly supported terrorists in Somalia with links to al-Qaeda, and that the UN Sanctions Monitoring Group on Somalia reported in 2007 that huge quantities of arms have been provided to Somalia by Eritrea.  The amendment includes a Sense of Congress that: Eritrea’s ongoing support for armed insurgents in Somalia poses a threat to the national security interests of the US and East African nations; the Secretary of States should designate Eritrea as a State Sponsor of Terrorism; and the UN Security Council should impose sanctions against Eritrea.  YES – The amendment passed 183-245.

Kirk Amendment to H.R. 2410 – the Foreign Relations Authorization Act - The amendment allows the Secretary of State to reward, via payments from the Rewards for Justice Program, an officer who provides information on high-profile terrorists.  YES – The amendment passed 428-3.

H.R. 2410 - Foreign Relations Authorization Act -
This bill authorizes a dramatic increase in funding for the State Department, the Peace Corps, international activities, international assistance programs, and related agencies.  CBO estimates it will cost $40.6 billion over five years.  The authorized funding level for FY2010 is 12% over FY2009.  The bill would increase State Department's salary accounts by 35 percent over last year.  It also increases US contributions to the UN by approximately 32% over FY09 levels without requiring any reforms.  I opposed this bill because it mandates a vast expansion of bureaucracy and spending.  It adds billions of dollars in new funding and creates 20 new government entities (such as offices, foundations, programs, and working groups).  NO – The bill passed 235-187.

Republican Substitute to H.R. 1886 - Pakistan Enduring Assistance and Cooperation Enhancement Act - This substitute amendment would authorize the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund (also included in the underlying bill) at a level of $700 million for FY2010.  It also requires the President to develop a comprehensive interagency strategy and implementation plan for long-term security in Pakistan.  The plan, developed by the President, will then be sent to Congress.  The legislation requires the President to brief the appropriate congressional committees on the status of the plan to eliminate safe havens and assist towards long-term security and stability.  Unlike H.R. 1886, this substitute will ensure that Congressional oversight and notification keeps pace with changing conditions on the ground and, in turn, changes in strategy and implementation.  YES – The substitute amendment failed 173-246.

H.R. 1886 - Pakistan Enduring Assistance and Cooperation Enhancement Act - This bill would prohibit military aid to Pakistan unless the president determines that the country is cooperating in dismantling nuclear supply networks and fighting terrorist groups.  It would require a GAO report if the president does so.  H.R. 1886 triples US assistance to Pakistan with an authorization of $1.5 billion annually between Fiscal Years 2010 and 2013, for economic and developmental assistance.  It also authorizes $300 million in Fiscal Year 2010, and such sums as may be necessary through 2013, in counterinsurgency and counterterrorism assistance, and authorizes $400 million in Fiscal Year 2010, for other security assistance to Pakistan.  I feel that the benchmarks laid out in this bill could hamper the ability of Pakistani generals to carry out their duties effectively.  As Secretary of Defense Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen wrote to the Armed Services Committee last month: ‘‘The degree of conditionality and limitations on security assistance to Pakistan’’ in H.R. 1886 ‘‘severely constrains the flexibility necessary for the Executive Branch and the Department of Defense given the fluid and dynamic environment that exists in Pakistan.’’  NO – The bill passed 234-185.

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