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Contact: Communications Director Megan Mitchell
Phone: 202-225-2571
Date: 05/11/09
Votes for the Week of May 11

H.R. 2101 - Weapons Acquisition System Reform Through Enhancing Technical Knowledge and Oversight Act of 2009.  This bill would make several changes to the acquisition procedures of how DOD acquires Major Defense Acquisition Programs. Specifically, the bill requires the Secretary to appoint officials to report to Congress on the acquisition functions of cost estimation, systems engineering, and performance assessments. The legislation also sets mandates to establish additional reviews, recommendations, and notifications to Congress for programs that have cost overruns of 25% or more. According to the GAO, DOD has $296 billion of cost growth on 96 major weapons systems. It is anticipated by the bills authors that just a small improvement in limiting cost overruns would save taxpayers billions. YES – This bill passed 428 – 0. 


H.Res. 377 - Recognizing Armed Forces Day and the exemplary service of the members of the United States Armed Forces. This bill would resolve that the House of Representatives: Honors and recognizes the service and sacrifice that members of the Armed Forces and their families gave, and continue to give, to the United States; Remains committed to supporting the members of the Armed Forces and their families; Encourages Americans to show their support and appreciation for members of the Armed Forces on Armed Forces Day; Commends the actions of private citizens and organizations who volunteer to support America's wounded warriors; and Expresses the gratitude of the American people to the members of the Armed Forces for their service on behalf of the United States.”  YES – This bill passed 420 – 0.


H.R. 2346 - Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2009. This bill provides a total of $96.7 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan as well as other federal agencies. The bill includes $1.5 billion for responding to H1N1 virus; $836.9 million for international peacekeeping activities; $3.2 billion for military construction, $3.1 billion for C-17 and C-130 transport aircraft; $4.8 billion for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles; and $600 million for F-22A aircraft. YES – This bill passed 368 – 60.


H.R. 347 - To grant the congressional gold medal, collectively, to the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, United States Army, in recognition of their dedicated service during World War II –YES – The bill passed 411-0.

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