U.S. Senator Bob Corker
United States Senator, Tennessee
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Issues & Legislation - Building Tennessee

Senator Corker supports a limited number of funding requests from Tennesseans during the annual congressional appropriations process.

Each of these requests goes through a rigorous vetting process during which the following standards are considered:

Federal Mission: Strong preference will be given to requests that have a justifiable link to a clear federal mission or be in response to a federal mandate.

Previously Authorized Federal Project: Strong preference will be given to requests that have been previously and specifically authorized in federal legislation.

Locally Supported: Requests submitted for consideration should have overwhelming support of local communities and should not simply be the priority of one group or individual. Additionally, letters of support from local government or community leaders are required for project consideration.

Sufficiency: Preference will be given to requests that would not occur but for the availability of federal funds.

Clear Project Plan: Each applicant submission must have a clear mission, goal and plan of implementation (if available).

Local Matching Funds: It is highly suggested that applicants include a substantial match of funds provided by the state or local government or private entities.

Clear Transparency: Our office will publically announce and make available all requests that our office has supported in addition to the existing requirements in Senate Rules.

No “Air Dropped” Projects: No requests that are made during conference committee consideration will be considered.

Local, State, or Federal Government Support: Strong preference will be given to requests that support a local, state, or federal government mission as opposed to a private industry or commercial endeavor.

Building Tennessee

  • FY2010 Request for Energy and Water Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforEnergyandWaterAppropriations.pdf | 9.4 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforLaborHealthandEducationAppropriations0.pdf | 8.0 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for Transportation, HUD Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforTransportationHousingandUrbanDevelopmentAppropriations.pdf | 10.9 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for Interior Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforInteriorAppropriations.pdf | 11.8 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for Homeland Security Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforHomelandSecurityAppropriations.pdf | 8.3 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for CJS Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforCJSAppropriations0.pdf | 9.4 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for State and Foreign Ops Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforStateandForeignOpsAppropriations.pdf | 7.5 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for Military Construction Authorization and Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforMilitaryConstruction.pdf | 8.6 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for FinancialServices and GeneralGovernment Appropriation
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforFinancialServicesandGeneralGovernmentAppropriations.pdf | 9.4 KBs

  • FY2010 Requests for Defense Authorization and Appropriations
    FiscalYear2010RequestsforDefenseAuthorizationandAppropriations.pdf | 21.2 KBs

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